Free Daily Horoscope - August 28 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: It's so much easier to be agreeable and charming today. You can even go to the office to work without spoiling your good mood. You might as well make some hay.
● Finances: Everyone has something else on their mind. If you are really interested in the good deals to be had, buy some of them and get it over with. Everything you do today should be short and sweet, from research to cinching the deal.
● Love: Brevity is an awesome goal when it comes to dating right now. Instead of planning long, drawn-out dinners, shoot for short but fun-packed outings. Meet for dessert or breakfast -- keep it succinct. Time management is all about strategy!
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Ah, it feels good to be a member of society again. Office culture can dominate your life. But today, let yourself indulge in anything and everything that screams 'unprofessional!'
● Finances: When it comes to entertaining your friends, you love nothing more than being extravagant, even downright indulgent. But that's racing ahead a bit. The money for that has to come from somewhere, and that's where today figures prominently. Don't look at your life as one big party just yet.
● Love: Read the fine print. Before you sign on with any dating service, skim the company's privacy policy. You'll be surprised to find that your best interest isn't theirs. And find out what other protective measures the site employs to oversee your sensitive info.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You concentrate enough. For today, let your mind be kept entertained by things that don't require much work on your part. Listen to friends tell stories or hang out with your neighbors.
● Finances: You can't be too annoyed if there's no follow-through by those around you today, but that doesn't mean you have to operate in the same manner. You're not one to miss an opportunity to make hay, and you can see it's going to be a sunny day. Get to work.
● Love: The eyes reveal everything -- it's the doorway to the dater's soul. So before you even formally meet someone, you'll know right away what's what. Just pay attention to their (or your gaze). If he or she (or you) is discomforted by lingering leer, move on.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You finally get to focus on the domestic front. But that front has moved and your family is nowhere to be found! You'll have the house to yourself today. Make the most of it.
● Finances: Everything you have to do today is just plain irritating. That's because you're chomping at the bit. But bypassing important tasks won't make the future come any quicker. Do your usual thorough job.
● Love: Cleanliness is a virtue and yes, people are paying attention. If it's not a jeans-and-t-shirt event, stay away from denim and jersey -- dress appropriately. And before you leave the house, brush your teeth, even if you don't think your breath smells.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Someone wants you to work extra hours but you should resist with all you've got. Be downright stubborn about it. It's doubly hard if that someone is you, but still -- resist!
● Finances: While you're thinking about your future, don't forget to ask your friends what their hopes and desires also. You might hear some that surprise you. You might even hear some that make you some quick money if you strike while the iron is hot.
● Love: Time is totally on your side, so don't rush anything. Getting to know someone isn't a sprint race -- it's a slow process. Avoid revealing too much info too soon. Dates don't need to know your address, sexual history or other uber-personal tidbits.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Don't spend a moment thinking about office dramas. Instead, focus on doing something fun. Find an unusual lunch spot and invite someone you like to join you.
● Finances: It's hard to count on teamwork when the rest of your team already considers itself off the clock. These kinds of work issues require a gentle touch. Do your best to get people on task without causing any friction. Otherwise, it will be just one more unproductive day added to the tally.
● Love: It's natural to want to pair up with someone -- that's just the human condition. But you're not right now, so get over it. Meanwhile, go for the gusto. Have a blast and stop thinking about all that green grass on the other side. It's not nearly as fantastic as you think it is.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You need a refresher course. Try to put office etiquette out of your mind. Remind yourself of the kinds of courtesies that matter most to friends and family.
● Finances: Consider your thinking officially over for now. You're not coming up with any Hail Marys between now and Thursday. Spend the next day or two reconciling both yourself and the books.
● Love: Remember, the foundation of any good relationship, romantic or otherwise, is friendship. So if you're not feeling that connection with a certain someone, it's better to end it sooner than later. If you can't open up and share honestly now, little will change down the road.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: A work friendship is due for some maintenance. It's not the relationship itself but the mechanics of said relationship that are causing friction. Whether it's long distance or on-again, off-again, it's time to grease the wheels.
● Finances: Something minor but out of the ordinary is trying to be slipped in under the wire. You're wise to it, though. You're too careful to be played for a slacker just because the rest of the world seems to be on vacation. Give yourself a nice bonus for catching something in the fine print.
● Love: If you have to convince yourself that this person is 'the one,' you're trying too hard. Don't allow desperation to force you into a situation you're not entirely comfortable with. Better to be alone than to feel obligated to couple with someone you're not that into.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Mundane responsibilities have never looked so appealing. Leave office duties behind and dive into your household work. Coworkers can wait while your private life gets all of your attention.
● Finances: At some point, you have to realize that the outcome is no longer in your hands. You had a lot of opportunities to make a difference and now all you can do is sit back and tally the results. Don't worry too much about it, though, because they come out in your favor.
● Love: Don't waffle too much when a snap decision comes your way -- just make a choice. Opportunity knocks: the choice is now or never. Your intuition won't fail you now. Just trust the process and do the next right thing -- it'll work out perfectly!
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Having a life outside of the office is a necessity. Be as conscientious about building one up as you are about building up your career. That means putting a lot of work into having fun.
● Finances: Too much thinking won't help even if you have all the time in the world. But since time is the one thing you're just about out of, you certainly don't want to waste it being too cerebral. An action is what's called for, not further intellectualizing.
● Love: Someone's holding back a bit of information that's negatively impacting your life in some way -- most likely in the romance department. Until this person releases their knowledge, progress will cease. Not to worry, though -- that tongue will loosen up shortly.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You can come up with a long list of adjectives but none will really help you. Old relatives may be peculiar but they're inescapable today. You might as well enjoy their long-winded stories.
● Finances: You'll stumble across a pearl or a gem. Not of the real variety, but one worth every bit as much money. A realization sparks a change for the better, even if it's at the last minute. Your unique, new view will help you start off right.
● Love: Someone cute, really cute needs help in the solution department. And guess who steps in to save the day? You! The stars bestow wisdom and knowledge on that golden head of yours -- it's a fantastic day to make a power move!
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: You need to ease yourself into your day. Take the edge off in less predictable ways. Read some poetry or write a love letter. Then start working once you feel ready for it.
● Finances: Being careful what you wish for is a philosophy for cowards. You aim high and do what it takes to get there. Just don't be too specific with your financial goals. The more open you are, the more room you leave for creativity.
● Love: That moxie of yours really works some magic for you when it comes to restoring old relics from the past. It's a great time to renew flagging friendships and dig up dating dinosaurs. You'll discover awesome attributes you missed before.