Free Daily Horoscope - November 15 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Watch out for snags today -- hidden trap are waiting everywhere. If you get stuck with something that's taking longer than it should, take a deep breath and steel yourself for the long haul.
● Finances: No one deserves sneaky fees and fines. You'll be the first one to beat them out of the bushes with a stick and watch them slither out of sight. Well, at least the first in your social circle. You just don't take no for an answer and you're willing to spend the entire day on the phone if that's what it takes to convert the heathens on the other end to your way of thinking.
● Love: You're terrific at helping others achieve their dreams, and right now a friend could use an infusion of your enthusiasm. Give them a compliment and some encouragement in the romance department.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: If you can't find the answer you're looking for, ask around and you'll get it quickly. One or more of your colleagues holds the last clue you need to close the latest deal or project.
● Finances: When it comes to winning people over to your side, you don't mind taking your time. You can pull out every impressive trick in the book while you wait. You can change the weather from sunny to stormy and back again without even breaking into a sweat. Don't stop until you get the green you need.
● Love: Get together with another single friend and peruse the online personals. Seeing who you'd select for each other (and joking about it) is not only fun, it'll open your mind to some different possibilities.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Don't expect much progress unless you're working with geniuses. Be as clear as you can, but expect that very few people will be able to follow your reasoning.
● Finances: You're not sitting around waiting for the rest of the world to convert to your way of doing things. You're more proactive than that. Showing people just how superior your way is will save everyone a lot of time and suffering, not to mention money. Get out there and communicate your own gospel.
● Love: You may get all wound up about something -- and be ready to give someone heck about it. But things aren't as crystal clear as they might seem. Let the situation unfold a bit more before you pass judgment.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Your strengths come to the forefront, but it could be hard for you to pour all of your attention into any one project. If you can pick and choose, you'll be wildly successful.
● Finances: All you want is to make the lives of those around you that much richer, but they seem somewhat suspicious of your message. Show them how similar what they're already doing is to what you are proposing. Similar yet inferior, of course. Use whatever symbols you can think of to drive home your point.
● Love: You're so in step with others, you can adopt (or at least try on) a new belief or perspective in a snap. Take it to the next level when it comes to romance; climb into a certain someone's shoes and see how they feel.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: It's a bad time for big financial deals, so don't make any rash decisions until Monday rolls around. In fact, if you can delegate financial responsibilities, so much the better.
● Finances: You're the one who changes the views of everyone you come into contact with. And if not, then you'll die trying. Your opinion is all that matters to you, today and always. Drive it home until you're understood. That should be all it takes for others to see the error of their ways.
● Love: What's your gut feeling? Sure, listening to your head or following your heart are fine ways to go, but at the moment your instinct is a surer guide than your intellect or your emotions.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: It's easy for people to misinterpret your words right now. Try to keep quiet as much as possible, unless you're asked point blank for your opinion.
● Finances: Problems with coworkers have washed away today. Everyone gets along, and the green isn't even an issue. Or is it the main issue? For whatever reason, all of your strife is like so much water under the bridge. You're falling over each other to be the next one to buy a round, be it of beer, cookies or office supplies.
● Love: If you've got a romantic prospect (or two), it's possible that some issues will crop up now. You may want to just back-burn it and get back to it later when the situation clarifies a bit.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Pending disruptions might cost you some time that could be spent on other projects, but it will also make you look good to those higher up. When something huge falls in your lap tomorrow, make time to accommodate it.
● Finances: No one had better try to tell you about being selfless. It's exactly what you've been preaching all along. You'll have to put up with an overzealous convert today, though. All that matters is making sure your causes get funded, so don't let yourself get rankled by their silly presumptuousness.
● Love: The romantic progress you've been hoping for and working toward is now within reach. The paradoxical thing is, you may have to give up on a specific goal in order to find what you truly want.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You're sure to attract the right kind of attention from the right kinds of people. After all, you're the one with the creative solutions. But it's up to you to spread the word about your latest and greatest ideas.
● Finances: Your swelled head is making you compare yourself with someone who isn't afraid to take things to an ugly extreme. Your group of followers is bigger and your bonfire burns brighter, and sooner. But does your bank account grow any faster? Don't only consider the green when competing with your nemesis, but don't omit it from the mix, either.
● Love: If you turn your creative powers toward matters of the heart right now, there's very little you can't accomplish. And if you get creative and methodical, your results will be even more stellar.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: It'll be hard to get going this morning, and you'll find any excuse to put off working. But once you get into the thick of it, a surprising second wind should carry you through.
● Finances: When people around you are busy having fun, you can't help but dive right into the games with them. Don't feel bad; you're not really shirking your responsibilities. Chances are, that's where the green is to be found anyway. Enjoy the many creative ways to find it.
● Love: That funny feeling you've got -- could it be spring fever? Or have you been bitten by the love bug? In any event, don't plan on getting a lot done; you'll be busy daydreaming and meandering.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Work it! You have a serious advantage as far as your perspective -- one that you might not even recognize at first. You find inspiration where others encounter frustration.
● Finances: There's nothing that involves either your family or your career that can't be postponed for the sake of some fun. Don't worry about how it looks to others. Your ancestors would turn over in their graves if you didn't mark the day in just such a frivolous way. Consider it your responsibility.
● Love: Think you've got your love life all compartmentalized and analyzed? There's something here that refuses to fit into a category or a tidy explanation. Handle it with your heart instead of your intellect.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: If you can get other folks to assume the financial risk, you'll be fine. Even so, be careful with budget issues, and try your best to forestall any new spending initiatives.
● Finances: The day is part of a bigger pattern. Ignoring that would only be your own lost opportunity to mark it. Nothing can stop others from making it memorable, so you might as well participate, too. Have fun with the freedom and informality that goes with it.
● Love: What is wishful thinking for some is a vision of the future for you. You know that the line between what you desire and reality is a permeable one, and now's an ideal time to push something across that border.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: It's a great time to implement your ideas -- especially those intuitions that have been tugging at your sleeves recently. You're in a place of power right now!
● Finances: The camouflage around you is a bit bewildering at first, but you'll get used to it. The fog and haze will be caused by something altogether different once you embrace it all. This time next year, you'll be chomping at the bit to participate in the illusion for all you're worth. Enjoy.
● Love: The stars are adding a few extra tricks to your already magical romantic repertoire, and even you could be surprised by what you've got up your sleeve. Go ahead -- impress and amaze!