Free Daily Horoscope - November 12 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Your ambition's totally on fire right now, so don't waste it. Whatever you want, put forth a little effort to fulfill your dreams and goals. If that means a new job, go for it.
● Finances: There's not much you can do today, so you might as well give yourself the emotional and psychological day off. Doing little can be therapeutic if done right. A long nap, conversations with friends, a book -- anything but counting your money or your lack of it will be a healthy way to pass the time.
● Love: Just when you're strolling down your romantic path with ease, something comes along to trip you up. You may be tempted to trample over it and barrel on ahead, but this issue deserves close examination.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Power struggles in the workplace seem to leave you in the middle, but actually, you're the axis it's all spinning around. It's you against the world, or so it seems.
● Finances: Don't spend time alone just because you can't afford to spend a lot of money on entertainment. There are plenty of other people in your boat, right in your social circle, not to mention the ones who are like-minded even with plenty of extra funds to spare. Others will join you, so come up with something interesting, fun and outrageous -- oh, and cheap or free.
● Love: If a romantic situation's getting on your nerves, why not give it the heave-ho -- at least temporarily? The stars say you'll have more fun with friends right now anyhow. Relax and let it sort itself out for a bit.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Most of your ideas will be keepers, so go for broke. After all, your intellect is perfectly in sync with your ideals. It's a great time for brainstorming.
● Finances: You can spend the entire day daydreaming about the changes you'd like to see in your future, or you can spend the day with a pen and some paper and start making real plans to implement them. Add a calculator to the mix and you've got the perfect equation for improvement.
● Love: A big romantic change-up is unlikely now, but don't get too frustrated. Bite your tongue, wish your wishes and be patient. Perhaps especially in the love department, good things come to those who wait.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: At the very least, reassure all parties that they've been heard and their concerns duly noted. Budget or other money issues could cause serious morale problems if you don't take immediate action.
● Finances: If you're not sure what a good way of spending the day would be, then get in tune with your friends for some input. Intuition is fine for some situations but for this one you need something more down to earth. Pick up the phone or send a message, whatever you have to do to broadcast your interest.
● Love: Your current ability to see all the angles of love -- passion, friendship, humor, empathy and more -- makes you the go-to person for advice. And as far as your own love life, you can make big strides there too.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: If you can avoid any power struggles or political maneuvering for the time being, you'll do just fine. Otherwise, watch out for bruised pride, especially yours.
● Finances: It's a good day to think about money rather than use it. Do some research, do some counting, but just don't do any spending. Avoid people who tempt you out into the world of commerce. Tell yourself that misery loves company. Get even more creative with your incentive to avoid spending your hard earned savings.
● Love: You may be itching to take some sort of action on the romantic front, but if you can hold off just a bit, the situation will become much clearer -- as will your own feelings about it. Patience is, as they say, a virtue.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Small changes are starting to make a dent. Now it's your job to find the tipping point and exert the right pressure to shift the paradigm.
● Finances: Life seems too confusing to manage. You're definitely cowed by the thought of starting on anything new but you know that's the only way out of the chaos. When the numbers start floating before you and clouding your view, give yourself a break but don't let yourself totally off the hook. Forge on once things become clear again.
● Love: Yes, it's a good idea to regard potential romantic partners with a questioning eye, but right now you may be ruling them out before they even get started. How about giving a second chance -- or at least a first one?
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Good times and satisfaction come your way all day long, and the workload seems weightless. It's one of those days that remind you why you chose your career.
● Finances: You like a nice, slow day every now and then. Having too many things going on just means you're facing the next day already drained. Taking it easy is the most valuable way to spend your time today, and it's free. Don't let the little things get you upset, either. That's just another waste of your precious energy.
● Love: Quick -- set up a date or make a romantic overture during the day, when the love energy's going your way. The way to keep it going tonight? Stay open-minded and keep your plans flexible.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: If you can go out of your way to be nice to those who need it, you'll be a hero. Morale could be very low, so don't do anything to sink it further.
● Finances: You want to look into some of the mystery that is the inner you. Your hidden talents are just waiting to be discovered. At least you hope they are. All you really know is that you're tired of the same old, same old, and that includes the same old you. Don't waste money on a makeover, though. Look inward instead.
● Love: If you can dream it, you can live it -- particularly when it comes to romance right now. Your iron will and powers of transformation mean that wishes (especially explicit ones) can come true.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Everything is going much more smoothly, so reach out to folks you've had a hard time communicating with. You're back in sync with the social side of things.
● Finances: It's a good time to expand your horizons, but don't take it too far. Wanting to be the largest planet in your personal solar system is an itch you shouldn't attempt to scratch. Take a look at your account balance if you need some sobering information. Focus your energies there if you want something expanded.
● Love: Expect some odd energy today, with your enthusiasm about meeting new people or seeing a certain someone waxing and waning wildly. Keeping your plans loose might be a good idea!
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Self-reliance is key. When financial or HR issues explode all over the place, you won't be the only one dealing with serious stuff. But if you handle it well, expect big kudos.
● Finances: You need some extra time and the universe is only too glad to help you out for a change. You finally get the precious time you've been waiting for to make some progress on a personal project of yours. Put all thoughts of professional advancement or money aside and focus on your pet project instead.
● Love: You may be skeptical about what everybody else is doing, romantically speaking -- speed dating, online personals or what have you. The fact is, a new way to connect gives you new options.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Whether you own the place or just work there, walk in with a bit of confidence and spread around some of that moxie: expect a nice surprise waiting for you.
● Finances: Like many others, you were given the impression your credit had no limit. Dealing with a harsher reality has been a blow but you've successfully made the adjustment. Have you looked back at the last year to see all the ways you've grown as a person as your budget has shrunk? Do, and give yourself a pat on the back for it.
● Love: The bonus vim and vigor you've got going now could make you a bit all over the place, so plan for lots of different activities and interesting circumstances. Don't forget to notice who's noticing you!
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Try to prioritize and give everyone the same level of attention. Customer service might be problematic for you because you'll want to go over and above for everyone you meet.
● Finances: If your friends don't treat you well, then you shouldn't consider them your friends. You'll spend the day spending money to heal the emotional wounds someone has caused you. It's money well spent, as long as you don't ever let yourself in for more of the same. Consider them a thing of the past.
● Love: A romantic situation you've been uncertain about can become clear now in a most gratifying way, making your next steps sure ones. Engage your instinct in order to find your heart's path.