Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - December 17 2016


● General: Walking down memory lane today will be a distraction exercise.
● Love & Relationships: You can also count on the support of family members with whom you''ll have good relationships.
● Career: An exciting new project will help you learn to work in groups much more effectively.
● Lucky number : 63
● Best time of the day : 8h00


● General: If someone''s getting on your nerves, try that old trick of counting to ten before responding.
● Love & Relationships: All love affairs will be favored, and couple relationships will be without problems.
● Career:
● Career: wise, you''ll decide that business is business and will refuse to let sentiment interfere with it.
● Lucky number : 97
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: It''s perfectly normal to wonder if you''re doing the right thing for your age.
● Love & Relationships: Sure, it''s natural to think about how a certain romantic situation might evolve, but don''t get too carried away with your fantasy.
● Career: The temptation is there to work less and earn more, but it never works out that way.
● Lucky number : 71
● Best time of the day : 21h00


● General: Your sense of stubbornness is more firmly in place than ever.
● Love & Relationships: You don''t want distorted information getting back to your sweetheart.
● Career: Your finances will be rather unstable; you must refrain from expenses above your means.
● Lucky number : 7
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: Recent news requires a certain amount of discretion on your part, even with your darling.
● Love & Relationships: But long-standing lovers should beware of making impetuous and negative relationship decisions!
● Career: The urge to diversify doesn''t just apply to financial portfolios and retirement funds.
● Lucky number : 53
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: You''re feeling more social than you have in a while, and you''re making new connections with ease.
● Love & Relationships: Looks like a lazy day awaits you, so minimize both work and social obligations and veg your heart out.
● Career: Taking criticism is hard, but there are ways to deal with it so it actually benefits you and the work you''re presenting.
● Lucky number : 84
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: A few steps back and some time away clear your head.
● Love & Relationships: No, you''re not having deja vu -- you and your sweetheart are reliving a past situation.
● Career: Your mind will tend to be a little tortuous, and this may give rise to complications in your work as well as in your private life.
● Lucky number : 68
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: The more you''re interested in others, the more they''re interested in you.
● Love & Relationships: All those hours you spend channel surfing are hours you could have spent with people you love -- and guess what? You don''t get that time back, either.
● Career: Taking a risk when it comes to a communication matter is actually smarter than it appears.
● Lucky number : 33
● Best time of the day : 14h00


● General: If you want your latest idea to work, you must swallow your pride and ask for help.
● Love & Relationships: Are loved ones buttering you up? Are old opponents being more aggressive than usual? It''s a good time to be cautious and move with a measured tread.
● Career: Do some detective work today.
● Lucky number : 55
● Best time of the day : 22h00


● General: If all the world''s a stage, you''re definitely a star at the moment, and boy, do you look good in that spotlight.
● Love & Relationships: You''re the kind of person who likes to keep your private life private, but the stars have different plans for you and your sweetie pie.
● Career: There''s nothing you enjoy more than the feeling of a job well done, but this recent satisfaction might actually fuel your restlessness.
● Lucky number : 74
● Best time of the day : 22h00


● General: You''re especially adept at expressing yourself now, so take advantage of it in the realm of romance.
● Love & Relationships: It''s time to increase your attention to personal relationships.
● Career: Performing a feat of daring in the realm of romance not only feels exhilarating, it can work out pretty terrifically right about now.
● Lucky number : 55
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: You''re able to illuminate issues and motivate people to take positive, healing action.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll severely sort out your friends, and woe betide those who have not proved to be loyal! Your relationships with certain of your business contacts will be tense because of thorny money problems.
● Career: There won''t be a better time than this to carry out an important financial transaction or to solve a thorny money problem.
● Lucky number : 61
● Best time of the day : 14h00