Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - August 4 2016


● General: Learn to compromise and you''ll be happier overall.
● Love & Relationships: Hmm -- suddenly you''re looking at a certain romantic situation with a businesslike eye.
● Career: Just because you can work a double load doesn''t mean you should.
● Lucky number : 73
● Best time of the day : 14h00


● General: This fight will end as soon as they know you honestly want to maintain goodwill.
● Love & Relationships: Listen to your heart, especially if it''s saying that you deserve so much more when it comes to work and love.
● Career: The way is now open to you to successfully launch your various professional projects; in addition, your tremendous energy will help you move mountains! In society, you''ll show yourself affable and conciliatory; but in business you''ll be ruthless.
● Lucky number : 27
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Details need to be covered; if you let them slide, you''ll be under the gun later.
● Love & Relationships: Your love affairs will be well favored; the support of the stars will allow you to establish deeper and richer relationships.
● Career: You must work to spare your forces if you want to bring all your projects to a successful conclusion.
● Lucky number : 73
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Fixed ideas won''t get you far today.
● Love & Relationships: Running into an ex brings home exactly how lucky you are to be with your current sweetie.
● Career: Despite all your various successes, remain coolheaded and continue to work relentlessly.
● Lucky number : 31
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: In the mood to entertain? Get out your favorite cookbook and put together a menu.
● Love & Relationships: A potential romantic interest isn''t what they appear.
● Career: Financial operations will have a great chance of success.
● Lucky number : 88
● Best time of the day : 13h00


● General: Your acquiescence opens up all kinds of doors that wouldn''t have appeared otherwise.
● Love & Relationships: Heartwise, things may begin to deteriorate for many natives of this sign.
● Career: You may feel inspired to do some advance work today, but resist the temptation.
● Lucky number : 56
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: Feelings are unreliable.
● Love & Relationships: The bull can be a sensitive beast, and your hide''s not so thick now.
● Career: This communication snafu could grow into something big unless you take steps to nip in the bud right now.
● Lucky number : 75
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Your mind is working a mile a minute on some deep stuff -- so much so that you might not really comprehend it all.
● Love & Relationships: Everyone always says that what they want is a thoughtful, considerate and caring relationship, but that may not be true in your case.
● Career: If you work closely with others, show much patience, otherwise there''ll be clashes and your words may exceed your thoughts.
● Lucky number : 12
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: Take some time to summarize the past few months.
● Love & Relationships: Even your best friends may not understand what you truly need, so skip their advice on love matters.
● Career: Communication snafus have been everywhere, but all that''s due to change.
● Lucky number : 75
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: Very happy hazards will help you make up effortlessly for serious delays.
● Love & Relationships: Just when you got into a groove with work or love, things have to go and change.
● Career: Don''t let yourself be deceived by merchants of illusions who''ll promise you fake jobs, panaceas for all ills, or miracle formulas; as things are at present, it''s difficult not to be naive and to play the fool for the benefit of unscrupulous people.
● Lucky number : 96
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: Live intensely and beautifully.
● Love & Relationships: Your love affairs will go as well as possible; but you must care for them and, above all, do not take them for granted.
● Career: It looks like work could be your primary challenge at the moment, and just getting through the day takes plenty of energy.
● Lucky number : 67
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: That change you were waiting for? It''s happened.
● Love & Relationships: Hearts go pitter-pat whenever you walk by, so make sure you''re out there strutting your stuff.
● Career: Kids might play a role in your activities today, even if you don''t work daycare.
● Lucky number : 92
● Best time of the day : 12h00 open?msgid=KAqSNDMpgEnQaRHpMgdg-Q2