Free Daily Horoscope - September 21 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Is boredom a real problem or something you can live with? Take a good look at the world around you before you answer. Things are different than they were when your mother was a child (or even how they were last year). Think carefully.
● Finances: You're beyond ready for something new. Do some exploring now so you can have an interesting weekend. The more you research beforehand, the less money you'll throw at keeping yourself amused. It's never too early to initiate the process.
● Love: You're not in the mood to embark on some profound self-discovery mission, but baby, it's coming your way, so get ready to unpeel some layers. The catalyst, of course, will revolve around romance. Resistance is futile: Learning what makes you tick is irresistible.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Don't go solo. You might not share common goals, but there are plenty of people in the office who could use some back scratching. You never know when you might have an itch of your own.
● Finances: Be as particular about those you socialize with as you are about what you spend your money on. After all, your time is way more precious to you than your cash, or it ought to be. Don't rush yourself into making plans for the sake of making plans. Shop around for the most fun and the best person to have it with.
● Love: Now's a great time to come back to a belief you tossed out long ago. Maybe it's religion, maybe it's a value your parents drilled in your head, but for the first time in your life, you're seeing the significance of this wisdom -- and finally, it all makes sense.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: If you're determined to communicate, you're likely to have a bad dream kind of day. No matter how you spell things out, they come out blurry and unclear. You're better off keeping mum until tomorrow.
● Finances: During the week, what you keep your eye on is referred to as your goals. On the weekend, it's your hopes and wishes. The only difference in the way you think of them is that one is long term and one is more immediate. Otherwise, be sure they are equally valuable.
● Love: You? Domineering? Hardly. In fact, you need to assert yourself more -- much more, especially when it comes to dating and the office. Even though it triggers your self-consciousness, step away from the crowd and make your mark. Someone's watching and they're taking notes.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: The best place to start is the beginning. You shouldn't get into any of the details, if only because the bigger issues still need to be hashed out. Looking at the big picture is a good way to spend the day.
● Finances: You have a good memory. Unfortunately, it's torturing you. Thinking about money you once had is just a way to make yourself feel bad. Unless it's goading you on to better things, then you're simply being sadistic by revisiting the memories again and again. Give it and yourself a rest.
● Love: If people disapprove of your decisions, all the more reason to proceed with Plan A. No matter what you come up with, someone has a definite opinion on why it's a bad idea. You'll never coax them to your rationale, so leave 'em on the side of the road and continue on your journey.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You're at a crossroads, and you know just which fork to take, although you don't realize it yet. You have instincts for a reason. Your brain might be telling you one thing, but that neon light in your gut is the one lighting your way.
● Finances: You've learned a lot over the course of the last year, but you can't say you've enjoyed any of it. Once the wounds aren't quite so fresh, you'll actually be able to put some of it to good use. For now, just continue thanking your lucky stars for all you have in life -- including money.
● Love: Where you've taken small steps, lengthen your stride. Whether it's your online profile or the quality of work you're doing at the office, think boldness. Make your presence known -- talk to people you're normally afraid of. Out of your league? Not now!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You're not driving a team of dogs. Your colleagues all work at the pace they want today, and nothing you do can prod them to go any faster. In fact, the harder you try, the slower they go.
● Finances: Money isn't what gives you your sense of purpose today, if it ever is. You have bigger things on your mind. But money issues don't just go away because they don't interest you. Set aside some time to put your financial affairs in order today.
● Love: You're definitely not interested in what this person is offering, yet, they're relentless. They'll get your attention if it kills them. Well, you've gotta love their tenacity. Take a chance -- go on a date with this person. You'll discover way more substance than meets the eye.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Things move in fits and starts. Let that be of comfort to you. Don't be upset if things don't progress today. They'll only go that much faster tomorrow.
● Finances: You're not too selfish to compromise, you're too principled. Letting someone else have the lion's share just wouldn't be right. Digging in your heels, however, will be either a great or awful experience, depending on how you handle it. Even though it's business, consider giving in.
● Love: Work is work is work. You're at the office and the paperwork's piling up. But that doesn't mean you have to hate every minute of it. Take frequent breaks and chat up your coworkers. Luckily, everyone's having the same sort of day and they're open to your interference.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You can be totally lost in your own head and still have a productive day. Imagining your next move is one of your hidden talents. Go ahead, string fantasy and reality together into a silky braid.
● Finances: You've managed to maintain your dignity and poise all this time and it would be a shame if you let things get ugly at this late stage of the game. Even money can't bring it out in you unless you let it. Call it a day as soon as the beast rears its ugly head.
● Love: Family won't fail you now -- so if it comes down to choosing between a hot date or dinner with the peeps, opt for the latter. The shock of disappointment is swift but fleeting. Good wine, delicious food and lots of reminiscing are exactly what you needed.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You're feeling confined. It's a good time to expand your options, despite what the experts say. If you need an excuse to get revved up about it, imagine sitting at the same desk a year from today.
● Finances: The more work you have to do, the more fun you have doing it. If you need to raise ten thousand dollars in an hour, you'll be on fire to get the cash. But if it's a ten-dollar bill you need, you'll be lucky to come up with a five. Keep yourself motivated by continuing to raise the bar.
● Love: That old brain twister won't stalk you for long. A wave of great mental energy washes over you soon and that should put an end to all those perplexing issues and problems. Suddenly, you know exactly what to do and when to do it. Isn't clarity great?
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Every conversation is painful and drawn out. You just can't get your point across no matter how hard you try. Communicating isn't everything. Think about other ways to have a good day.
● Finances: You have a lot to worry about, or nothing at all of concern, depending on how you look at things. There is really nothing that will suffer terribly from a bit of postponement. On the other hand, you might as well tackle the things that are giving you extra wrinkles. The choice is yours.
● Love: Before you end the day, make sure pending projects -- whether brand new or practically completed -- are on solid footing. A frayed loose end could spell big trouble. That way, you'll leave work with a clean conscience, ready to conquer all the hotties who come out at night.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You've reevaluated so many of your values in the last six months that going a bit further or a bit deeper is not really such a stretch. Start thinking about what you're getting versus what you need, plus what you want.
● Finances: The electricity is gone. You can't put your finger on the pulse to save your life. You can hope it comes back, count on it coming back, or let yourself sink into a more relaxed, informal lifestyle. No reason to do something drastic like get all bohemian. Stick to your first two options instead.
● Love: You'll feel out of control and frustrated over your inability to maneuver just about anything -- when you've reached critical mass, let go of the reins and let the universe step in the driver's seat. You may not like the scenery, but you'll get to where you're going safely.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: If you really want to do something for yourself, you'll put it off until after-hours. Focusing on being an excellent employee is the best way to take care of yourself, today.
● Finances: Dreams can be quite valuable. They help push you forward. But getting too lost in the haze is counter productive, and that's just what you are doing. You're using fantasies of success as a kind of drug. Shake off those delusions and keep your thoughts firmly in reality.
● Love: Don't beat yourself up over past romantic decisions -- you can't do anything about those missed opportunities and flubbed lines now, so let it go. And even if you could make it better, would it really matter? Not! You've moved on; they've moved on. Keep it at that.