Free Daily Horoscope - July 17 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: If only projects could be all about pleasure. But unfortunately, those pesky legal details need to be taken into consideration. Spend the day going over the official documents, if only to ease your mind.
● Finances: Everyone around you is wrapped up in their own independent plans. That makes working together a bit harder than usual. But you can take advantage of the opportunity by doing a bit of work on your own. Turn it into a windfall.
● Love: Don't be surprised to find yourself in the middle of an aha! moment today. Suddenly, a mystery or an inconsistency from the past makes sense. So that's what they were talking about! This realization comes at a key moment, too -- it's perfectly applicable to your current situation.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You're getting lazy. The best way to ensure you'll get exercise is to put it on your work calendar. Better yet, lock in the time with a colleague during the week. That might make it less dull and dreary.
● Finances: When others are hunkering down, you go out and take risks. This is no exception. The reason for the lull could be as benign as thoughts of a good dinner or as hazardous as financial turmoil, but you still know how to pick the real thing from the fool's gold.
● Love: All of a sudden it hits you: a rush of pure ecstasy. No, it's not sexual -- it's more of an overall feeling of well-being, as if everything's going to be okay. These moments are indeed rare, so savor the emotion while at lasts. Store it in your memory bank and refer to it when times get tough.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Loose ends have needed tying up for too long. Nothing kills a mood like something hanging over your head. If you want to feel good, you'll have to finish a few projects.
● Finances: With so many financial issues out of your control, you might as well focus on the things you can do something about. When it comes to social invitations, you have sole discretion. Spend some time mulling over your choices.
● Love: You see beauty everywhere today, and it shows because you're awash in an aura of light. Even if you feel terrible, the light surrounding you keeps you safe from bad energy, including users, losers, and abusers. Lucky you -- it's a great time to seek quality.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: With too much to do you'll be tempted to go into the office. But that would really rock your domestic boat. Take that into consideration when deciding whether or not to take on any new projects.
● Finances: You're doing something for yourself that doesn't cost a small fortune. What you choose energizes you and gets your juices flowing without injecting any further financial anxiety. Well done.
● Love: Let it all out today -- don't hold back. Your momentum is absolutely exuberant. You're like a snowball rolling downhill, gaining in size and speed. Everyone's ready to jump onboard your crazy train and take it for a ride. It's the express to fun. Last stop? Party time!
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Working hard and enjoying your days is a good combination. Others will agree with you, but not necessarily your boss. Put caller ID to good use and avoid the call.
● Finances: What you have to deal with isn't exactly fun or romantic, but it might be laying the foundation for the two. You need money for the things you love, from fly fishing to maintaining relationships. The things in between are not exactly free, either.
● Love: Things from afar interest you today. Whether it's that exotic babe you met at the coffee shop or a foreign movie you watched, you take an interest in the goings-on overseas. Go ahead. Ask that hottie out or donate money to a foreign cause to sate your curiosity.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: True, a good wardrobe goes a long way in any career and you could certainly use some new duds. But be careful when it comes to impulse buys. Stick to what's conservative, both in style and price tag.
● Finances: You have to force yourself to stay focused. Thoughts of the coming week are almost more than you can resist. You'll pay dearly for not taking care of your responsibilities, though. Let that be some incentive for you.
● Love: If things get a bit heavy today, don't be surprised. A fog of melancholy settles in with that cold front, so expect to feel tied to your emotions for a few days. Avoid doing anything romantic until the high pressure builds. Before you know it, warm weather and sunny dispositions return.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Ah, you can finally breathe some life into your romance, hobbies or home life. The office can only benefit from that kind of balance, so let yourself enjoy.
● Finances: Current projects need to be wrapped up by the end of the week. Otherwise, they'll be left dangling for ages. Keep yourself motivated even when those around you are not. You'll enjoy some time off that much more for having done it.
● Love: Your penchant for doing too much, drinking too much, eating too much and buying too much will catch up with you this week. On the one hand, you'll sustain some kind of loss, on the other, it won't be that big of a deal. It's cost-benefit analysis -- what are you willing to sacrifice?
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: It's surprisingly hard to enjoy the day today. Your private life requires more patience than work does, for some reason. Don't let this passing phase make you wish you were in the office.
● Finances: Everything is going to be larger than life soon enough. For now, stick to putting normally sized portions on your plate. Taking on too much work won't make you any more money, it will simply sink your boat.
● Love: Whoa! You just met this person. Why is the green monster of envy making an appearance so soon? The answer to that questions lies within. Feelings of insecurity are coming out sideways. Rein in that jealousy, lest it destroys this romance before it begins.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Your days off, in a way, are preparation time for your work week. That should mean doing things that leave you refreshed and fulfilled, though, not doing any prep work for the office.
● Finances: You can't exactly expect the unexpected, but be ready for things out of the ordinary to come your way. Money either finds you effortlessly or is spent with just the same ease, depending on your usual style. There's no way to prepare for it so don't bother.
● Love: Cold weather plus comfort food equals bliss! Invite your latest squeeze over for a fried chicken and mashed potato feast. Provide lots of beer and warm beverages to warm the soul. And make sure the sheets are clean. One thing could definitely lead to another.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: You'll have to apply your work skills to your private life. If you're feeling restless, start some new projects. That way you can focus lots of energy on work of a different sort.
● Finances: Sometimes things only a week away seem more unreal than your retirement plans. But certain events will definitely arrive, with or without your preparations. Just like your old age, you're better off getting ready ahead of time. Start today.
● Love: Houston, we have a problem! An equipment malfunction creates an 11th hour emergency -- all systems fail. As everyone stands around, wondering what to do next, you're fixing the issue with a bottle opener and shoelaces, MacGyver style. Hot stuff!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Personal issues dominate the day, and that makes perfect sense for a Saturday. But these issues tie into your work concerns in a way that's less than obvious. Figure them out and kill two birds with one stone.
● Finances: You have monetary issues to deal with but you'd much rather be dealing with people. You'll get your share of being socially useful in the near future. Until then, you'll keep counting your change.
● Love: Be aware of a backstabber your midst. Sure, everything seems copasetic, even chummy at first glance, but behind that glossy grin is a belly full of bile. This person wants what you have, especially that particular girl or guy who's keen on you. Don't share more information than necessary.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Your social life could use a shake-up, and you have nothing but time to give to it. It's time to throw out relationships that aren't going anywhere and strike up others that have some potential.
● Finances: Pay attention to the way someone near you is behaving. If they are a big bread winner, then you have a lot to learn from them -- likewise if they are a spendthrift. The universe has put them in front of you for a reason.
● Love: See where looking for love in all the wrong places will get you? A two-timing headache. Don't be an alarmist, but pay attention to the underlying subtext. When the words and the actions don't jibe, you have a serious problem. Deal with it sooner rather than later.