Free Daily Horoscope - September 7 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You can't get enough of the details. Be sure to take your time while you're combing through them. Not only do you want to savor each one, but you don't want to miss the important kernels.
● Finances: You are getting off to a slow start if you can even sum anything up by now. Give yourself a break, though. There's no point in getting upset this early in the game. Your time to sing is further down the line if you don't let your emotions get you too far off track.
● Love: Lately, you've spent lots of time loafing around, but over the next few days, your stamina increases tenfold. So whether you're gunning for a hot marathon session or looking to maximize your reps, now's a great opportunity to go for the gusto!
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Work isn't exactly a good time. It's days like these that you need a little reminder of why you're there in the first place. Conjure up images of all you'll do with the paycheck once it's cashed.
● Finances: You feel passionate about just about everything to do with money, but particularly making or losing it. Heck, even financial equilibrium gets you out of your chair. If you can figure out how to transfer these kinds of deep feelings to your personal relationships, it would be a marriage made in heaven or somewhere else entirely.
● Love: If you catch yourself doubting any portion of your journey today, put at end to it immediately. You're right where you need to be -- and that's all that matters. Everyone else be damned! You do what's necessary for your own survival.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Don't let an important bill get lost in the shuffle. Correspondence is piling up, in one form or another. Once you've gone through all the piles on your desk, start opening emails.
● Finances: If your savings grew any slower, it would be going backwards. You already know what a lame joke that is. The less time you spend probing those particular fears, the better able you'll be to bolster your confidence in the future. Don't indulge those particular feelings -- for your financial and emotional health.
● Love: You're practically walking on air today to begin with -- fantastic! And it just keeps getting more euphoric. You'll rocket into the outer fringes of the atmosphere when you receive an email from someone who makes you lightheaded.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: If you're between projects, don't waste time waiting for the next one to drop in your lap. Cleaning up is just a delaying tactic. Start making plans or calling on your connections to get the ball rolling.
● Finances: You've been through so much financial upheaval that you feel a bit shell shocked. Every move required of you has you feeling indecisive. Not getting involved is a legitimate choice to make, all things considered. Don't feel bad about waiting this one out.
● Love: Okay, so you feel like showing off a bit today. Go for it! Just pay attention to your flashy venue. It's better to boast with skills and accomplishments than with materialistic flair. You want to awe people with your adroitness, not horrified by your arrogance.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You're not impulsive, exactly, but your actions aren't quite as conservative and cautious as usual. If you find this new MO works for you in small ways, see how you can fit it into your strategies and plans.
● Finances: You'd rather be collecting antiques, but as it is, you're simply buying second hand. It's all the rage, though, so don't feel too badly about it. All the real treasure is beneath the surface anyway.
● Love: It's easy to throw money at a situation to smooth it out. It's much more difficult, however, to reach out and offer your love and support. You'll make the most impact in someone's life with the gift of time. So put down what you're doing and pick up the phone.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Every big achievement doesn't have to be one of your own. You can spend the day helping colleagues and still win plenty of karmic points, if not points right in the here and now.
● Finances: The goals of one or two years ago are now unrealistic, but that doesn't mean you should chuck them out and start from scratch. If you delve into them a bit, you'll find out what's worth keeping and what is suddenly laughable. Listen to others for valuable insight into which is which.
● Love: With details, you'll find balance. When everything is in the air you'll experience chaos. So, before you make any major move today -- whether you're meeting someone for a first date or presenting a proposal at the office -- do your homework.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: The only voice you should be listening to is the nagging one in your head that's telling you it's not the right time or place for socializing. Put a cork in it before your boss does. Save the scoop for after hours.
● Finances: When it comes to money, you know not to ask. The same goes for any material possessions which may be changing hands. Anything unsaid is ipso facto none of your business. Look within for reserves of strength if it comes to biting your tongue. For some situations, you may have to go pretty deep.
● Love: Is it romance? Is it business? Is it both? Tsk, tsk. Don't get too chummy with the office hottie right now. It's definitely not in your best interest to hook up with someone in cubicle-land. Better to save all that sexual energy for after hours.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: When you sit down to plan your next project or even simply your next day, be sure to pay attention to the details. Some ideas look great as big pictures but don't seem quite as sensible up close.
● Finances: Money or no money, other people just can't resist you. You'll have to beat them away with a stick if you want some time to yourself. But why waste this period of intense magnetism by being alone? That's like money down the drain. Get out there and mingle with your adoring fans.
● Love: Something you've long dreaded but anticipated will soon come bearing down on you. And when it does, don't hesitate to reach out for help. The end result, of course, won't be nearly as painful as you once imagined. You have that much going for you!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: It goes without saying you shouldn't ask for a raise when your relationship with your boss is difficult. But don't bend over backwards to smooth things over just yet, either. Win some points through legitimate effort first.
● Finances: When you're feeling moody and your motivation is slow to catch up with your obligations, it's time to generate your own enthusiasm. Use your imagination to paint an internal picture of success. If you need imagery, draw from your dreams.
● Love: You're fantastic with others today. So good, in fact, you should offer your sterling communication skills to bridge the gap between people who can't seem to connect. Stay neutral and don't get too emotionally involved for best results.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: You can do all the research you need to without ever leaving your desk, as long as you do reach out to long distance sources one way or another. Don't let anything make you feel less than grounded.
● Finances: Being objective is necessary, but you're taking it a bit too far. When you start to notice yourself feeling detached from even your own friends, it's time to remind yourself of what really matters. Getting a grip on it isn't as easy as it sounds. Ironically enough, it's those very friends who can help you.
● Love: Something or someone doesn't sit right with you. The story isn't jibing. When in doubt, dig. Better to uncover prevarications and misrepresentations before you're in too deep. It's the best way to protect yourself from unspeakable disaster.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Cover details to your heart's content, but what you really need to know is beneath the surface. Sizing up your colleagues is more important than any other kind of information gathering you could be doing.
● Finances: You loved keeping pace with the economy when it was racing, but now that things have slowed down, you're feeling practically lost. While you don't seem to be advancing very far or very fast, you are in fact moving forward. It's the slow, steady pace you've heard so much about.
● Love: Your ability to connect and create with others is in full force right now. So if you've been putting off some cooperative project, pick it up now, before all this great energy runs out. Momentum and fortune are on your side.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Save the surprises for more appropriate activities. If you want to dive right in without knowing the details, then get the daily special for lunch. But when it comes to important work decisions, be sure you have all the facts beforehand.
● Finances: You're tired of feeling like the world's doormat. You put your heart and soul into certain things, only to see them slip away. Don't let yourself indulge in too much of that kind of self-pity. The emotional turmoil of your own ruminations cold be worse than the events themselves.
● Love: You possess a little-known talent that could come in very handy right now. So why hide it from the world? Strut your stuff and show off the goods. You have nothing to lose when it comes to your career, finance or romance. The ball is in your court.