Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - September 1 2016


● General: Even the craziest plans seem enticing when you''re doing the talking.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll be very sensitive to marks of gratitude, especially if these come from your children; and you yourself won''t forget to be thankful to people who will have done you a service.
● Career: You''ll work for your future with enthusiasm and effectiveness and you''ll draw satisfactions of self-pride.
● Lucky number : 83
● Best time of the day : 18h00


● General: You have a special bond with someone in a very different age range.
● Love & Relationships: Stormy love affairs in view; don''t play with the sentiments of others, for it may turn against you.
● Career: Your financial situation will improve and evolve toward greater stability this time.
● Lucky number : 40
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: Don''t be afraid to go deep and explore the source.
● Love & Relationships: You''re fit as a fiddle and ready for love.
● Career: Today you''ll enjoy learning a trick or two that will give you a financial edge.
● Lucky number : 32
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: You can''t rush nature.
● Love & Relationships: Been feeling like you need to get some romance back in your life, but aren''t quite sure how to go about it? Never fear -- the stars turn up the heat in the relationship department.
● Career: Plug some of the leaks in your social network now.
● Lucky number : 30
● Best time of the day : 11h00


● General: Sit back and observe what''s happening.
● Love & Relationships: It''s the key to keeping your relationship balanced.
● Career: Beware of hazardous financial deals: You might get trapped!
● Lucky number : 43
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: Ask yourself why.
● Love & Relationships: Your sweetheart is full of surprises.
● Career: It never hurts to be prepared for any circumstance, but it''s even more helpful to have the genuine expectation that things will work out for the best.
● Lucky number : 11
● Best time of the day : 21h00


● General: Don''t beat yourself up if things aren''t going how you''d like -- you''ve done well.
● Love & Relationships: Could it be that your friend, relation, sweetheart has been standoffish only because they don''t understand what you''re doing? Try explaining your motives to them and see if the situation doesn''t clear right up.
● Career: Your business will be on its good way; profit by this situation to devote some of your time and energy to your intellectual and cultural life.
● Lucky number : 60
● Best time of the day : 8h00


● General: A long calm is coming.
● Love & Relationships: Helping out a friend who''s in a romantic predicament boosts your own love karma -- that good energy you''re putting out will definitely come back your way.
● Career: If you seek to change your job, be very careful before staking your future; get all necessary information beforehand.
● Lucky number : 31
● Best time of the day : 11h00


● General: Start out with a dinner a deux and then go boogie.
● Love & Relationships: Beware not to embark on an impossible love story; indeed, you may be powerfully attracted to a person who does not suit you on the intellectual or sexual plane or whose aspirations are totally different from yours.
● Career: It will all work out for the best though.
● Lucky number : 64
● Best time of the day : 22h00


● General: There''s some bad news coming, but if you look at its essence, you''ll see some hope.
● Love & Relationships: Finally, your financial train is back on track, and you feel like you can start concentrating on another major area -- your love life.
● Career: Usually you''re the very definition of understanding, but someone else''s mistake could mean extra work and longer hours for you.
● Lucky number : 16
● Best time of the day : 21h00


● General: The universe works in mysterious ways, so don''t be so quick to dismiss this situation as a loss.
● Love & Relationships: A rocky relationship is on the verge of smoothing out with a little help from your celestial friends.
● Career: You may feel inspired to do some advance work today, but resist the temptation.
● Lucky number : 33
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: All is settling down nicely right now.
● Love & Relationships: You feel great, and you might want to spend some extra time with your sweetie or any potential love interest on the horizon.
● Career: Stand your ground or someone could maneuver you into taking on work that isn''t yours.
● Lucky number : 95
● Best time of the day : 17h00 open?msgid=4oo1IEECjYmG2XNIZJuLeA2