Free Daily Horoscope - October 21 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You're suddenly eager and enthusiastic about work all over again. In other words, the end is in sight -- if only temporarily. Use your newfound burst of energy to recommit to the project.
● Finances: Low funds are just another obstacle to overcome as far as you're concerned. You have the patience required to keep on keeping on with only a hint of better times to come. Your agreeable nature just can't be bought or sold on the open market, but of all your possessions, it's the most valuable.
● Love: You're overly concerned with your own physical gratification and personal progress -- that's just the way it is. But even you can sense whether you're entering dangerous waters. So if your actions will undoubtedly hurt another person, take the high road.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You like to take your time, but even you can't help but feel the rush of wind pushing at your back. Why resist it? Make the most of the added momentum and race through whatever's on your desk.
● Finances: You don't have an intense amount of energy but put another way, you're facing the day feeling good. You have all that you need to be happy and the luxuries of life are not on the list. Decadence doesn't appeal to you anyway. Enjoy a low-key day indulging in simple pleasures.
● Love: Thank the stars you're so darn dependable. That's what draws everyone toward you -- but for once in your life, stop being the savior. Allow yourself a taste of irresponsibility for once. You'll definitely meet someone who compliments your personality when you cut loose.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You're filled with hopes and wishes. Did it ever cross your mind that your colleagues are, too? Staying professional means keeping mum, at least during office hours.
● Finances: Being single-minded is a good way to accomplish your goals, but it can be an obstacle to seeing anything outside your blind zone. Unfortunately, that includes some important relationships. Take the day to focus all of your intense concentration on things not having to do with money.
● Love: You're sweet as pie -- until things stop going your way. Then come out the lies, the judgments and the crazy indictments, even if nothing is really going on. Someone you're romantically linked to is liable to get caught in the crossfire, so be careful where you aim your ire.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Your mind is going a mile a minute. Unfortunately, it still can't outrun your tongue. It will be almost impossible to think before you speak today, so cut problems off at the pass by staying at your desk.
● Finances: Your domestic life just got a whole lot more interesting. It's your attitude about it that has changed, not your circumstances. Things are suddenly exciting and fun, not dull and ho-hum. Your leaky little rowboat is now a pirate ship or a cruise liner and you're the captain. Enjoy a little drama in your life.
● Love: As far as you're concerned, everyone else has what you want. If only you worked harder, you could get there. So not true. Remember, nothing is ever as wonderful as it appears on the surface. Follow your own cadence; forget about the Joneses.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: The lessons you've been learning lately haven't been much fun. Don't let that make you feel jaded or halfhearted. You don't have to have a good time with everything. Focus on the things about work you enjoy.
● Finances: If being told to finish what you start is finally getting old, then it may be time to heed the advice. You're putting your heart and soul into projects that are never completed. The money can't flow to you if it's constantly getting stuck by the dams you yourself are putting in its path. You are making yourself take the wrong kind of bath.
● Love: When you're trying to get attention, you're not being yourself. Though you're fulfilling your short-term emotional needs, nobody sees the real you. It's hard to maintain the facade, so if you're looking for a deep emotional connection, get real. Stop with the charades.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Put problems with colleagues into perspective. Taking a paperclip off of your desk is one thing, and going through your desk drawers or poaching your work is another. Figure out what you're dealing with before getting combative.
● Finances: You are letting your thoughts lead the way along a winding path. You're quite the philosopher, at least for a day. Try to leave some intellectual breadcrumbs along the way, because one of your ideas may actually be the big one. It would be a shame to mistake it for just another roadside attraction.
● Love: Today's just a great day for you in general, so don't put too many expectations on it. As activities and invitations come up, see how they fit into your scheme. Strive to meet as many people as possible. If that means going out on your own, do it.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Some days, work is strictly about the bottom line. Others, it's completely about relationships. Today requires just the right combination of both. Throw in a pinch of gravitas, and you're golden.
● Finances: Cooperation comes easily if you choose the right companions for the day. If not, you need a referee and don't hesitate to call one in. Making the right decisions makes or breaks your day, and is obviously your first and most important order of business. Spend as much time on it as you would any other investment.
● Love: Yep, you truly have a profound effect on others. When it comes to your relationships (or lack thereof) people either absolutely adore you or totally hate your guts -- no middle ground. Same goes for romance: No wonder the sparks are flying.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Avoiding conflict with a certain colleague hasn't been easy. The secret is to realize you're more alike than you are different. In fact, it's as if the two of you are the only ones in the office from the same planet. Ponder that one today.
● Finances: Everyone gets to be greedy every now and then and today is your day. Your budget dictates how far you can go with it so you don't have to worry about taking it too far. In fact, your self-indulgence might not even be noticed by others and the chances of wreaking havoc are minimal. Enjoy.
● Love: You're a champion holder of grudges and a triumphant bearer of resentments. Long after everyone has forgotten about the transgression, you're still chewing that toxic emotional cud. Spit it out the vitriol already -- it's eating you up alive.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You can plod through your work day or you can have fun with it. Your product is the same at the end of the day. The only thing different is you. You might as well get creative.
● Finances: You love nothing more than puttering around dealing with the mundane and there's just not enough time in your life to get your fill of it. You get at least one day's worth, though, so enjoy it while you can. It's the kind of activity that brings you some money in a roundabout way, so don't waste a minute of it feeling unproductive or guilty.
● Love: Your optimistic outlook on life will attract nothing but great things right now. Even in the face of adversity, you come out ahead. In fact, nothing -- not even a complete and total blow off from a date -- can hamper your great spirit.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: You're tempted to say, what, me worried? Unless you have jug ears and a gap in your teeth, you'd better start sweating. For the sake of job security, there's no more putting off certain tasks. Get cracking.
● Finances: Integrity is one of life's necessities as far as you're concerned. You could no more go without it than go without food or shelter. Other people don't share your list of the basics. When they can't be avoided, treat them with the utmost caution. Keeping them at arm's length is wise.
● Love: There's one way of doing something: yours. And you're not one to give credence to the ideas of others. After all, your plans almost always work out. But give someone else a chance to test the waters. You never know -- you may end up with a new slant.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You can smell freedom. But it will be that much sweeter if you get as much done today as you can. Don't let being over the hump let you feel off the hook, even for a minute.
● Finances: Whoever said if you're bored then you're boring didn't know your old relatives. Peculiar or eccentric would bring some welcome relief. Let your mind wander and you may discover a way to improve an investment or start a new project. You never know what gems are waiting in your rich interior.
● Love: You're a progressive thinker and you're into the latest and greatest thing before anyone ever hears about it. Take a few pals and introduce them to the newest hot spot tonight. Tonight will be a fun night and you're feeling all right!
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Taking on something new has you bewildered and confused. You'd almost rather stick to what's known but that means never getting further down your career path. Trust that you can get yourself out of the maze.
● Finances: Just because you can make a good dinner doesn't mean you would make a good chef. And enjoying beautiful words does not a poet make. Finding your calling remains your most important job. But indulging in your simple pleasures certainly can't hurt. Enjoy.
● Love: Your intuition is always right on the money -- don't start questioning it now. Serendipity brings some interesting momentum into your life, but it'll come from left field. Just don't over think it. Allow this good energy to work for you, not against you.