Free Daily Horoscope - December 19 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: The morning's obstacles will be easily overcome by the end of the day. You might be surprised by the turning of the tide, but those who are watching you closely right now know what to expect.
● Finances: You make your decisions based on your emotions, even your financial decisions, but you're feeling completely empty. Don't let yourself be convinced to proceed anyway. It just means you shouldn't be making any decisions one way or another today. You'll be more likely to pick a winner once you sound less like a hollow drum.
● Love: The groundwork you've been laying -- settling your personal issues, making connections, being open to the myriad possibilities -- can start paying off now. Watch for a sweet new challenge.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Take care of as much off-hours business as you can before lunch -- you'll be in an extraordinarily practical state of mind early on, but will gradually lose focus through the afternoon. Then sit back and relax.
● Finances: You can talk about how you feel all you want but it won't make any difference. You're confirming what you've always known intuitively about a certain person -- their lack of concern for the people behind the money. Don't waste your breath treating them like a warm friend.
● Love: You've got a delicious forward momentum going on, but don't let it sweep you into a romantic situation where you're acting out of character. Keep moving, but exercise a little caution.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You will find yourself drawing on unexpected reserves of power and strength early in the day to make great progress. You'll get so far that you'll be able to take the afternoon off, or at least relax a little.
● Finances: Being tight with your cash is second nature to you now. All the things you used to think were so necessary are now so much excess clutter. Your life and soul are both cleaner for your efforts and your bank account is smiling back at you. You could not have adapted to adversity any more successfully, and today you realize that.
● Love: You tend to talk around things, which can be charming, but there's a certain sexiness to being utterly, compellingly straightforward. Look them directly in the eye and ask direct questions.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Spread the good word early in the day -- the people around you will be extremely receptive to your ideas. As the day wears on, you might want to withdraw a bit and listen to your inner voice.
● Finances: Your worries didn't double in a day so don't expect to halve them overnight. Every day is a new beginning and a new opportunity to make a dent in your bills. With faith in yourself comes the patience you need to know that you are slowly whittling away at it.
● Love: Got a crazy idea? Others are receptive to whatever you propose, so don't dismiss it as too much or not your style. In fact, doing something wild is favored by the stars -- and it'll get your heart pumping.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Take it easy through the day. Make sure you don't overextend yourself at any point, and try to make sure those closest to you get enough face-time to keep them happy. Planning would be good.
● Finances: If high bills usually make your blood boil, then your response today will be highly unusual because the numbers leave you cold. That's because you have a chance to reject the total if you choose to. This one is worth wrangling over, so get a good head of steam up over it.
● Love: You've got that urge to overindulge, and it won't rest until you satisfy it. Just overindulge in the right things -- friends, flirtation, fun -- and stay moderate with the rest of it.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Your mind is working at high speed, and good ideas are coming quickly toward you. Make sure to write them down -- but, better still, try to spread the word to your colleagues.
● Finances: Your family is there for you in so many ways you've lost count of them. But one of the most important is their ability to energize you to go back into the ring again and again. Call on them to do just that, because your finances have brought you to a low state. There's no reason to stay there.
● Love: You've been in a research and analysis mode with regard to something (or someone), and now you're especially detail oriented, so keep going. Hold off on acting, though -- communication's sticky at the moment.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: The early part of the day feels a little heavy -- maybe even a bit oppressive. But the atmosphere will quickly lift after lunch, and you'll find yourself filled with positive energy.
● Finances: You know how to appreciate the smaller things in life but you prefer not to do it out of a lack of other options. Start working on your way out of lean times. Where there is a will there is a way, and you definitely have the will. Don't get depressed if you don't see immediate progress.
● Love: Form an unexpected alliance -- make a friend out of a foe, a mentor out of an underling or a confidante out of an acquaintance. Switching up the roles others play gives you some delicious new ones to try on.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: You're the only one who can ensure that things go in the right direction. Your careful attention might go unnoticed at first -- after all, everyone's probably off today -- but it will ultimately save your business.
● Finances: With all the self-control you have to exert to keep yourself from overspending, you need to let go in some other area of life. Deep conversations late into the night or daydreaming for hours are just what the doctor ordered.
● Love: Acting on impulse seems alluring, and it's certainly worked for you in the past. But, there's more here than meets the eye and you'd be wise to find out what it is, then choose a course of action accordingly.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Your mind is roaming, but it can't seem to stretch out as far as usual. Don't let that worry you -- your horizons are about to open up in a big way. For now, focus on mundane issues.
● Finances: Your energy levels are different depending on the activity you are facing. You need to find a way to generate enthusiasm and excitement even for things you usually find dull. It's the best way for you to dig yourself out of your financial rut because the perfect situation isn't going to magically appear anytime soon.
● Love: You want to switch from an analytical mode to something bigger and better in the realm of romance, but you may end up mired in between. It's only temporary, so don't struggle.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: It's a fun, lightweight day for you and your peers if you're on office duty today. It's a good time to reach out to people you haven't contacted with in a while, especially in the late afternoon. Leave off serious business for a few days.
● Finances: You don't part with your money lightly, not even your loose change. So others may think you are overreacting when someone assumes you'll fork it over, but you know better than they do. Go with your instinct. It's your money to give away or keep as you see fit.
● Love: Flighty's usually one of the last words people would use to describe you, but not right now. In the realm of romance, this isn't necessarily a bad thing; you can meet lots of people and return to the worthy ones later.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You're spinning your wheels and wishing for greater action, but it won't come for a day or two. You can avoid wasting the day if you dive into research or advanced learning of some kind.
● Finances: The bottom line is more than a pesky detail to be overcome with the right attitude adjustment. What need adjusting are your funds, not your take on them. Be as practical as you can be today and come up with a plan of action that involves more than your feelings.
● Love: Change is in the air, and it's the electric kind that puts you most in your element. Others want to know what's going to happen, but you know how to revel in the fabulous uproar.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Your eye for aesthetics is refined now, so if you need to okay plans or designs off hours, get to them early. By the end of the day, that same openness might result in feelings of anxiety, but they'll dissolve soon.
● Finances: Consider yourself an artist with a blank canvas before you. You're creating your financial picture completely from scratch. Don't be overwhelmed by it, though. Be excited. It's a whole new world out there just waiting for you to make your mark on it.
● Love: Don't get too specific about anything when it comes to love. If someone wants to take you out, agree to a tentative date. It's all so changeable now, by the time it rolls around you may be otherwise entangled.