Free Daily Horoscope - November 27 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You don't have to close the deal today, so don't rush a customer or client into making a decision. Creating a strong connection is just as important.
● Finances: You're feeling very selfish -- but it's based on love. There is something or someone you just can't get enough of. Make sure that the way you pull strings to get your way is fair for everyone. You may not mind spending any amount of money to get whatever your heart desires, but you should regard the object of your desires instead.
● Love: Give your love karma a boost by putting somebody else first, whether it's a friend, a coworker, your mom... Every little thing you do comes back to you, so set the goodness in motion.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Confidence is everything, especially now. Keep it positive and everyone will come out ahead in this deal. Fortunately, you aren't one to buckle under pressure.
● Finances: Your whole routine is as dull as dirt and as dry as the desert. You could use something exciting for a change. Don't settle for a mirage, either. An oasis is up ahead, but you don't even want to wait for that. Use a Hollywood set as your inspiration and start building the scenery you need.
● Love: Get some good energy going -- take a walk and smile at strangers, or send a funny email to someone sweet. It only takes a small effort to break out of your usual routine right now -- and break into something fabulous.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Interrogate yourself. Examine what you want. Then figure out a realistic plan to get there. Sometimes setting goals is just as important as achieving them.
● Finances: You're smart enough to figure your way out of a financial mess and then some. The 'then some' is the part that makes it all fun. That's what really makes life worthwhile anyway, not the money. Where others would be overwhelmed, you are ready to take on a challenge. Enjoy.
● Love: You may be tempted to bite off more than you can chew when it comes to love right now. Sure, keep your options open -- but don't over commit, or you'll just end up confused and weary of it all.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Let others set the pace for a change. Slow down a little or you're sure to lose steam in the home stretch. Even leaders have to know how to follow.
● Finances: All finance is really about the home. Why else would anyone bother with the endless pursuit of money? There aren't rich homeless out there. Focus on making yours a blissful place to be, and spending money won't get you to that point. It takes spending some emotional currency, and you have plenty to spare.
● Love: This may be one of those days when you look at (or hear about, at great length) the relationships around you and thank your lucky stars to be deliciously single. Celebrate by doing exactly what you want!
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: People will help you in entirely unexpected ways. Sometimes success is as simple as knowing the right people. Don't stop knocking on doors and making connections.
● Finances: Let others pick up the tab for a change. You'll find out soon enough who is along for the ride and who is along for the good company -- yours. There's nothing quite as satisfying as separating the wheat from the chaff and having fun all in one fell swoop.
● Love: Are you sweet and light like jelly, or savory and substantial like peanut butter? However you're feeling, making a good combo with a person of complimentary substance is unusually easy now.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: It may be time for a reassessment of your current job description if you feel as if you're running in place. No, that doesn't mean it's time to move on -- but there's always room for improvement.
● Finances: Some days you want to spend money frivolously, but on other days you only open your wallet for something meaningful. It's one of those days. The downside is that, although you don't spend much, you're left with an empty, dissatisfied feeling that there's not much of importance to be bought. This bit of wisdom is worth more than gold.
● Love: Time to rethink that one thing you said you'd never do in the pursuit of romance. If online dating is off-limits, or asking someone out is on your list of no-no's, well, perhaps you should give exactly that a whirl.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Take a deep breath before reacting and you'll be much less likely to say something you'll regret later. Don't blow little problems out of proportion today.
● Finances: You can see the obvious allure of a diamond but you can also appreciate the beauty of a rhinestone. Not everyone can ignore the magnetic pull of money the way you can. That's because you either have plenty of it or have learned that happiness cannot be bought or sold, not to mention true beauty. Your inner wisdom gets your attention from others.
● Love: Ready, set, flirt! Get online and email a few new cuties from a personal or social networking site, and don't forget to give your everyday crushes a little extra love. It feels good to make others feel good.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Your willingness to go the extra mile is admirable, but don't let others take advantage of your flexibility. And if you're feeling overburdened, make sure someone higher up knows about it.
● Finances: Those who make the hard decisions get the big bucks. You're being called in to swing an ax and you don't find it a pleasant experience. Don't just passively do as you're told. It's worth the money to retain your dignity and that of those around you. Look into cutting corners instead.
● Love: Do you love them, or do you love them not? You can pluck the petals off a flower to find out, or you can make a list of their pros and cons with a friend. The latter's bound to be more fun -- and funnier.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You know what you need to get done. So don't wait around for coworkers who lag behind -- let them catch up on their own time.
● Finances: When it comes to moving your money around, the more time you put into the research and preparations, the better off you'll be. Just about the only things that pay off spur of the moment are fun and laughter with friends and family. You already know that money is nothing like either, so dig in for the hard work.
● Love: Express your romantic hopes and wishes now, whether you're scribbling them in your journal, outlining them to a friend or alerting a certain someone. Once you do, you're that much closer to attaining them.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: The stress is starting to get to you. Turn off the phone and the computer, and focus on what's really important: your own well-being. Time to take a few moments to rest and unwind.
● Finances: If your money just isn't growing, then maybe you need to put it in the right culture. If conditions aren't just right, all the energy you focus on it will just be wasted. Consider yourself a scientist and put on your lab coat. The right medium for growing your green is crucial.
● Love: You could focus a lot of energy on your love life at the moment, but would it be productive energy or more along the lines of spinning your mental wheels? Know when to let things sort themselves out for a bit.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: The needs of the group are still paramount, so keep them front and center. It's one thing to be a star player, but don't forget, you're still a member of the team.
● Finances: You're sick of making money the same old way. The entire process has lost its allure. But on the other hand, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Try to come up with ways to add to what's already working instead of ditching it altogether. Or use that dependable stream of income to fund more exciting ventures.
● Love: You may meet your utter opposite and assume there's no possibility of a love connection, but give it a chance and see what develops. They might even have a friend who's perfect for you -- opposites do sometimes attract.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: The other party is more than willing to accommodate -- take advantage of this opportunity. You've rarely been in a better position for negotiating than you are right now.
● Finances: You feel like the baby that's been tossed out with the bath water. Don't waste too much time crying like one, though. Pick yourself up and dry yourself off and get started on your search for balance. Money, of course, is your priority, but be sure you focus on other things that are not as pressing but matter just as much.
● Love: Partnerships or potential ones are liable to run into a little difficulty right now. If you're entertaining the idea of becoming a duo with a certain someone, think it over more rather than actively pursuing it.