Free Daily Horoscope - December 12 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Now is a good time for you to pull back a little and reexamine your ambitions. You are more in touch with your deeper feelings and should be able to match them with your career aspirations.
● Finances: You're the first one to notice a glaring mistake. How you bring that to the attention of others makes all the difference in the world. You don't want to be shot simply for being the messenger. On the other hand, you could win more than just points by making it obvious.
● Love: The universe rewards selflessness now, so put your own romantic ambitions on the shelf and help someone else with theirs -- or just sow some general sweetness. Your love karma's looking great.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You and your peers will be of one mind regarding the big issue of the new workweek. It will be easy to present a common front if need be -- or just to move ahead rapidly if there's no trouble from above.
● Finances: You've been dragging your feet for almost too long. You can get a move on today or give up altogether. If you spend more than today figuring out which approach you want to take, then the decision will be made for you. A lot of money is involved, so think quickly.
● Love: Way-out ideas are in the stars; when's the last time you did something outrageous in the name of romance? Try speed dating or just talk to three attractive strangers. Bust out of your rut.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: It might be best to put off that memo or email. It will be hard for you to get your point across (after all, most people are enjoying a day off). Recipients will see and hear what they want rather than what you intend.
● Finances: Picking up on the secrets wishes of your friends has never been easier. If you could be this perceptive in the financial arena you could make a small fortune. You'll have to settle for giving advice instead, and for free to boot.
● Love: There's too much going on, even for someone who loves variety as much as you. Be creative in order to avoid misunderstandings while you wait for the situation to clarify.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Listen to your instincts even more closely than usual, as they are especially finely tuned right now. Facts are loose and people won't say what they mean, but your gut will not lead you astray.
● Finances: If you thought you had all the time in the world, by now you should realize just what a hurry you need to be in to get things done. Taking your time is out of the question. If you don't work quickly, even being thorough will have to be sacrificed so you can simply be on time.
● Love: You should have a 'do not operate heavy machinery' warning stuck to you. But while concrete tasks (and little details) elude you, you're very tuned into others and what's in your heart.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Your eye is sharp and you are well suited to reviewing designs or setting up your workspace so that it's easier on the eyes. Others might be confused, but you will see how to make things right.
● Finances: You're picking up a new trick or two as you go along. It's not just the money they save you that delights you, though. Simply learning about them is enjoyable. It reignites a passion for learning that you thought had gone out long ago. Who would have thought the spark could be something so lackluster.
● Love: Remember that first instinct you had about this situation -- the one you've since decided was perhaps premature? Perhaps it wasn't. Just don't discount it all together; your intuition's pretty darn good.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Stick with projects that are already in progress and try to defer anything new for another couple days at least. It won't be hard, as most supervisors and clients will be too distracted to notice.
● Finances: For someone whose purpose in life is to get and hold onto money, parting with it can be downright traumatic. You feel like you're living through your own wake right about now. It's a long, drawn out affair, too. You can count on two more days of sobbing.
● Love: Don't start any new little love projects -- that flirtatious email or sweet text message will go over a lot better tomorrow. Even if you play it safe, expect some crazy confusion.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: For now, it is best to take your eyes off of the big picture and drill down into the nitty-gritty of your day. The details will be harder to grasp than usual, but when you do, you'll know what to do next.
● Finances: You like knowing where your money goes. The biggest chunk you spend, though, is like watching a handful of seeds thrown into the wind. That makes it that much harder to write the check. You have no choice in the matter, though. As much as you wish things were one-on-one, they just aren't that personal.
● Love: It may just be one of those days -- you spill on your favorite shirt, your crush doesn't call, you get a rash -- but the more you try to remedy it, the crazier it gets. Lay low and wait it out.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Your dreams are set to collide with reality -- and knock reality out cold. It won't seem possible, but somehow you'll find your fantasy work situation come to pass before the weekend is over.
● Finances: If you've been putting off starting on something important, you may be thinking that today is as good a day as any to begin. That is underestimating the seriousness of your predicament. Two weeks ago was as good a day as any; now it is imperative. Make no mistake about it.
● Love: You, there -- standing around looking sultry at the intersection of fantasy and reality. Invite someone to join you at your favorite crossroads and see how they like it -- and how you like them.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You'll overhear a conversation about the good old days that will inspire you to rethink current procedures or policies. You won't need to roll everything back, but you will take the best the past has to offer.
● Finances: You usually don't bother crying over spilled milk, but today you get so many reminders of past mistakes that even you will start to crack. Don't kick yourself, though. You can get a lot more done by considering it a lesson learned.
● Love: Don't miss a romantic opportunity just because you're oddly spaced out. Go ahead and misplace your keys or be late for work, but tune in to the people you meet today.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Though you will be tempted at first to say no, eventually you will give in when a big request comes your way. It's not weakness -- if anything, this will be a turning point in your career.
● Finances: The amount of money you need for your family drives your career, even if you are a family of one. Don't think of it any other way. Considering them opposites just builds up resentment and gets in the way of making money, and you really don't need that.
● Love: Set your anxiety and self-criticism aside; you're very impressive, and in ways that you're not even aware of. Take compliments as they're meant -- positively -- and say thanks with confidence.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: When you go back to work tomorrow, take stock of any assets you share with other departments or teams. Perhaps you aren't getting your share, and you can set that right without ruffling any feathers if you do it quickly.
● Finances: This time of year makes you long for financial freedom. That's how it feels to you, anyway. What you really long for is freedom from the confines of this life. Don't confuse something so wise and lofty with something strictly tied to being human.
● Love: Wow -- you thought you were heading one direction, but suddenly you're going quite another way. Don't think of it as getting sidetracked -- this could be the best scenic detour ever.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Run your new ideas past your closest work peers before moving forward. You will get great advice and feedback, and almost certainly gain their support for when you make your pitch to your supervisors.
● Finances: You're deciphering a puzzle and quite enjoying the process. The bottom line won't excite you but finding it will. Have fun working your way through one mathematical maze after another. It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.
● Love: Your enigmatic, captivating allure is amped way up, and anyone who admires an abundance of heart can't help but be attracted to you now. Who needs escapism when life is this fabulous?