Free Daily Horoscope - October 1 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: It may not be a great day, but there is the possibility of one tomorrow. Whether you're looking forward to work or just plain rest and relaxation, the promise of it is all the fuel you need.
● Finances: Your new routine is starting to sink in. As a matter of fact, it's becoming, well, routine. It will take some effort on your part to make sure everything doesn't slowly sink from here into plain old mundane boredom. If that means taking a few hair-raising risks with your hard-earned money, then so be it.
● Love: You're an ardent supporter of something. Of what, remains to be seen. Latch onto a cause and put all your energy into endorsing it. Life's pretty quiet on the romantic front right now, so you'll need a diversion to keep your head on until things pick up again.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Why resist? After all, it's a good day. If a power struggle has been brewing, let yourself out of the ring. You can kiss the whole thing goodbye later, whatever side you end up on.
● Finances: Your love for money has gone from affection to obsession. Needing something as much as you need cold, hard cash just isn't healthy. There's no need for the whole 'if you love it set it free' routine, though. Just keeping it in the bank is enough. Don't touch, and don't even look, either.
● Love: If you've kissed, definitely don't tell. It's one of those days when keeping your secrets to yourself is a great idea, especially if you're having a covert fling with someone. Now's not the time to allow this info into the public domain.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You need a gentle reminder that you're at work, not among friends. You can surround yourself with like-minded people after if that's what you enjoy. For today, keep your opinions to yourself.
● Finances: When it comes to money and what to do with it, you have to be explicit. But with family and even close friends, you don't expect to have to spell it all out. Today you can't assume your intentions are understood even if to you they seem obvious. Make sure you explain every last detail.
● Love: If someone, even that hottest of hotties, tries to check out your personal info, draw the line. No pulling out your wallet and rifling through pictures; no scrolling through your contacts. Even if it seems harmless, it's not. Your business is your business.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: If you thought your career would only go up, up and away, join the rest of the crowd. The only thing rising sky-high these days is doubt. Count your blessings and hang on to your sense of accomplishment.
● Finances: You're obsessed with big numbers, but that's not getting you anywhere. It's counterintuitive, but the more you focus on the smaller issues that need cleaning up, the easier it will be to see your shining star. What you need to do is not exactly polishing silver but the effect should be somewhat similar.
● Love: A lunch date -- what could be better? If you're planning a date, do it during the day. If it's a flop, you have an easy out. But, if he or she's hot to trot, this thing could go well into the evening, perhaps even breakfast in bed!
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Making it through the day takes more willpower than you can muster. Letting yourself off the hook isn't your only option, though. You can actually do more than endure if you find the key to your motivation.
● Finances: You're as thrifty as the next person, regardless of how much money you used to spend. Even if you have always been this conservative with your cash, there still have been some subtle changes in your financial strategies. It's time to review your budget and add up their effect.
● Love: The responses from your online profiles are coming in like crazy. Sure, it's tempting to gorge at the beauty buffet, but it's even better to practice restraint. Think quality versus quantity.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Don't get sidetracked just yet. There's still too much happening in the office for you to be wanting to be off work. For you to stay focused, there's no such thing as being too rigid.
● Finances: If your biggest achievement of the day is organizing your wallet, then you can say you've accomplished something important. You have money or bills that are lost in the shuffle. A new project will get off to a better start once you get a grip on things.
● Love: No sense in bucking the system today. If your pals call up and want to party, just do it. You won't meet anyone sitting at home by yourself. All kinds of crazy, interesting people are out wandering the streets today and you're liable to run into and connect with at least a few.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You'll have time for your friends tomorrow. For today, stay focused on colleagues. Whether you're the ersatz leader or the real one, they're looking to you for answers.
● Finances: That nagging voice in your head is one of your biggest assets. It's egging you on and not letting you rest. Ignoring it is worse than acknowledging it, so start paying attention. This is your chance to be a good listener.
● Love: If you have nothing interesting planned, consider going on an overnight adventure, whether it's to the funky hotel down the street or a last-minute, overnight camping extravaganza. And if you have a friend with benefits who's free, bring them along, too.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: You may feel like you're in the midst of a career crisis, but actually, your career is caught up in a storm bigger than you and it combined. It's a whirlwind, but don't let your feathers get too ruffled.
● Finances: Paying attention to the small details pays off as they reveal a valuable secret. But that just gets the ball in motion. You have plenty of information to collect before you do any real planning, but once the cat's out of the bag, you can consider yourself on your way.
● Love: Everyone's just so annoying right now. They either want too much information, too much of your time or both. Turn everything off and go incommunicado for a few hours. If it's working, remain detached from the world for 24 hours.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: It's a good day for gambling because you're in luck. The bigger your risks, the bigger you'll win. Reach into your breast pocket and take out your secret list of things you've been meaning to ask your boss for. Start from the top and work your way down.
● Finances: Some technicalities drive you crazy because they keep you from moving forward with your plans. But they are there to protect your financial interests even if it seems they are costing you good money in delays. Calm down long enough to cover the necessary details.
● Love: Your anger is totally misdirected at someone. You've been blaming this person for a bad breakup that happened years ago -- but when's the last time you turned the spotlight on yourself? Consider your part. You won't find peace until you accept your culpability.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Business problems are literally all around you. At least you know it's not personal. You may feel you deserve more than you're getting, but history has other ideas.
● Finances: A bit of research goes a long way. Due diligence is a must for anything involving money. Go right down to the small details wherever possible, and where you can't delay decisions until you can. A missing piece of the puzzle comes to you from a long distance.
● Love: You better take a knee and talk to someone before you pursue this latest catch. You're so caught up in the details, you're missing the whole picture. Judge him or her by their exterior: If he's 35 and still lives with mommy, consider yourself duly warned.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: End your working day on an upswing. The way to do it is not to win, it's to compromise. A power struggle has you thinking otherwise, but being fair should be your only option.
● Finances: If something seems like a good deal, it is -- for the other party. You can't be too careful when dealing with other people and their business propositions. On the other hand, it doesn't take looking too much beneath the surface to see their real agenda.
● Love: You're simply a breath of fresh air -- totally charming and off the charts. If you were going to snag that hottie, now would be the time. So if you find him or her alone and looking bored, glide on up and start a conversation.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: It's impossible not to get carried away in the drama swirling around you. Don't force yourself to ignore it. Dive right in when it comes to the problems of your colleagues, dirty details and all.
● Finances: Some days you're too critical when it comes to helping others: Every last qualification needs to be checked off of your list before you step up. Today, though, you're playing loose and fast with the assistance. Even though it's money and not sweat or time you're contributing, think a bit longer before you donate.
● Love: You're okay not being in the spotlight, which makes now a great time to impress the heck out of a hottie. Don't you know, people loooove talking about themselves? Start asking questions -- by the end of the night, he or she will be head over heels.