Free Daily Horoscope - October 15 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Want a guaranteed good day? Achieve your goals today. You want to be light-hearted once quitting time rolls around, so don't let yourself off the hook a minute too soon.
● Finances: You want to do as little as possible today, but unfortunately, you don't have that luxury. You need money and the only thing you have in the bank is Karma. Daydreams won't put food on the table, either. All there is for you is to sigh and buckle down for another day.
● Love: You're candid when it comes to the lives of your pals, but as it applies to you? You can't see the forest for the trees. If you're having a difficult time wading through your online choices, ask a friend for help. They know your needs and personality better than you know yourself.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Choose your battles wisely. Don't let anyone get a rise out of you at this late stage of the game. Remind yourself how lucky you are if you need a reason to shrug and think, 'why I am guessing?'
● Finances: No matter how alone you were yesterday, you spend time surrounded by people today. There's no flying solo even if you feel like it. The good thing is, you're all like-minded and your goal is a loftier one than merely making money. Enjoy the camaraderie.
● Love: You're completely fixated on your own sentiments and opinions. If someone says they're in a relationship, married or otherwise unavailable, believe what they say. Despite the ramblings of your idealistic brain, this thing won't work out.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You feel radically changed today. What a difference having a good night makes. Try to make the most of this new point of view, because it might not be as much fun once the novelty wears off.
● Finances: After a blissful period, you're back to focusing on the frustrations of your career. If you can, use your irritation to fuel something creative. The more unusual your approach, the more profitable a certain project will ultimately be. Don't blow steam out your ears when you can put it to much better use.
● Love: You love a losing battle and you'll root for the underdog -- in this case, it's you. You say you're ready for a long-term committed relationship, but are you really? If you can't specifically define what you're looking for and where you're headed once you get it, you still have work to do.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: It's a lot easier to be flexible when you're having a good attitude. Go ahead, let a stubborn colleague have his or her way but don't let on you're doing it. Put on your intellectual act and no one will be the wiser.
● Finances: You just can't figure out a good way to spend the day. You can stumble on one, though. Daydreaming and groping your way through something unknown are both excellent ways to find a gem of an idea -- if not a real gem. Use your intuition as your only compass.
● Love: Your exterior is somewhat aloof, even cold. Underneath that stoic facade, however, way more is going on that meets the eye. Knowing yourself is the key to a wonderful relationship with another person. Can you maintain the same level of happiness, regardless of your status?
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Most people are happy to see the EOD come. But you feel like you're approaching the edge of a cliff. What you accomplish today won't make or break your career, so don't cling too tightly.
● Finances: Your career is like a work of art. When it comes to making money, you are both the artist and the masterpiece. So when you're low on funds, you know it's time to get creative. When they say it takes money to make money, sometimes that means spending it on inspiration. Go for the tried and true.
● Love: Obstinacy is your biggest enemy: You just can't walk away, even when it hurts. Take stock -- if something or someone doesn't feel right or fit into your overall scheme, pass it up. For you, that's nearly impossible but wholly necessary.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You may feel that you need a challenge. All it takes is a slight change to your regular routine and suddenly your whole work day looks exciting again. Just sustain your enthusiasm for the rest of the day.
● Finances: It may look like you're not accomplishing much, but inside the wheels are busy turning. What you're cooking up is more confusing than any outsider can possibly imagine. The end results are worth the wait and exemplify the old saw that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
● Love: Your tendency to conceal your natural kindness and inner beauty creates a trickle-down effect -- after a while, you believe your own pitch. This atrophies your best attributes. Crack a smile today and say hello; exercise your personality a bit.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Strange how the definition of a good day changes depending on where it falls in the workweek. The pull of tomorrow is altering your perceptions of a perfectly good work day today. Resist temptation.
● Finances: What a difference a day makes. The difference between yesterday and today is stark. Even the promise of making money isn't enough of a carrot to get you to move past your lingering thoughts and memories and snap out of it. Chalk the day up as a waste and don't let yourself get too upset about your lack of progress.
● Love: You're sensitive to the needs of others, which makes now a great time to hook up. Your ability to set boundaries, be honest about your feelings and take risks is expensive. If the other person doesn't like it, too bad. You know what you're all about; someone out there gets you.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Your boss knows no limits. Changing your cubicle decor? Now that's really going too far. But if you want to have carte blanche over things like decorating, you'll have to go home -- where you're in charge of the castle.
● Finances: If romance is how your judge a day, then yesterday beat today hands down. But if it's money you're counting, then today is not half bad. In fact, it's almost so good you'll have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. That brings to 48 your total of excellent hours since you're counting.
● Love: That personality of yours is utterly mesmerizing. Sure, you can woo others, but what about your own affairs? If you can't keep your emotional, physical, financial and spiritual life together, don't expect any sort of long-term connection. Take care of yourself, first and foremost.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: The workweek isn't over just yet so don't give up on what you can accomplish today. You may uncover a gem of an idea if you keep your mind open. Focus on what counts.
● Finances: It almost feels as if your money is not subject to the pull of gravity. It seems to float away effortlessly. You're doing your best to keep track of it, but by Jove, it's just not subject to the normal laws of the universe, much less of economics. No matter how much advice you're given, you can't apply it to your own wallet. Is it time to let someone else control the purse strings?
● Love: You've developed a little obsession with someone inappropriate and unavailable. Try as you may, but you can't get this person out of your head. To pursue him or her is irresponsible. Leave it at that. Stop picking up on their signals: Turn off your romantic radar.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Yes, it really is about money. Sad but true. On the other hand, if it will turn a profit, others are interested in your vision of the future. Think about changing the way you pitch your ideas.
● Finances: Every draw or advance you get puts you that much further behind. Someday you'll have an impossible amount of work to do to make up for it all. You may be feeling lucky there is no longer such a thing as a debtor's prison, but you won't be able to get away Scott free. Start putting in a hard day's work before getting a hard day's pay.
● Love: You need balance. Sure, you're swept away by this certain someone, but don't lose yourself. Your friends, your family, and your life are important to keep your sanity and individuality. Give those things up now and you'll wish you hadn't later. Some bridges can't be repaired.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Excitement is building but around all the wrong things. Don't share your plans for the night just yet. Let colleagues think you're all fired up about work issues.
● Finances: Your credit cards are pushed to their limits and your bank account is dry. There is no way you can overspend. In fact, there's no way you can spend at all. That's where someone else's funds come in. They're not exactly joint assets but all you have to do is ask. Swallow hard first.
● Love: Rely more on social networking tools to plan some spur-of-the-moment fun. Why not put it all out there? Impulsivity is great. You have absolutely nothing to lose when it comes to enjoying yourself.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: It's hard to focus on work when you're so excited about something. But be a big boy or girl and don't let yourself off the hook early. You'll get the break you deserve tomorrow.
● Finances: You need to give yourself a boost up. Your energy is flagging, but you're the only one who can be of any assistance. You know just how to motivate yourself to action. Transform your day from a ho-hum one to a profitable one by trying out something new.
● Love: A wandering eye, yours or someone else's, is nothing to fear today. If it roams, let it! If you fall within someone's gaze, make sure you're front and center. They're staring, you're staring -- why not ask for a number? It's so dang obvious what's up!