Free Daily Horoscope - September 1 2016

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● General: There is certainly no shortage of energy inside you right now, but you're feeling surprisingly shy about showing it to the rest of the world. Right now it's going to take a little bit of encouragement to get you to come out of your shell and do all that you could be doing. The big question right now is: Why are you holding back so much, of late? Take some time today to think through why you are unable to work at one hundred percent of your capacity. You'll get answers by the end of the day.
● Work: You're frozen in time. If you need to generate new ideas, breeze through something old. Sent emails, saved voice mail messages -- you just never know which direction it's already come from.
● Finances: It's a great day to put the past behind you and start fresh. You've been forward-looking for a long time and today is no exception. You have enough energy and excitement to last you for quite a while if you use it right. Apply it to exclusively profitable endeavors.
● Love: Sex with an ex might sound great -- until the reality of it sinks in. Nothing will take you back to the bad stuff like hopping in the sack with a wayward lover. If you do, be in for a nasty flashback that may take a while to recover from.

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● General: There is no reason for you to be in a hurry to get anywhere right now, no matter what someone else is telling you. So take all the time you need and make no apologies for it! You have the right to do the amount of research that makes you feel good about your decision. And the more you can map out your plan of action in detail, the better things will go for you. Tell all the people who are pushing you that they are wasting their time. Assert yourself and stand your ground.
● Work: The bigger they come, the harder they fall. Or, in your case, the faster they run. You're racing ahead. The least damage you can hope for is a skinned knee. Slow down to a more professional pace.
● Finances: You have no qualms about being pompous, but there's really not much to be arrogant about. Just looking at your bank account is a humbling experience. That attitude adjustment alone could be worth a small fortune, so cheer up.
● Love: Don't be surprised to roll out of bed with tears running down your face. Love gone bad boggles your mind today and it's all you can do to brush your teeth. Avoid reminiscent places and music; don't pull out those well-worn love letters. Let the feelings pass.

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● General: Like it or not, you have to share the people you love with other people! So loosen the grasp you currently have on your best friend or sweetie. Give them more space to explore other aspects of their social life. You bring a lot of value to their life and can be confident in that -- so why worry that they are spending time with someone else? If you get too possessive about your relationship, you send a message that the assurance you need is more important that the other person's independence.
● Work: What's the point of getting ideas generated if there's no follow through? That's one way of looking at it. Another is, why sit at your desk and twiddle your thumbs? Belly up to the conference table and serve yourself come coffee.
● Finances: It's a good day to think about the future. You don't need to come up with any new ideas, you need to think of ways to make the ones you already have come to life. A real plan is in order. That alone will help both you and others take your ideas seriously, and that's the first real step.
● Love: Friends? Sex? No. Nothing like that today. Sometimes, hooking up with friends works out if feelings don't get involved. Before getting involved with a friend, consider the consequences.

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● General: You're happy to have extra responsibilities right now -- after all, they're just extra opportunities to show the world what you can do! But this higher profile can be a double-edged sword, helping you get positive acclaim, but also forcing you to act while everyone is looking. The good news is that you have supreme confidence now and can do very well under pressure. It's time for you to prove yourself and overcome any past missteps. Show folks that you can't be judged by one mistake.
● Work: You have a lot to do before you can call it a day, and getting irritable won't help you complete tasks any faster. You'll be tempted to let yourself off the hook, but don't go home until your desk is clear.
● Finances: You're very focused on prospects for the future, but don't forget about the more distant future, too. Decisions you make now could affect things way down the line. Even the activities you choose for today can have a serious financial ripple effect. Choose wisely.
● Love: Always a bridesmaid, never a bride (or groom). Maybe you'll never get married, so what? Stop obsessing on it. You'll talk yourself into a negativity frenzy if you don't lay off yourself. Better of being ever single than committing for the wrong reasons.

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● General: Too shy to say what you really want to say to that incredible hottie you've been crushing on? Saying something out loud that reveals your inner hopes and wishes might feel like an invitation for rejection, but in reality it's a very empowering act! So state your truth, stand by your statement, and be ready for whatever consequences come. It is better to try and miss than to not try at all and let a chance pass you by. Own your feelings by giving them the respect they deserve.
● Work: Brainstorming doesn't impress anymore. It's time to put your effort where your ideas are. Remind yourself that you're not just at the office to socialize but to produce.
● Finances: Your willpower shows. You've made a dent in your debt or increased your savings or both. It's premature to rest on your laurels, but an inexpensive pat on the back is in order. Find a good way to recognize your own achievement.
● Love: Falling in love with your best friend or even a good friend is dangerous. You might be treading on slippery ground. If you're not receiving the vibes in return, this could turn out to be an utterly frustrating situation. Keep your distance for now.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● General: One of your friends is letting money issues get in the way of your relationship with them. Either they don't feel they can keep up with your lifestyle or they are worried you can't keep up with theirs. Either way, the two of you need to stop being afraid to talk about finances. You don't have to divulge details -- but agree on the fact that spending time together is all that matters. How you spend that time together can be affordable and comfortable for both of you. Make it happen.
● Work: You're being paid for your cold logic. It may be unpleasant, but that's why it's called work. If you want something more warm and fuzzy on the brain, then daydream about being home for the evening.
● Finances: Don't brag about how well you weathered a situation, now that you know yourself. It's better to let others continue thinking of you as the underdog. No one will be asking you for a loan anytime soon, that much you can count on. If you really want to help others, do it discretely.
● Love: The power of seduction lies not in words. It's all about subtleties and gestures, so ladies, if you're looking to score, wear high-heeled, no matter what. And guys, if she's dangling a shoe on the tip of her toe, expect more than a kiss goodnight.

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● General: Something or someone you encounter today will force you to ask yourself how open-minded you really can be. You won't understand everything about what other people are doing, and it could make you angry or even afraid. But harmony is pretty easy to achieve when you think the best of other people -- especially strangers. So just greet everyone with a smile instead of with suspicion. Start a conversation and respect what they say. Set the tone for honest dialogue.
● Work: It has nothing to do with your innermost self or your true worth. No matter how much good energy you have, you just can't do it all. Find a colleague to share the load with, either officially or in an informal way.
● Finances: You're still not back to your normal schedule, far from it. Your concerns still revolve around which people you'll be actively in touch with. Your friends look to you to organize any events that may happen. As long as you don't spend the lion's share, be their leader.
● Love: Intelligence is huge, so don't settle for someone with an IQ lower than the current temperature. Brains don't grow overnight -- either this person has 'em or they don't. You need a piquant exchange of ideas to keep your interest. Don't dumb down your expectations.

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● General: You'll see someone struggling later on today, and you should do what you can to lend them a hand. Not only will it make you feel good about yourself, it will help you get back in touch with your more selfless, compassionate side. It can be extremely empowering to sacrifice some of your time and energy for the sake of someone else -- especially when that someone is as vocal with their gratitude as this person will be! The rewards you receive for what you do today will grow more valuable over time.
● Work: Don't let grand schemes cloud your vision of reality. One minor detail is all it takes to ruin your plans. Take the time to read the fine print, whether what's at stake is your promotion or your company's money.
● Finances: Don't look over your shoulder if it only makes you stressed. It's not as if you're walking down a dark alley -- exactly. Your wallet could get snatched, but not by thugs. Look forward to the light, instead. Did you hear prophet or profit?
● Love: There's good and then there's too good and if the person you're with has sex like a pro, be careful. You may have nabbed yourself a serial cheater and scoundrel. You can never trust where this person has been or where they're going. Proceed with caution.

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● General: An authority figure might have a tendency to micromanage you today, and their hovering presence could start to get on your nerves early on. This is not because you are not doing a good job. This is because they are feeling insecure and need to justify themselves at your expense. There's no need to feel intimidated by them -- just keep doing your work like you normally do. Have fun, get a lot done, and don't sweat their constant inquiries about your progress.
● Work: You just can't think today. You can't even make up your mind about what kind of coffee to drink in the morning, and philosophizing is definitely out of the question. Save the deep thinking for tomorrow.
● Finances: The random is your friend. You'll get bumped up to first class by sheer luck. Don't think this is a skill you can count on to keep yourself afloat. Enjoy the fun of good fortune dropped in your lap, and then move on to more ordinary things.
● Love: Here's a great way to gauge where this fling is headed: How do your friends feel about him or her? If they're constantly complaining and rolling their eyes, chances are, they know something you don't. Take stock and listen up.

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● General: You deserve a break -- and today just might be the perfect day for it. Any deadlines you have right now can wait, and there are not going to be any fires breaking out anytime soon. If you can, try to stay close to home -- work from home if you can. You need to be in a place where you can totally relax and feel free to be yourself, without having to put on a game face or kiss up to the big boss. If you just can't get away today, then at least schedule something within the next week.
● Work: Make sure your thoughts are clear. Discard any extra distractions. In fact, close your office door if that's what it takes. And if you work in a cubicle, resort to ear plugs.
● Finances: It's not an easy day, but not because you're having business problems. They're still on the back burner. Today you're dealing with bullies or hogs who demand more than their fair share of whatever's yours. Don't let them bring out the worst in you.
● Love: You're responsible for yourself -- and that's enough. So someone who isn't a self-motivator is wrong, wrong, wrong for you. You don't have the time or energy to run someone else's life, so if you hook up with a person who's looking for a parent, run the other way.

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● General: Despite all evidence to the contrary, you do not have all the answers today. Be careful not to confuse other people's confidence in you with your actual abilities. Right now, you need to work harder to find innovative and perhaps even uncomfortable ideas. Find out how you can make ideas better. What value could they add to your life? Becoming too complacent in your daily routine is not wise for your career growth or your personal growth. You need stimulation -- and yes, even conflict -- right now.
● Work: You're having a sizzling affair, if only an intellectual one. The kind of unique relationship you're experiencing is perfectly acceptable for the office. In fact, your employer is all for getting the sparks to fly.
● Finances: You're compromised. You're still sort of stuck in between certain financial situations. It feels to you like you're still in the past, though, which is even worse. Be patient. Financial changes begin in a few short days.
● Love: Your money is huge; theirs, however, is crucial. If you're paying for everything all the time, this will never work out. Once in a while is fine, but always, no way. You'll turn into Bank of Chump if you continue to foot the bill.

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● General: Charming people will be keeping you busy and delighted -- they have some big social plans, and they want you to get in on the ground floor of making them happen! You've got valuable party planning skills that they need, plus an email list of the people they want to invite. Today's going to be a very active and interesting day for you, and your social life is going to be transformed soon because of what you do today. Add your unique flair to the menu and the play list, too!
● Work: You may think you're too busy for the likes of poetry, but actually, it's just what the doctor ordered. You're on the verge of being overwhelmed, and it's just the language to talk you off the ledge and back to your desk. Indulge.
● Finances: There's not much of a distinction between fantasy and reality right now. With things still in limbo, you're not sure if you should be elated about your prospects or gulping with anxiety. Since you can at least pretend to choose, choose elation.
● Love: Curiosity may kill cats, but a lack of it will definitely murder your latest fling. If the person you're hanging with doesn't bother to pick up a book or newspaper and never talks about seeing new things or meeting new people, you're dealing with ennui at its worst. open?msgid=oyBxl7SMKa4stTPEsUWjug2