Free Daily Horoscope - September 29 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Your intuition is on overdrive. Don't suppress it even if it's unsettling. Your first instinct is to tell yourself not to be silly, but this time, you should definitely be paying attention.
● Finances: Proving your abilities is a little like revving your engine at a red light. You can only push things so far before the whole endeavor goes up in flames. That's not exactly the kind of combustion you're looking for. Put all of your energy and effort into actually getting somewhere.
● Love: A secret rendezvous? Perhaps! If you're hankering for a little taste of taboo, peruse the wanted ads in the local weekly or place one yourself. Take advantage of this sexually adventurous streak and live out your wildest fantasy. It won't last.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Socializing over lunch is a must. Saying no means so much more than 'I'm not hungry.' Eating at your desk may be appealing, but you'd be missing out on a lot more than a fortune cookie.
● Finances: Making money is becoming one big struggle. You can't change much about it but your attitude, and that's huge. Think of your relationship with money as an alliance. Even if it's not in your bank account, it's out there somewhere working for you. That thought alone keeps the situation tolerable.
● Love: Common sense says 'stay away' but your heart refuses to listen. If you're pursuing an off-limits conquest, like your sister's brother or your boss, be prepared to deal with the ugly consequences and they will be ugly.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Make sure your thoughts are clear because colleagues' minds are muddled. There's no point in suffering through all the infighting when no one knows exactly what it is they're trying to accomplish.
● Finances: If you were a playwright, you'd be sitting in the first row watching your opening performance right now. As it is, you're watching the profits finally roll in. Your sweat equity simply can't be quantified and neither can your satisfaction, but the numbers definitely can. Enjoy them.
● Love: It's about tending to your separate sides, the public and the private. While you're hard at work on inner issues, it's important to keep up appearances. Even if you feel like shutting down and hiding, don't. The extra effort is worth the pain.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: With all the energy you start the day with, you should be able to double your output. But unfortunately, you'll be spending it just getting through. Watching the clock can sure take it out of you. Look for a new surge once the whistle blows.
● Finances: You have an itch for something extravagant or even decadent. You can scratch it within budget with but a bit of creativity. Don't miss the point of it all: It's the emotional bang you're after, not a hefty price tag. You deserve something special but you also deserve to save your money.
● Love: Don't rush plans right now. If you're working on something big, be patient. The stars must align in your favor for the perfect situation or person to come into your life. Instant gratification is not part of the program.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Being modest may be a good personal quality, but it's not helping you get ahead. It's time to toot your own horn a bit. Take your cues from colleagues, and start learning how to run your own PR machine.
● Finances: It takes a lot of willpower to reign in your spending, but once you start seeing the results, they are their own reward. The start is the hardest part of any journey. Imagine the glory of money in the bank if that's what it takes to keep spending disciplined.
● Love: With life as harried as it is for you right now, it's important to take stock of what's already been accomplished. You're too busy working on that latest and greatest hottie to waste time doing what's already been done.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You can't count on anyone else for help, simply because you don't even know what to ask for yet. Make getting organized your first priority. You just may find you have what it takes to go it alone.
● Finances: When there's too much going on around you, your first response is to spend money. You are a typical shopaholic. When it comes to breaking the habit, you can't be too rigid about it. Don't let a single sale slip you up or seep into your new way of thinking.
● Love: If you're second-guessing a situation you've gotten yourself into, good. It's about time your conscience kicked in. This person isn't what they're cracked up to be; the sooner you accept that and move on, the better.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: If you feel upset at the tiniest change to your schedule, it's time for a reality check. Why so much emotion about a simple detour from your normal routine? Figure out why you need a security blanket at the office.
● Finances: Who says the details don't matter? The details are everything, especially when numbers are your foundation. Itemizing is your friend and ally, so don't look at it like a burden or a chore. You'll have a good day if you remind yourself of the ultimate results of the exercise.
● Love: It's time to tie up some loose ends before you can move on. So if you still need to make amends or officially break something off, do it now. The longer you wait, the more great opportunities will slip by while you wallow in your self-imposed purgatory.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You may not be enjoying deep conversations today, but you are connecting on some kind of intellectual level. Use the strange feeling to generate a totally new kind of drive.
● Finances: Your ego is poking you in the ribs. If it's egging you on, then maybe you should be listening. But if it's simply chastising you, block it out. Power tends to make all egos surge and warp, so be sure you're able to read what's going on. Remind yourself it's about the bottom line.
● Love: Something is trying to draw you into the future, but it's really important to be mindful of the present. Sure, you're looking forward to that hot date tomorrow night, but if you don't stay focused on your work, you could miss out in the long run.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: It's hard to compromise your ideals, and you shouldn't have to. But what's being asked of you is hardly infringing on your personal philosophy. With a bit of introspection, you should find out just why you're resisting so strenuously.
● Finances: There is almost no place on earth unreachable these days. But that's not how it feels to you. You're waiting for an important communication from a distant place, and it's as if you're waiting on pins and needles. A bit of humor won't really make the wait end any sooner but it just might make feel like it does. Enjoy the illusion.
● Love: You're ready and rarin' to do everything at once, but time and energy constraints will force you into submission. Prioritize. If it's partying and flirting you want to do, get the serious stuff out of the way first.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Don't let the office make you feel like an old dog, or act like one, either. Change takes some getting used to, even if it's simply a new idea. But you should be up for learning a new trick or two.
● Finances: Everyone wants what's yours. Not only do they want it, but they think they deserve it. You're exhausting yourself protecting your belongings. This is the worst that the business world has to offer anyone, and once you weather it you can consider yourself seasoned. Until then, keep using the white knuckle technique to hold on tight.
● Love: Everyone wants a piece of your mind today, whether it's planning for an event or seeking love advice. Be careful of stretching yourself too thin. You run the risk of overextending your good spirits, leaving little left over for your endeavors.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You want nothing more than to knock out the bigger issues on your desk, but it's the small details that are tripping you up. Deal with them first, then move on to the bigger fish.
● Finances: A compromise brings an immediate feeling of relief. Whether you're the one negotiating down your debt or giving someone else some of what they've asked for, the emotional payoff for you is as big as the financial one. It's so extraordinary you'll almost wish you could go through it all again. Almost.
● Love: You'll shift uncomfortably when someone brings up something awful you did dead drunk (or even worse, stone-cold sober). If amends are owed, make them now. You want to look the world straight in the eye.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You can put the romance back into even the most boring of tasks with only a minimal amount of creativity. The first thing on your to-do list should be getting inspired.
● Finances: There's too much going on for anyone to seek out your opinion and that's just as well. You're better off keeping them to yourself this time. No one wants to hear how responsible they are for their own downfall. Spare yourself the ill will. They'll figure things out down the line, without help from you.
● Love: The person you're hangin' around with lately isn't so much interested in you as a person. What he or she can get out of you, however, is a different story. If you're done with the selfishness, give yourself permission to move on.