Free Daily Horoscope - November 30 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Slow down -- quite a bit -- and make sure every step is thought through and implemented with care. You won't get very far by steamrollering over the opposition this time so try a new tactic.
● Finances: When it comes to spending money, something just makes you feel uneasy. You'd have to be unusually introspective to figure out what inner turmoil is causing your discomfort, and the bottom line is that it's good for your budget. So don't waste time naval gazing about money. Simply leave home without it.
● Love: Wanna get something started? No time like the present, especially when the stars are so much in your favor. Even a little effort (and daring) in the realm of romance pays off big-time now.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Your recent successes will draw high praise from those who know quality when they see it. Try not to let your ego bloom out of control -- a little good-natured modesty will go a long way.
● Finances: You're not feeling anything even remotely resembling passion when it comes to money. You could almost take it or leave it. In fact, you would leave it if it weren't for those nagging bills and the need for a roof over your head. Your desire to increase your wealth will return with a bit of time and patience. Think of it like a long marriage and endure the dry spell.
● Love: Clear your calendar of anything that sounds like a drag and put yourself first. Sometimes it's not about pursuit or what you're lacking, but relaxing and what you've got. Yay!
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: You need to make sure everyone feels that they've got your attention. Catch up on your correspondence, electronic and otherwise, even if it means putting off those who are hovering over your desk.
● Finances: You don't have any insight into what makes you tick, much less what makes the market tick. And without that certain feeling, you're better off not risking your money. No matter how much more calculating you do, without your heart in it, your money is out.
● Love: You're not known for your follow-through, and right now something (or someone) in the romantic realm is falling through the cracks. Make the calls, send the emails -- get caught up.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Your communication skills are sharp now, so if there is someone you've been neglecting or putting off, now is the time to get in touch. It's time to dust off your contact list and see who needs a little love.
● Finances: You're too shell shocked to do anything risky with your nest egg. You'd almost rather your money were under the mattress where you could keep a close eye on it. But a princess you are not, so don't kid yourself that you'd notice if it were growing or shrinking there. Let yourself get involved, but cautiously.
● Love: The road to romance can't always be smooth, and right now it's distinctly bumpy. Drive defensively and keep going -- you can avoid the biggest potholes without slowing down.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: It's a time of regularity, and it will be important for you to keep an even keel. Though you might get hit by an impulse or two as they day progresses, do your best to resist them.
● Finances: You can spend all of your emotional currency protecting yourself against phantom intruders or you could use it more productively. If you think rationally about the chances of being victimized, you should be able to sigh with relief. And if that doesn't do the trick, look for cryptic signs from the universe: No one is after your money today.
● Love: When you feel good, you look good -- even if your hair's a mess and you're just at the grocery store. Have fun with every little thing you do (it won't be hard), and keep your eyes and your heart open.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You are always great at finishing things, but right now you need to focus on beginnings. Now is the time to get cracking on that new project that you've been thinking of implementing.
● Finances: The ebb and flow of money are a mystery to you. Aren't you even the tiniest bit curious as to its cause? The universe is trying to communicate its reasons to you, but you've got your eyes closed and your ears plugged. If you had paid more attention, you'd be rich by now.
● Love: Could your personal philosophy of love use an update? Take a casual conversation to a more deep and meaningful place, and listen carefully for something your worldview's been missing.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: It's a great day for you to sneak out or call in -- you are actually doing yourself and your employer a great service by taking your mind off of work long enough for some recent changes to sink in.
● Finances: Your inner struggle is between keeping everything to yourself and giving away the shirt off your back. It's almost as if you don't realize there is a healthy middle ground. Not only do you not have to worry about those kinds of drastic changes, but there's no need to hurry any of the financial decisions to be made. Relax.
● Love: Your beautiful balancing act is admired far and wide; don't be surprised if you're hounded by rabid fans and autograph-seekers. Bestow your attention only on the most worthy.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You know more than you're letting on, as usual, but this time you can put the knowledge to good use to advance your agenda. Push forward on all fronts and watch the opposition wither.
● Finances: Without people, there is no money. So don't kid yourself by thinking you can continue pushing people away and still attract cash like some kind of financial magnet. Spend the day mending fences instead of burning bridges if you want to see a rebirth of your profitability.
● Love: They say that patience is a virtue, but you've never really quite believed it. If you wait a little, though, something that's eluding you will come quicker than if you try to chase it down.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Beware of coworkers who are a little too playful or teasing for your taste. It will be easy for you to let them drive you crazy, whereas on another day you might join in the hijinks.
● Finances: Your subconscious is active but it's not your imagination that's running in overdrive. Your moodiness is being fueled by old images that are floating before your inner projector. The shadow puppets are actually pulling your strings. You're better off alone than out and about, where you're bound to reach for your wallet for no apparent reason.
● Love: A romantic decision needs to be made, but don't rush it. You're in a thoughtful, analytical mode, so mull it over and talk it over with a friend. (Don't be surprised if they ask for some love advice from you, too.)
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Reach out to the home office or a distant satellite if you're already centralized. The farther you need to go to connect, the more valuable will be the ensuing discussion, so pull out all the stops.
● Finances: It's a bit late for making a major decision, but better late than never. You may have to pay a bit more for dragging your feet, but the penalties will be much worse if you continue to dawdle. Don't waste any more time mulling over the details. You know that's really only more procrastination.
● Love: If your recent romantic plans aren't going anywhere, consider a clean-slate approach. The stars say that what you start now will go further and faster than what you've been slogging away on.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Make sure you've got a lot of smarts on your side. Negotiations will be trickier than usual, and you won't be able to rely on your flashes of brilliance to save the day if things start to go south.
● Finances: Your financial race to the finish line may have slowed but you know the constants in life are still at your heels. Death and taxes never run out of steam, it seems. If they do nothing but inspire you to continue moving forward, then they will have proven themselves to be socially useful. Let them be your muse.
● Love: Keep working on getting those personal issues squared away, but don't be too hard on yourself. Expect to be loved for who you are, and give yourself the same acceptance you give others.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Your insights will be potent, so pay attention -- you can improve your working relationships quite dramatically if you take a little extra time to check in with the people you deal with every day.
● Finances: Whether you're a big fish in a little pond or just one of the guppies, it's time to get your ducks in order. That big, gray triangle you see on the horizon is swimming your way and to the tune of a popular movie. It's never too late to go over your business dealings extra carefully.
● Love: You're busy trying to balance your romantic matters, but it doesn't always work like that. When in doubt, put out more sweetness than you're taking in -- your love karma will thank you.