Free Daily Horoscope - August 6 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Today you're not feeling like going to work. Figure out what is making you want to call in sick and stay home. Go ahead, delve into your emotions. Don't suppress a thing.
● Finances: Rounding up to the nearest dollar is more than just a way to avoid the more mundane details of your personal accounting. You're actually paying off slightly more with each payment, and it does add up. Consider it a new twist on Ben Franklin's old words of wisdom.
● Love: Pictures don't lie -- that's why it's up to you to represent yourself on your profile in the best possible light, literally. If you need help, ask a friend. Photos should be taken closer up. Don't hesitate to do a little touch-up, just don't overdo it. And try black and white for variety.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Should you go to happy hour? Home is an appealing option, too. If only every day held such promise. There is a way to make your week go by real quick. Focus on enjoying your job.
● Finances: Making money is not all glamour and fun. In fact, there's no glamour or fun involved at all. You must have confused spending it with making it. Now that you're clear about your mistake, use the correct image as your carrot on a stick.
● Love: It's up to you to lead the charge because nobody else is up to the task, especially when it comes to dating. Don't be afraid to assert yourself. Go where you want to go; do what you want to do. The other person's just along for the ride.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You want to focus but your thoughts just aren't clear. Stop thinking about your break before it gets here, or all you'll be able to think about when it does is the work you left undone on your desk.
● Finances: One good thing about all the chatter in your head is that it makes reading your thoughts that much harder. If you love a poker face, you'll love the disguise you have going on now. It buys you plenty of time to pay bills and run errands without unwanted attention.
● Love: The bills, your job, all those calls from your ex. It all makes you just want to hide under the covers and not come out until it all goes away -- but that's not gonna happen. So make a to-do list and start crossing off stuff. The longer you let it fester, the worst it'll be down the road.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Certain work projects might actually come to an end today. Your good feelings may double in twenty-four hours, but for now, enjoy the emotion tied to wrapping things up.
● Finances: Small details make a big difference in your long-term finances. If you invest even a few dollars more each month, you'll end up much further ahead. That goes for how much you put toward your bills, too. If you are analytical about it, you'll see how painless it can be to mop up a messy debt or build your nest egg.
● Love: Today's a great day to assert yourself. It's up to you to take the lingering eye gazes a step further -- ask that mystery person out. Obviously they're interested; otherwise, they wouldn't stare at you all the time. Coffee's a great place to start -- then? The sky's the limit.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: If someone gives you a new task at this late stage of the game, you could be dealing with someone aggressive. On the other hand, it could be completely unconscious. Until you know, don't be overly sensitive.
● Finances: You want to be even more thrifty than usual, and that has you worried the feeling could be an omen. Don't let yourself get too stressed over it, but do follow your hunch. It doesn't mean that hard times are ahead -- but you might as well make the most of your impulses.
● Love: Your social circles meet today -- and that's not a bad thing. Allow your work buddies and your buddy buddies to mingle and hang out for a change. The infusion of new blood and great chemistry will ratchet up the fun and restock the cuties.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You get all the voltage you need from your coworkers all week long. Now you're looking forward to being energized by others. Spending time with people outside of work only makes you a more valuable employee.
● Finances: Just making it through the day feels like it would be enough of an achievement, from the vantage point of your morning. As things progress, though, you'll see plenty of opportunities to make the most of your day. Staying organized is your way to a real profit.
● Love: You're totally combative today. Nobody's really against you. That's just your very skewed perception. Before you totally blow up, understand people are who they are. They're not gonna change just to make you feel better. It's all about self-preservation, all around.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: There are small explosions going off all around you. Don't let them disrupt your little routine. Just keep your head down and work hard if you want to get out of the office on time.
● Finances: You're looking back at history to try to make sense of the present. The origin of recent financial turmoil is where you might think the answers lie, but looking even further back is more helpful. The smaller details of the times are fuzzy but the big, sepia picture still brings you clarity.
● Love: Good etiquette is huge today -- and that takes a little preparation. Brush up on silverware placement and usage. If you owe someone a thank-you note, send it off today. And RSVP as soon as possible. Stay in good graces and make an excellent impression.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Ah, you're at your desk, but you are dreaming about deep conversations or foreign food. Let yourself let go. Better yet, leave work early and make your dreams a reality.
● Finances: Some things are better kept secret. How you are handling your money is one of them. Someone will make it their business to talk you out of your plan if you let on, so just keep it to yourself until you have something to crow about.
● Love: You're Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde today -- one minute you're sweet as pie, and the next, you're ready to rip someone's head off. Don't indulge the extreme sides of your personality -- instead, rein it in. Seek to achieve balance and harmony.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You're having a hard time getting motivated. Tomorrow you'll be able to follow your mood. Today, focus on your work even if you don't feel like it.
● Finances: You just may have the next big thing, but that doesn't mean you should rush right into it before covering each and every detail. You need time to make the right decisions anyway. Don't rush yourself or your money.
● Love: When all else fails, put yourself in the service of others. Nothing will take you out of your brain like helping another person. So fill that idle time with altruism. Help a friend, talk to a coworker or spend some time with your parents. You'll feel great immediately.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Of course you want to be somewhere else. Namely, at home. But work issues demand your attention. Deal with them now so you can be totally focused on your partner later.
● Finances: Some of your big plans are grounded, but it's only temporarily. You and your bottom line will be soaring soon enough. Use this down time to figure out exactly where you want to go and what you want to achieve once you are back up and running.
● Love: Your attitude means the difference between an awesome experience or a wasted opportunity. So what's it gonna be? The biggest turnoff is negativity and complaining -- nobody, especially a date, wants to hear it. So even if you feel like crap, put on a smile.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Usually, your feelings should take second place to work, but today they're keeping you from what you need to do. Spend some time organizing them, just to get them out of the way.
● Finances: You're naturally trusting until money is involved. It's wise to be cautious when it comes to your wallet. If someone thinks your careful review of all the details is insulting, then you have all the information you need. Don't even waste your time looking any deeper.
● Love: A long-term relationship isn't off the mark for you right now. But before you start searching in earnest, jot down a 'relationship' job description. Make a list of 50 attributes you seek in a committed mate. This is good information -- keep it handy.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Poetry, music, love -- the mysteries of life await you. But until you can delve into the great unknown, you have to get a handle on the thoroughly known. Stop dreaming and get to work.
● Finances: The days of just jumping right in without knowing what you are getting yourself into are over. Chalk it up to maturity, but you no longer find gambling even remotely attractive. You'll spend your day figuring out all the facts of a project, and that suits you just fine.
● Love: Self-care is where it's at for your right now. Do what makes you feel good and happy. If it's a booty call, go for it. Not ready for that? Get a pedicure or take a long nap. Whatever it is, be selfish. This is precious time, and you deserve it!