Free Daily Horoscope - September 24 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Making too much of yourself is the wrong approach. Don't stick out today. Don't be the first one to speak up, even to point out the obvious. Your best defense against the day is a good suit of camouflage.
● Finances: When you get an itchy palm, it means you have to buy some of whatever it is you're thinking about at that moment. Really, if that's your investment strategy, then it's time to come up with some new ideas. Make sure you are clear about why you are investing your money, each and every time you do.
● Love: Don't start the day with a feverish pace. You're in the running to win any highfalutin derby, plus if you burn out early on, you'll have nothing left when the real fun starts later on. Pace yourself throughout the day and take lots of breaks.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Take things slowly. Start shopping around, a bit here and a bit there. By the time you start narrowing your choices, you should be gaining some momentum. Enjoy the downhill ride.
● Finances: You are feeling out of sorts. Or are you simply acting out of character? Breaking out of your usual mold is healthy every now and then, even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable. You may find yourself investing in something out of the ordinary for you. You'll be glad you did.
● Love: Are you in denial or have things truly fallen apart? Pull your head out of the sand and sniff the air. If you smell smoke, things have definitely crashed and burned. Your options, though limited, put you on a course for success -- don't run back to the wreckage for any last-minute rescue.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: There's a fine line between standing out and sticking out. Take the unspoken advice of your colleagues. Reading between the lines should tell you all you need to know.
● Finances: You thrive on activity. You're in hog heaven with plenty of things going on around you. Make the most of this frenetic level of activity, because it won't last. That's good because it gives you plenty of time for follow through. Without that, the frenzy is wasted.
● Love: Pick a thing, anything-- chances are you're powerless over it and it's causing an extreme amount of stress. You can't force anyone to fall in love with you, but you can be there when a certain someone comes sniffing around. Stay open to any and all options.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You have a good memory but it's your emotions that are tipping you off, not your head. Your mind may be somewhat slow to catch up, but trust your gut before you have a chance to put two and two together.
● Finances: Life has been a bit too wild for your taste of late. You much prefer a predictable, conservative routine to the dog-eat-dog jungle the world around you has become. And that's just describing your finances. Don't let your inner voice add to the chaos and confusion.
● Love: You perceive the snub -- someone's blowing you off and you have no idea what prompted it. But you're full of ego and pride. Even if you could you wouldn't confront this person. Let all this sour business float somewhere else. You don't have time for such petty concerns.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You're the one teaching others a thing or two. You'll meet plenty of people just ripe to have their opinions changed, and by you. Consider it a form of on the job training.
● Finances: What looks like work to outsiders seems like one big party to you. You're loving every minute spent chasing after money today. Don't bother listening to friends who tell you to slow down. Their dreams are hopelessly out of synch with yours anyway.
● Love: You're such a loving and kind person -- but you feel you need to be more if you want to attract this certain someone. Wait a minute! You are definitely enough. Don't do things against your nature just to prove yourself -- you'll totally lose this person's respect if you do.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You're not done until you say you are. Check once, twice, three times. Go over a project with a fine-toothed comb, and take extra time where any money issues are involved.
● Finances: The numbers don't lie. Their cold logic is staring you in the face and you're the one blinking. Just try to do your best with what you have to work with. You have the potential to turn this from a bad situation into a good one if you keep your cool. The minute you start to sweat, it's all over.
● Love: The people around you are awfully touchy today -- and you'll think it's all about you. Not so. Just give these cranky folks a bit of space and breathing room. It may not be today or tomorrow, but they'll come around soon and apologize for snapping your head off.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You may love your job, but you love your private life even more. You can hardly resist the fun calling you. Leaving early would be selfish, but you might not have what it takes to do the selfless thing and stay.
● Finances: All the energy you put into thinking a problem through can now be applied to other things, and not a minute too soon. There are plenty of things that have gone by the wayside while you've been mulling things over. Your finances, for one. They need your attention, and quick.
● Love: Critical mass is approaching in some relationship, whether it's merely casually or hot and heavy. The momentum will rocket this thing into romantic orbit or it'll peter out at the launch pad. Only time will tell at this point -- the best thing you can do is to be genuine.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: It may seem all wrong, but it's a good day to start a project. The next few days will only give you extra time to think. Don't put off until Monday what you can begin today.
● Finances: You don't really care what happens to other people's money until it starts impacting yours. The entire world got a taste of that recently and our interconnectedness is like the elephant in the living room. You just can't help but wonder what other people's gambling might do to you. All you can do is hope they're as careful in business as you are.
● Love: Fantasyland is great -- no wonder you spend an inordinate amount of time pondering people, places and things that don't exist (or at least not like the figments of your imagination). It's safer. But you have to deal with reality right now, so snap out of it.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Getting a lot done isn't good enough. You need to have fun doing it, and not only for your own satisfaction. Others are judging both your product and your attitude.
● Finances: Pretending the outcome of a certain investment is in your hands is a bit delusional. On the other hand, a good dose of faith in oneself never hurts. If you can't stand the thought of not really being in control of your finances, then keep yourself busy, too busy to stew over it.
● Love: The bickering is really getting old at this point. Try, try as you may, but nobody listens to your pleas for peace. All they care about is making their point heard. Instead of playing placater, why not get online and check out the hotties. It's such a better use of your time.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Unless security is one of your responsibilities, then don't waste time worrying about it. The weight of the world shouldn't rest on your shoulders. Focus on your owner personal security net instead.
● Finances: You are attracting the kind of people who share your more negative personality traits. That could have a devastating effect on not just your social life but your finances as well. Don't mix friendship and money, especially when it comes to your more flighty friends. And don't forget to look in the mirror.
● Love: Someone in the dating world isn't being exactly honest with you. Whether they've lied about their age or profession doesn't matter. If you catch 'em in the act, don't take it lightly. A fib's a fib -- and the deception just grows over time. Bad fashion you can fix; a cheat? No way!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Altruism isn't all it's cracked up to be. You'll chuck the whole group thing for your freedom the moment you get an opportunity to. And you'll get your opportunity today.
● Finances: Your brain is sizzling, but not with intelligence or insight. It's more accurate to say it's a bit fried at this point. Your circuits are shooting sparks from all the news you've had to digest, and the numbers just won't crunch. Give yourself a break for now. It's the most cost-efficient way to have a good day.
● Love: Overindulging in sin sounds like a good way to release some stress. Casual sex, a night out at the bar, an entire pint of ice cream to yourself -- fun, right? Not so fast. The emotional repercussions aren't worth it. Better to find healthier alternatives to blow off steam.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: You've worked your way through the maze. Congratulations. Now all you need to do is unravel that riddle no one has been able to solve. Stay working late if you need to. It will pay off.
● Finances: You're never very specific when you ask your higher power for favors, and that's generally a good thing. But now you have a very specific issue you need help with and it's okay to ask for it point blank. You can even ask for an exact number, and include a date. Ask and you shall receive.
● Love: No matter how hard you try or how much you scheme, your little plans won't fall into place. The end result? Frustration, frustration and more frustration. It's time to find an alternative way out. When the same old, same old fails to yield results, blaze a new path.