Free Daily Horoscope - September 12 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Subliminal heavy business can sink you if you let it, and it's a slow way to go. Deal with the issues head-on instead. You have the day off to do just that. Ignore the office and dig in at home.
● Finances: Don't feel bad about the very characteristics that make you a success. Unless you're actually using someone to get ahead, your opportunistic tendencies are considered winning qualities. But if you get the sneaking suspicion you're pushing things too far, you probably are.
● Love: Protect yourself from all those emotional barracudas out there in dating land. They would say anything to jump in bed with you (unless of course if that's what you want). You're in control; you dictate where this thing takes you.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: It pays to be dull. The last thing you need is intensity. In fact, avoid deep emotions altogether. Stick to only the most superficial of relationships and avoid anything you care about passionately.
● Finances: There is simply no way to have even a superficial understanding of your finances right now. At least you're not alone. The general chaos is dying down, but only the enlightened few have it all figured out. The new financial world order is bringing out some interesting new preacher types.
● Love: All you really want is a bit of love and happiness in your life. Why then, does everyone else seem against it? If it's not the people you date, it's your parents or others who tell you what to do. When it gets too overwhelming, switch on autopilot for a while and cruise.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: It's hard for you to go any slower than full speed, but you need to conserve energy. Be calculating about it. If you save up today, you'll have that much more in the tank when you start your work week.
● Finances: Strange vibes are starting to worry you. Those undercurrents may not actually have anything to do with money, although they are making your palms itch. Until it's clear what the source is, try not to let yourself get too paranoid or stressed out. The last thing you need is to pull out your tinfoil hat.
● Love: You possess a secret desire to break out of the pack and sprint ahead. But, you've become awfully brazen about your intentions. Remember, certain people are ahead of you for a reason -- they're setting the pace. Move too quickly and you'll run out of steam.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: It's your day to do nothing you don't want to do. If you're even the slightest bit unsure, just shrug and stay on the couch. Save all the decisions for the coming work week.
● Finances: Your profit is like a turtle afraid to stick its head out of the shell. There is a lot going on under the hard exterior, but no one can really tell. As anxious as you are to see some results, just give it more time. It will all be revealed sooner if you stop breathing on it.
● Love: Your phases change as quickly as the moon. Yesterday it was that, today it's this and tomorrow? Who knows? Make one decision and stick to it for a while. A little consistency is a great gift for someone like you.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You don't have a boss making you feel guilty. Go ahead, be self-centered. You have all week to cut yourself off from the neck down. Today, focus on nothing but you and your whims.
● Finances: You know exactly what you want. The only problem is, you don't want anyone else to know. Yes, you lust after money just as much as the next person. Your Zen exterior will fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Prepare to be busted.
● Love: Experiment; have fun now. You're out on the dating trail, so you might as well experience the full flavor of life. Because once you're committed, all that fanfare and variety goes away. That's not a bad thing -- you're just a one-guy (or one-gal) kind of person.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: If you wait for others to get in touch with you, you'll have a boring, restless Sunday. Reach out. Communicating takes a lot less energy than twiddling your thumbs and wondering what to do.
● Finances: Today brings a burst of energy and desire to start something new. This is no time to plunge into unknown waters, though, especially when it comes to money. You could end up swimming with sharks, so best stay in the shallow end for now.
● Love: You're a true delicacy and if others can't see that, they don't deserve you. So stop selling yourself short. Your rare qualities are a fantastic match for someone who adores you. Hooking up just to hook up is truly a waste of your time right now.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You feel empowered to make changes that go deep. If only you felt this confident at work! Make the most of it in your personal life, though, and the feeling is bound to spill over.
● Finances: Thinking about the past just makes you depressed, and yet you can't seem to stop yourself. You could try turning your attitude around since you can't take your eyes off of what's over your shoulder. Use memories of financial successes to boost your motivation, not drag yourself into the ground.
● Love: Your insides definitely don't match your outsides. Keeping up appearances is certainly noble, but don't overdo it. Lower a lifeboat and allow someone special to drift across that moat. You'll relish the intimacy you fought so hard to deny.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: People are drawn to you. In fact, you'll have a hard time deciding just who to spend time with today and who to put off until later. This kind of intense magnetism won't last, so make the most of it.
● Finances: All the ambition and willpower in the world will only get you so far today. That's not to say you should abandon them, but know that your efforts will be their own rewards. Working hard is still the best way to assure a good mood, with or without immediate results.
● Love: You've fallen flat on your face before -- and it won't be the last time. Sure, the critics will laugh at this mishap, but they'll rue the day they underestimated your ability to snap back. And when you seek revenge, nobody does it better.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Don't give in to a desire to be alone. You need time with friends to prepare for your workweek, if for no other reason. If you're feeling moody, figure out why and get on with it.
● Finances: Back when pinching pennies was frowned upon, you had to hide your favorite habit. Now that it's not all that unusual, you also find yourself hiding it. Who wants to be considered one of the sheep? Keep it to yourself, but continue perfecting the practice. Homemade lunch is still your favorite fare.
● Love: You're prone to a major meltdown after a series of small burnouts, soon, so soon. You know that hottie you said you were going to call? Call them and get a relaxing date on the books. Sweet!
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Questions about work are plaguing you. You need a detached, objective point of view. Run a few scenarios by your friends, and be open to whatever feedback they give you.
● Finances: Your resilience is flagging, but you're only calling it a day, not giving up altogether. Good results are still possible once your strength and determination return. Make renewing them your goal for the day, and don't shift it until you see your little plan working.
● Love: You've earned it -- now gloat. Don't be afraid to crow about your recent accomplishment. Opportunities like these are rare, indeed. Invite someone you've got a crush on out to dinner to celebrate. He or she will get drunk on your euphoria.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Don't spend the day worrying about your career. It won't help matters anyway. If you need a way to keep your mind off of work, then stay socially useful. It always feels good to be needed.
● Finances: Subliminal issues will waste your entire day if you let them. Flailing away with no discernible result is their favorite use of your energy. If that sounds like a bit of a nightmare, it's because it's the very stuff nightmares are made of. Relegate them to the world behind your eyelids.
● Love: Your overriding desire to be original sometimes pushes you into interesting situations, to say the least. And today, that's a good thing. Be the first in your office to take advantage of an up-and-coming trend. They may balk at first, but they'll be jealous later.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Look on the bright side. If you're feeling unsure or even uneasy, remind yourself that you're not at work. At least you're not sweating over legal documents or mud wrestling with colleagues.
● Finances: Make a million dollars in two weeks in your spare time? You should be wary of any business deals put before you today, especially outlandish get-rich-quick ones. Anything that sounds too good to be true undoubtedly is.
● Love: What if, what if? You're awfully comfy and cozy in Fantastyland lately. Variables and abstracts shouldn't concern you right now. Pay attention to empirical evidence: What's going on in front of you? The other stuff just doesn't matter. Save the daydreaming for another day.