Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - September 22 2016

● Love & Relationships: Your relationships with your entourage will take priority; you''ll try to create a warm, relaxed climate around you.
● Career: You don''t have to quit your job and turn your life over to charity, but the stars definitely emphasize thinking of ways to help your fellow human.
● Lucky number : 53
● Best time of the day : 17h00

● Love & Relationships: Dying for an adventure? First take care of some relationship business on the home front before you embark on that jungle safari or rock climbing expedition.
● Career: Your work will be intense; try to take frequent moments of rest.
● Lucky number : 78
● Best time of the day : 13h00

● Love & Relationships: You feel like you should know all the answers to this relationship, but that''s simply an illusion -- and one that you need to get rid of, pronto.
● Career: Here''s your big chance to make financial and overall quality-of-life improvements.
● Lucky number : 37
● Best time of the day : 16h00

● Love & Relationships: Changes of the sudden, exciting variety are in the air, so grab some of that energy and infuse it into your love life.
● Career: You see a way out of some recent financial straits, but it may take some clever maneuvering -- not to mention some help from someone you thought was out of the picture.
● Lucky number : 17
● Best time of the day : 13h00

● Love & Relationships: This new attitude of your is pumping up your reputation -- and you sex appeal.
● Career: Has it ever occurred to you that the areas of your life where you''re most enthusiastic might hold the key to your financial stability? A hobby or interest has the potential to become a new career choice.
● Lucky number : 88
● Best time of the day : 20h00

● Love & Relationships: Try grading this relationship on a curve instead of a strict percentage.
● Career: It''s easy to complain about how there''s no time for anything else but work and other obligations in your life, but have you really tried to juggle your schedule so there''s room for a little frolic and fun?
● Lucky number : 86
● Best time of the day : 12h00

● Love & Relationships: Don''t let that ego get in the way of moving your love life forward.
● Career: Sometimes the only way to know if something''s going to work out is to dive right in.
● Lucky number : 74
● Best time of the day : 12h00

● Love & Relationships: Keep your loved ones in the loop when it comes to your plans.
● Career: Work might get a little weird as your fellow wage earners start to act out.
● Lucky number : 85
● Best time of the day : 13h00

● Love & Relationships: Act toward your sweetheart as you would want them to act toward you.
● Career: A well-conducted financial operation will allow you to improve your material situation considerably.
● Lucky number : 91
● Best time of the day : 14h00

● Love & Relationships: You''ll be very much surrounded and appreciated by your near ones, for your gentleness and kindheartedness will be unfailingly present.
● Career: Try to moderate your bossiness toward your children, otherwise communication will be blocked.
● Lucky number : 63
● Best time of the day : 17h00

● Love & Relationships: Fact is indeed stranger than fiction (especially when it comes to the mysteries of love), and right now it may be hard even to disentangle the two.
● Career: A few extra communication challenges might be heading your way, but it''s nothing you can''t sidestep or smooth over with a little more TLC.
● Lucky number : 94
● Best time of the day : 9h00

● Love & Relationships: You''ll be very sensitive to prestige and social status, so much so that you may empty your bank account in order to satisfy your present penchant for it.
● Career: An expansion in your social network will create small growing pains for a few weeks.
● Lucky number : 79
● Best time of the day : 14h00