Free Daily Horoscope - July 30 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: No one wants to be the first one out the door. What dedication. You'll have to come up with busywork to prove yours, though, because you'll have everything wrapped up by five.
● Finances: It's hard to get back in the saddle again. Your earning ability takes a dip, if only from your slow start. You make up for it later in the day, though. Until then, remind yourself to persevere.
● Love: You know what? Things are always, always greener, so don't make a wish. It might come true. Avoid spending too much time lamenting your single status -- it's really a blessing in disguise. You don't realize it, but you're the envy of all your attached friends. Revel in it, baby!
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You're usually slow, but today you can't wait to wrap things up and start your evening. Whether you have big plans or just can't stand another second in the office, you're in a hurry.
● Finances: You wrench yourself from thoughts of wonder and amazement to profits and money. Someone's got to do it, and that someone is you. If being dependable isn't something you get thanked for regularly, then you should. Do it yourself today.
● Love: Fighting the good fight is one thing, but caving into the whims of everyone else is another. No wonder you feel drained and unhappy. Stop living for other people. If you want to date someone who's older, younger, the same sex or a different color, go for it.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Why should you be the one to take the initiative in the group? Sit back and enjoy your relative anonymity instead. But don't be surprised if your particular hopes and wishes aren't communicated.
● Finances: The only obstacle between you and making a profit is your need to get back in the groove. A long absence from work has made you feel rusty. It will all come back to you once you jump right in. Force yourself to concentrate.
● Love: If everything seems stagnant, it is. What happened to all those crazy, interesting goals? You're in the doldrums right now. It's time to put some plans in motion; create a few milestones. Whether it's macking on that hottie at the gym or earning your degree, do it.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Some friction is a healthy thing. It helps you keep busy and motivates you to imagine your future. But too much can lead to a wildfire, and that's what you'll have on your hands if you react emotionally. Keep your cool, instead.
● Finances: It's a crazy idea, but you want even more socializing than you've already had the last few days. You can find one or two others who are receptive but you'll have to search them out. It's doable, but not within budget.
● Love: Get rid of the users, now. The ex who only calls late at night or the so-called pal who only talks to you when she needs money? These people are toxic parasites. Your life is way too precious. Fill your time and space with positive, support people.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You can enjoy the day knowing the fun is almost here. In fact, you can have a good time out of anything thrown on your desk. Tell your boss to do their worst.
● Finances: It's time to get back to reality, and that includes focusing on your job or career, as the case may be. If you have a hard time digging in, then you can add being stubborn to your list of things to be thankful for. You won't give up until you've earned your pay.
● Love: What if? What if? What if you and Mr. Not-So-Wonderful had stayed together? What if you hadn't lost that job? Well, you'd be in a different place, obviously. And maybe no better off. So stop dwelling on the past -- missed opportunities or not, your life is truly blessed now.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You're in a hurry to end the day just like everybody, but for some things you have to take your time. Like money issues, for example. You'll be stuck going over the numbers with a fine toothed comb. Sigh.
● Finances: Today, getting into the grindstone feels somehow foreign to you, and that's understandable. Unfortunately, your finances won't let you ease your way in. You've got to take the plunge, and from there it's sink or swim. But don't worry, you'll swim.
● Love: The answers don't exist outside yourself, so stop looking for solutions in relationships, materialistic endeavors and professional accomplishments. True progress and satisfaction come from within. So when you're ready to stop beating yourself up, you'll discover a new life waiting.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Looking back on the week, you may think it was either great or awful, depending on your mood or simply the time of day. Obviously, you're just projecting, either way. You might as well project perfection.
● Finances: You almost wish you could stay home today, all cozy and comfy. Once you get out you'll remember how much fun being all about business can be. You enter into it with ease.
● Love: Everything's out of whack right now. It's time to bring it all into alignment: make sure your words match your actions. Don't make promises you can't keep; when you say you'll be somewhere, be there. Simple as that. Flakiness will kill romance like nothing else.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: If you want to get out the door to start your evening, don't rush through everything on the fly. Slow down enough to be methodical and you'll wrap things up that much quicker.
● Finances: The polarity you're dealing with is magnified by your own attitude. Try to make things easy on yourself. Allow yourself to feel at home wherever you are, from the bank to your office. It will help you be more productive.
● Love: Bring it home today in meditation, or at least a little quiet time. Your life's become so convoluted you're not sure what you want anymore. So, clear your brain and limit the distractions. Turn off all your gadgets (including the computer) and listen to the intuition.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Just imagining having fun tomorrow helps you enjoy the work on your desk today. And if it helps you get a lot done, then keep on daydreaming.
● Finances: You certainly don't want to overeat today. In fact, you can hardly bring yourself to look at food. Your wallet will thank you for finally backing away from overindulgence, and not in exclusively gastronomic areas.
● Love: When will you learn that doing it all alone won't get you anywhere? Hello!?! Your pals, even if they're married, can hook you up with hotties galore. So swallow your pride and ask. Six degrees of separation is better than complete unfamiliarity.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: You're ready to enjoy the flip side of the work week coin. Family and the weekend await you. But before you can indulge in them, take care of all your work responsibilities.
● Finances: Children, fun, food -- it's been quite a wild ride. You need to go back to work just to take catch your breath. Enjoy killing two birds with one stone today.
● Love: The complaining. The negativity. The sarcasm. It's all affecting your love life and not for the better. Sure, it's novel and even funny at first, but after a while, it gets old. Instead of bitching about everything, catch yourself and replace those toxic words with something positive.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You'll have to wait one more day. It may be a relaxed day, but that doesn't mean it's informal in other ways. Keep your office persona on, even under relaxed clothing.
● Finances: An attitude adjustment is harder than you thought it would be. The changes you need to make are both internal and external. A bit of money spent on yourself is justified if only to get you back up on your horse.
● Love: When all else fails, turn and walk away. And don't look back. Someone may cross you in an utterly disturbing way, leaving you speechless and full of rage. Don't lash out. Instead, take a deep breath and go. Let an unbiased party else clean up the mess.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Wrapping up your workweek and getting out the door feels like wandering blindly through a maze. The end is just around the next bend, so keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get there.
● Finances: The most meaningful and loving gestures are cheap or free, whether you're on the giving or the receiving end. The last thing you want anyone to do for you is to make you a good dinner, but some poetry would be nice.
● Love: Heed your hunches; tune into your intuitions. The answer is there -- it's a matter of willingness. You absolutely know when a person is a terrible match for you. Instead of trying to make it work, end it immediately. Honesty is the best policy for keeping your side of the street clean.