Free Daily Horoscope - October 23 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: If you keep your expectations low, then all your hard work pays off each and every weekend. You made it. Isn't that enough? Focusing on possessions or finance will only make you feel impatient.
● Finances: Keep your head down if you don't want to bite your tongue because words will be flying like bullets. You would be better off playing it safe. Think long and hard before saying anything having to do with money; in fact, think long and hard before even hinting.
● Love: You're generous -- almost to a fault. In fact, your magnanimity puts you in direct conflict with others. If you're sick of picking up the bills and dragging your friends around, on your dime, stop it. It's time to equal out the economic power in all your relationships.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Just yesterday you were wondering how to make it through the day, and now you're filled with powerful energy. You already know exactly how one relates to the other. Enjoy.
● Finances: Has your spending been out of character lately? If you don't even know then the answer is definitely yes. Start writing it all down to find out exactly where you've gone off the rails. Until you're sure where your money is going, any type of budgeting is simply a waste of time.
● Love: You look like a lawyer, but your intellectual aesthetic is way more bohemian. Too bad more people don't see this aspect of your personality. You love art, poetry and literature. So why not head to a gallery opening or book signing and hang out? You'll connect with someone who draws out your inner Hemingway.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Come up with something interesting to do. It doesn't have to get the neighbors talking, but it should be out of the ordinary, at least for you. The same old, same old just won't work.
● Finances: What starts out as a great day could quickly go downhill if you let too many things get lost in the shuffle. If you don't exercise any follow through then you will go nowhere fast. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Come up with a game plan and then stick to it.
● Love: No wonder you're feeling all uncertain and weird lately -- you're totally focused on yourself. Luckily, your secret weapon is your versatility. So, find a way to get out of self. Whether that's walking around the block or cleaning your parent's house, do it.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: If you've had crazy ideas all week about how to spend the day, then there's no better time than the present. Fantasizing is fun, but follow through is oh-so-much better.
● Finances: You can't get ahead if you continue playing it safe. You'll never upgrade if you act like a hermit crab who is afraid to come out of its shell. You'd sooner get stuck than admit you've outgrown your cozy confines. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by the idea of it; just start by sticking one tiny toe out at a time.
● Love: Even after all these years, you're totally loyal to someone who blew your heart to bits. It's time to see this person for what they are. When you smash your delusions about their importance in your life, you'll be able to move on -- truly move on.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Put all thoughts of your boss or your career out of your mind first thing in the morning, if you didn't already to it last night. Today is all about your heart, not your professional reputation, and it needs a jump start.
● Finances: Making money feels like one big party. It's not just that you do it with ease, it's that you're friends with everyone along the way. It's your attitude that is unique, not the actual circumstance. People attend lectures and pay consultants to learn to do what comes naturally to you. Be sure to tip your hat to it all.
● Love: When the going gets tough, you get going. If you're experiencing any lack of dating action, nobody would know it from appearances. You just take it all in stride. When one door closes, you break out the crowbar and pry open another.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You may not be able to afford travel or eating in an unusual spot, but even the most ordinary of scenarios has glamour and, yes, even romance today -- as long as you're with someone compatible. Meals are especially intoxicating. Go ahead, overdo it.
● Finances: The day can go in either direction and it has not much to do with your input. All you can do is react at this point. Do your best to stay on your toes and roll with the punches, or act out any other cliche that works for you. As long as your wallet is intact at the end of the day, you'll go home happy.
● Love: What's not being said is just as important, if not more so, than what is actually articulated. So read between the lines -- interpret silence or other cues for what it is. You will answer your own questions about a certain love situation through this process.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: After a long work week, you're enjoying all the comforts of home. There's no such thing as overindulging, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. As long as it has nothing to do with the office, it's healthy.
● Finances: You have something new you're just dying to talk about. The rub is that you lose money every time you spill the beans. Find something else to chitchat about. Even sharing your innermost self is preferable to giving away the storybook ending. Hold your tongue as tightly as you hold your wallet.
● Love: You've heard it all your life: You have so much potential, but ... You're an underachiever and proud of it. You've long since stopped beating yourself up for not being farther along in life. Why should your romantic pursuits be any different? Ease up!
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Did you leave work like a bat out of Hades? You may have forgotten something important in your haste. This time, it's worth the dreaded trek into the office on a weekend. Grit your teeth and get it over with.
● Finances: Be careful that your ulterior motives don't get the best of you. You are always tempted to put money second and personal matters first, but that would be unprofessional of you. Don't slip anything into the fine print, either. Make sure your goals for the day are neat, clean and strictly financial.
● Love: You always know what's going on -- nothing slips by you. That's why you're focused on those dark eyes across the room. They've been fixed on you for weeks. Approach your admirer with the purest of intentions, avoiding any of your famous hidden agendas.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: If you're forced to look at the small details all day long, then looking at the bigger picture of your life is a relief. There is no room in your lens for the mundane. Keep a grand perspective.
● Finances: There's really no point in getting all philosophical about your financial situation. You'll never get deep enough to reach an epiphany and you're just wasting valuable time. What you need to do is keep busy, one way or another. The rest can only fall into line if some action is taken on your part.
● Love: In your eyes, this new person is totally boss -- you're absolutely blind to any imperfections. Oh, whimsical you. You can't see the negative until you've been totally burned and then you'll still manage to find a sliver of encouragement.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: It's tempting not to forget about work once the day is over, but don't let yourself. Rejuvenation is an important part of preparing for later. And if you are busy, you'll have to remind yourself to do relax.
● Finances: Time is money and you're wasting yours. When it comes to thinking things through, you are way overboard. You reach clarity -- again and again and again. In fact, you're just muddying the waters by rehashing things again and again. Discard the extra thinking by acknowledging it for what it is: Simply another delaying tactic.
● Love: You're a hard nut to crack, but once you let someone in, you refuse to let them go. No wonder you're struggling so much with old issues right now. If someone from the past is haunting you, work it out immediately. You don't need this drain on your faculties.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: What, you're bored? Have you become just like one of your old relatives? Say it isn't so. And to make sure it's not, get off the couch and do something exciting. Make it something you'll want to brag about at the office.
● Finances: You consider yourself unique and rightly so. And yet you have an intellectual connection with someone that makes sparks fly. The two of you could make a fortune if you put your heads together. Communicate creatively and come up with a financial formula that works for you both.
● Love: When you speak the truth, you mean no harm. But sometimes, your words are construed as cold, even caustic. That's just your brand of honesty. Soften your comments with a little sugar and spice to alleviate any misunderstandings today.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: You know the point of love letters and soft candles: To win you over. Don't be fooled by some smoke and mirrors. Use your intuition to decide. Listen to your heart.
● Finances: Some days thinking about money just feels overwhelming. Your images of the future, which sometimes are crystal clear, simply dissolve. Be careful what you do when you're in this state of mind. Stay busy in ways that won't affect your money.
● Love: Don't be afraid to share your thoughts, especially with someone you're attracted to. The confrontation will either turn to ash or explode in an inferno. Strike while the iron's hot -- this could turn into a super smoking affair!