Free Daily Horoscope - July 5 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: If upping your earning ability is on your list of goals, then get started by being as agreeable and charming as you can be. And if it wasn't, enjoy the surprise benefits.
● Finances: Arguments can happen over anything, but especially in any conversation regarding money. Just like fire needs air, your adversary needs you to participate. Don't give them the satisfaction of a sparring partner. Let their words drop to the ground like so many coins.
● Love: Your ambition's just about burned you out. It's okay to admit it -- you're a little (or a lot) over the dating scene right now. Now's a great time to rein it in and focus on yourself. Reconnect with good friends and spend time doing your favorite things. You can put yourself back on the market later.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You're at work and feeling good. How one state relates to the other shouldn't be such a big surprise. Do whatever you can to keep up the momentum.
● Finances: If you want to keep a single bill tucked in your wallet, you aren't likely to lose it -- but you certainly won't make any profit from it, either. Don't play it safe, even with your first earnings. You can think of a better souvenir.
● Love: Be on the lookout for the rebounder. Here's your motto: one year. If they haven't been out of that long-term relationship for at least 365 days, skip it. You're better off passing this one up. Fantastic opportunities lie ahead, and you don't miss the fun.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: A bit of talking about your life can be fun, but too much chatter is just another obstacle to success. At some point, you'll have to block it out for the sake of concentration.
● Finances: At last things are no longer stagnant. There is some movement but it's more like leaves being blown in the wind than the major transformative gusts you are hoping for. Be thankful no one is banging on your door and threatening to blow your house down.
● Love: Your communication skills shine right now -- that's why now's a fantastic time to break out a pen and paper and show your affection in a love letter. Nothing electronic here. Jot your feelings down on real pulp and send it to your paramour in the mail. What a refreshing treat!
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Since your focus was on the domestic front for so long, it's hard to realign yourself with being back at work. Come up with unusual ways to get back in the groove at the office. The crazier the idea, the better.
● Finances: Breaking open the bank is proving harder than you imagined. In fact, that outer shell is a bit like Fort Knox. Your own safety devices will be either your undoing or your angels in disguise, depending on how you look at things tomorrow.
● Love: You're all crazy inside right now, and if you don't slow down, you're bound to freak a person or two out (read: love interest). Calm down and play the tape through in your head. If you don't want to flub your lines, rehearse with a trusted pal. You're more in control than you think you are.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: It's hard to remember why some projects were so important just a week or two ago. But you should finish them up, if only to let your good character shine for all to see, especially your boss.
● Finances: You're on the fence, but asking for advice from friends won't help you make up your mind. Nothing but an expert can help. What you hear is worth every penny you shell out for it, so don't even wince at the cost.
● Love: Your date doesn't want to hear about your mother's brain tumor or your laser hair removal treatments. Sure, there's a case to be made for connecting on a visceral level, but now's not the time to get too deep. Love interests are prone to glazing over, so keep the conversation light and fun for now.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Being analytic doesn't come quite as easily as usual today, probably because you've been away from the office for a while. But even superficial research should bring back the spark and brush off your critical abilities.
● Finances: No matter how careful you are, you won't get what you ask for. From decaf to dividends, communication is your downfall. But you still have the potential to make something of the day, if you keep your mouth shut and count on no one but yourself.
● Love: Manners really matter in the dating arena. It's not polite to talk with a mouth full of food or ask someone how many people they've slept with. Even if it's in jest, consider perception. Your date may seem cool on the surface, but don't assume anything. Behave as you would at Buckingham Palace or the White House.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You're not the only one feeling a bit heavy. Make time in your work day for exercise, either at lunch, before or after work. The results will be amazing!
● Finances: Keep your cards close to your chest -- all of your cards. Your innermost self is better left completely buried. A trip to the analyst would be out of the question, not to mention a waste of money. The less you reveal, the more money you save.
● Love: Social networking sites are awesome and they fit your lifestyle perfectly! But if you're using them to find dates, be smart. Consider keeping one for your personal life and the other for business. No need to mix your two worlds -- things could just get too muddy that way.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder. Some relationships live by their own set of rules. A colleague is suddenly more abrasive than you remember, and that makes it okay to stay at your desk and focus exclusively on work.
● Finances: You know how to make things unique. Run of the mill is just not your style. Whether it's an unusual detail or a major design feature, your one of a kind attitude could be the backbone of a rags-to-riches story. Keep being true to yourself.
● Love: You tend to be somewhat disingenuous lately. You've been saying things you don't necessarily mean, and though that's not bad in itself, you're doing it to lead someone on. If you're not interested in this person, cut it off now. Give them the opportunity to find their own happiness.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You've had some time to think about the bigger picture of you career, and now it's back to reality and the smaller details of real life. Don't let yourself think of them as tedious or beneath you.
● Finances: It's hard admitting that you don't have any control of a particular outcome, but if you try to dig a bit deeper into your reaction, you'll learn a lot about both yourself and life. Keeping busy is just avoiding that kind of contemplation, not to mention a waste of money.
● Love: A weekend getaway sounds good, but if this is only date three, and you're headed out of town for a couple of days, think again. Don't risk a potentially good thing by spending too much time together too soon. Better to cook dinner at your place and see where that ends up.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: There's nothing like doing a thorough job to leave you feeling good. Fun is not the right word, but satisfaction is close. Enjoy being a conscientious and disciplined worker bee.
● Finances: Your finances are putting out a distress call and it's up to you to do something about it. You don't have time to beat around the bush, either. Taking the bull by the horns might mean making someone else uncomfortable, but you really have no other options.
● Love: You're ready to take it to the next level with a romantic interest, so keep your boundaries intact with this one. They'll quiz you about everything from past conquests to the color of your underwear. If you're not comfortable with the interrogation, change the subject.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You're bored. Even the very recent past seems more exciting than the present. It's normal to be let down after the glittering, shiny New Year's parties, but don't let yourself land too hard.
● Finances: What started out as a good idea has become something of a romance for you. Are you willing to pursue it even though the money hasn't materialized? That's the question you're forced to answer.
● Love: You're a little commitment phobic right now. Okay. Why lie? You're totally not into any sort of tie at all. If all you want is a random romp in the hay, just be honest. Don't skew the facts to get your message across when the truth works better.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: A little time off has left you soft and out of shape. It's time to get right back into hard work. You should be back up on your horse by the time the whistle blows.
● Finances: Looking at your statements leaves you underwhelmed. You're longing for that thrill of years gone past. You won't get it from counting your money, but you just might get it elsewhere. Poetry might be good for starters.
● Love: Little quirks say huge things about your character. Neatness counts! When you're out on a date, don't scratch yourself like you have a bad case of the crabs or blow your nose on the same napkin you wipe your mouth with. Pay attention to the minutiae and you'll score big on points!