Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - August 13 2016


● General: Things are starting to come together, even if you don''t feel the effect quite yet.
● Love & Relationships: Stick with an unpleasant task or relationship.
● Career: If you have to work late, at least take a break to answer a certain email, call a certain someone or take a look at the online personals.
● Lucky number : 60
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: Astral climate favorable to daydreaming and a lack of grasp on reality; drive all utopian ideas from your mind, as it''s useless to delude yourself.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll be well supported in your love affairs; you''ll live exquisite hours with the chosen of your heart.
● Career: Remember the concept of play? It''s key right now, especially when it comes to communication.
● Lucky number : 22
● Best time of the day : 21h00


● General: It''s time to make a clean sweep of your life in the most important areas.
● Love & Relationships: You might feel kind of jerked around romantically, but things will smooth out eventually.
● Career: Communication dramas might be on today''s program, so be prepared for anything and everything to hit the fan.
● Lucky number : 34
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: Take the high road.
● Love & Relationships: Make sure you balance out the rest of your life with beloved friends, interesting projects and fulfilling work.
● Career: Possibility of positive changes in your professional life, such as work proposals that will enchant you.
● Lucky number : 3
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: Your self-esteem gets a nice boost from some celestial influences, and just at the right time, too.
● Love & Relationships: Your inner knowledge of your sweetheart puts you in good stead.
● Career: Number-crunching is the way to go, especially if you have some big financial goals you''re determined to reach.
● Lucky number : 33
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: Take yourself out for a night on the town or do something that gives you unmitigated pleasure.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll have very relaxed relationships with those whom you love, especially if you always think to water down your wine.
● Career: Say goodbye to unpleasant work issues.
● Lucky number : 85
● Best time of the day : 8h00


● General: Romance is about to bloom, so make sure you look sharp, even if you''re just running to the corner for some milk.
● Love & Relationships: Your relationships with your entourage will prove explosive: you''ll be very touchy and you''ll hardly bear criticisms, even the mildest ones; if you can control your emotions better, then the climate will improve considerably.
● Career: Lay the groundwork first.
● Lucky number : 63
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Ignoring the external world is easier today than usual.
● Love & Relationships: Just because you''ve got a romantic situation all thought out doesn''t necessarily make a decision any easier to come to.
● Career: Your sense of business will be acute, capable of helping you carry out juicy transactions.
● Lucky number : 82
● Best time of the day : 18h00


● General: When a golden opportunity comes along courtesy of a chance encounter, you have to keep all your wits about you.
● Love & Relationships: Someone in your family probably just doesn''t get what''s going on with your love life -- and maybe it''s not really their business.
● Career: You''ll hatch out a good plan with a view to obtaining a promotion in your work or some additional earnings.
● Lucky number : 32
● Best time of the day : 17h00


● General: You are approaching a completion.
● Love & Relationships: Beauty''s only skin deep, and right now, you''re much more into the allure of the heart and soul.
● Career: Some equal and opposite financial impulses are at war right now.
● Lucky number : 55
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Get ready for a crash course in courtship.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll glow, charm and make new acquaintances.
● Career: Your bank account is about to get supersized when a financial windfall comes your way.
● Lucky number : 78
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: You thought something was carved in stone, but now it feels like it''s crumbling away.
● Love & Relationships: Your feet may become sensitive; possible cough.
● Career: Romance and work will conflict, and you must keep your eye on the ball to get a hit.
● Lucky number : 77
● Best time of the day : 12h00 open?msgid=r8fyzhLBbz-WaGvbX5RhQw2