Free Daily Horoscope - August 25 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: How karma unfolds is uncertain, but how office politics unfurls is crystal clear. Direct some of your spare energy towards a colleague, if not for the former reason, then for the latter.
● Finances: If you want to venture back into the world of consumerism, you'd better bring large doses of patience and determination along with your wallet. There may be fantastic buys to be had if you put the hard work into finding them. You'll have to be forceful with the competition, though. Remember to do it with decorum.
● Love: Don't deviate from good taste, especially when it comes to meeting and hooking up with people. If you're on a date, a handshake, if anything, will suffice. But, if you've been intimate, allow the cadence of the moment to dictate your salutations.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: If only you could tell your problems to your friends during working hours. But wait, you can text! You may be tempted, but the look on your face is a dead giveaway. Exercise some professional restraint.
● Finances: You and everyone around you are feeling good. You can relate to one another with an ease you wish you could experience year round. Enjoy the affection while it lasts because more practical interactions are already on the horizon.
● Love: Your memory (or lack thereof) could create a vexing moment at the worst possible time. If you forget the name of someone, most likely the date you've been talking to for hours, don't panic. Either listen for clues in the conversation or admit your faux pas.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: When things get too blurry, misunderstandings are bound to happen. Why wait? Be as clear as possible about directions, whether you're on the receiving end, or you're the one dispensing them.
● Finances: Your accounts are trying desperately to get your attention, but they're being drowned out by all the chatter going on throughout the day. It would take an inner strength you don't possess to focus on hard facts like bills. As long as you're not adding to them, ignoring them is fine for the short term.
● Love: Embellishment is a great way to spark and maintain a conversation -- no short answers here. If you're asked what you do for a living, go ahead and explain it. Brevity will kill chit chat like nothing else. Give the other person some dialogue to work with.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: When your mind wanders, you get to go over more than just fantasies. If you're open to the possibilities, you can delve into philosophy. You might even do some brainstorming. It's all billable hours.
● Finances: You've been all about home and family instead of money, and there's no reason for that to stop now. Extend your boycott of all things financial and continue to focus on things that have real value to you.
● Love: People love to talk about themselves -- and that's where you rule! Enchant the pants off someone with your awesome ability to foster conversation. You're a great listener: no wonder you're so darn likeable. Keep those ears open and you'll keep 'em coming back for more!
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Colleagues are snatching up projects like kids grabbing cookies on a plate. Don't react emotionally. Gobble up your share before all that's left for you are crumbs.
● Finances: Some only give for the sake of the false power it makes them feel or for an inflated sense of pride. There are better reasons to be generous, way better. You already know that, but you can be a shining example for someone wrestling with their ego -- and their wallet.
● Love: The more accolades the better, as far as you're concerned. But, you've gotta know when to spread some of it around. Don't let your ego get in the way of helping others feel good about themselves. Your confidence soars; allow others the opportunity to experience the same.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Don't let yourself slip into boredom. There are just no new projects in the offing, so make the most of the ones you have. That means working at as slow a pace as you want, for a change.
● Finances: If yesterday was a day of consumerism disguised as something more spiritual, today is a day for real soul searching. You have an opportunity to look deep inside. Use the chance to start drafting your list of resolutions for the coming year.
● Love: Someone's diggin' on your aggressive style -- that swagger, that bravado. Problem is, they don't know how to approach you. A confident attitude is an awesome thing, but remember to stay accessible. Don't overdo it quite yet.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You'll find a limit to your flexibility. Being faced with someone else's abominable taste is too much to ask of you today. Either keep your mouth shut or stay out of your neighbor's cubicle.
● Finances: Being possessive can bring out the worst in your relationships. From daily companions to minor associates, 'things' are getting your fur up. It's easy to restore harmony, though. Just remind yourself of how insignificant money is in the scheme of things.
● Love: Nobody's telling you to do anything today. All that chatter's coming from your own brain. Why won't it shut up, you wonder? It can't. That's why it's up to you to either accept its incessant rantings or do something about it. Some fresh air should clear that up.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: You'll finally attain a goal, if not the fulfillment of all your dreams. You'll get a promotion to an office without a window, or a larger desk without a promotion. Look at the positive side of things.
● Finances: It's easy to get attached to certain material things more than others. It's not their monetary value that matters to you, either. It's the person who gave them to you. Don't be fooled into thinking they're anything but objects, though. Stay focused on the substance of the relationships instead.
● Love: You'll experience the world through touch today -- and when it comes to humans, they're receptive to your gregarious ways. So make a connection. Shake a hand, put your arm around a friend or give a hottie a hug. Whatever it is, engage through the tactile sense.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You're losing steam. Getting revved up to start the day is the least of your challenges. Do what you have to in order to drum up some enthusiasm, before your job becomes just one more boring story about your past.
● Finances: Refocusing on mundane details is difficult. You much prefer the otherworldly buzz of the last few days. But while bills and receipts aren't that important in the big picture, they demand your attention today. Sigh and tell yourself you can deal with them.
● Love: Emotionally availability is definitely on the table. Either you are and the other person isn't, or vice versa. Whatever the case may be, discuss it before egos get bruised. Better to keep things amicable than to create an enemy.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: You don't have to be starving to indulge your artistic side. There are plenty of ways to slip innovation into your day at the office. In fact, once you get the hang of it, you'll see how much creativity works to your advantage.
● Finances: When children are involved, a top to bottom safety inspection is called for. Something meant for fun and games could actually be harmful. Price doesn't indicate quality either so be thorough.
● Love: No matter what you say today, the person you're romantically linked to refuses to hear your message. He or she is angry, on the defensive and overly sensitive. When all else fails, leave the situation. Apologies will come in a day or two.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: At the beginning of the day, you were sure you would charge right through to it. Now, you're wondering how you could have been so misled. You have hardly enough energy to make it to five o'clock. Have an extra cup of coffee.
● Finances: You're getting a bit bored with older family members or stories of the past. Reminding yourself they are worth more to you than gold isn't helping to reignite your spark of interest, either. What you need is a change of scenery or two, at any cost. Don't let anyone guilt trip you out of it.
● Love: This time, it's different. Is it really? If you step back you can see the old patterns and the red flags. Instead of walking into this situation blinded by lust, see it for what it's worth. Maybe now's the time to seek help to resolve destructive behaviors.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: The door to change is open just a crack. You have a tiny opportunity to suggest a new idea or project. Trying it out is the next step. For now, get your proposal ready.
● Finances: If yesterday was a bit chaotic, today is your day to kick back and relax. Spending time with people is a much more satisfying and rich experience than focusing on things. Cap things off with a leisurely dinner.
● Love: You love pop; he or she loves punk rock. Before you go out and buy every Clash record ever made, consider the price of compromise. It's one thing to take an active interest in the person you're dating -- it's quite another to change everything about you to fit into their ideal.