Free Daily Horoscope - July 12 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Tackling what needs to be done takes enthusiasm, and it's up to you to drum some up. Make your first effort of the day be one that generates excitement about all that lies before you.
● Finances: Don't do what's best for you or your wallet. Make sure your actions reflect your genuine concern with someone else. If that's not your usual MO, then today is as good a time as any to take it on as your newest project.
● Love: What's up with you? Your personal life is definitely cutting into work, and that's not a good thing. The economy's anything but great right now, so make sure you're doing all you can to shine at the office. When the chopping block comes out, you don't want your head to roll.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Little alliances are as important to your career as big ones. If you can't mediate your own issues today, then pull in someone who can help. But whatever you do, don't kid yourself that they don't matter.
● Finances: The Polly Anna in you has given up and gone home. You just can't see how you can make your routine anything but boring. If you can't break the spell by being bright and cheery, then be analytical instead. Is it your environment, your coworkers, your coffee -- or is it just you feeling lazy?
● Love: You love your coworkers -- you're a tight bunch. But how tight? You're prone to making bad judgments right now, so watch what happens during happy hour. Too many drinks, a one-nighter with your cubicle mate, and a bad hangover could create a serious problem at work.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: You can be as opinionated as the next person, but you should know when to keep your lips zipped. That includes biting at a colleague's worm on a hook, whether it's something serious or just some light debating.
● Finances: Being cerebral will only get you so far. Being well-rounded is an absolute necessity when it comes to making the right picks. Focusing too much on thoughts is your handicap. The solution is to let yourself have some fun. Consider it an investment.
● Love: Set the wheels in motion: transportation is the key to a new life. Instead of driving to work every day, commute. Take the bus, the subway or carpool. It'll expose you to all kinds of new and interesting people. Don't hesitate to make eye contact and smile.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Thinking of calling in sick? Make sure you can afford it, and not just in sick leave. You may be getting a bit of an outrageous reputation, and not in a good way. Sometimes you have to play hurt.
● Finances: Puttering around the house has hidden advantages. You can bring to light a long lost document or stumble across valuable information. Consider yourself working even if you're still in your pajamas and slippers.
● Love: You're spending an awful lot of time dreaming about change but doing little to inspire it. Okay, so you're not exactly motivated, but that doesn't mean you can't progress in some way. Date someone out of your ideal: experiment with a different age group or race. Expand your mind.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Pulling off a big achievement takes willpower, plus much more. Sheer satisfaction propelled you this far, and it should get you all the way to the finish line. Then, bask in some deserved glory.
● Finances: Buying a new gadget makes you feel good, but only temporarily. Fight the inevitable let down be making good on your promises to yourself. A new computer can only bring in money if you use it to do so. So do so.
● Love: You're not so happy lately -- take a look at whom you're dating. You've forced yourself to accept certain parameters (age, race, physical attributes), but you're too limited and rigid. Reach out. You'll attain happiness and contentment when the chemistry is right.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Some days it's good to be flexible, but today you want to stick to a plan. If you don't have one, make it your first order of business. Otherwise, you're likely to go under from the weight of all that's going on.
● Finances: Your partner may feel like the only roadblock between you and what you want to buy, but that is actually a huge blessing in only a thinly veiled disguise. They are doing the hard work you should be when it comes to reigning in spending. You owe them thanks instead of attitude.
● Love: Don't hide who you really are -- that's the kernel of truth for you today. No wonder it's all miss, miss, miss on the dating scene. If you're not genuine with the people you meet, how can you expect any sort of real progress? Instead, keep quiet and allow the universe to control your words and actions.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: It's one of those thrilling days when everyone looks to you for answers. With everyone from the mail clerk to your boss, you come off as the expert in all areas. The details don't matter.
● Finances: Living a balanced life means more than just living within your means. That's a good place to start, though, if you need help figuring out how to balance the rest of it. Don't give more emotional energy than you can afford is your tip of the day. Take things from there.
● Love: The rules say do this and do that -- your heart tells you otherwise. Maybe it's time to live outside the boundaries of what's accepted and expected. Let your comfort level dictate how far you go. Experiment with interracial or same-sex dating, get a piercing or ask a taboo person out.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: If you suddenly fear you're having a career crisis, it could simply be that your ego was stepped on. Handling yourself well is your biggest challenge, whether your boss is a cream puff or a real problem.
● Finances: Is your goal elusive or just ever changing? If you can't make up your mind from one day to the next what it is you want, you can't expect to ever get it. Don't put money down on anything you haven't been sure of for quite a while.
● Love: You'll find comfort in the familiar today. Surround yourself with people and things that remind you of the safe and happy times of the past. Why not spend the night at your parent's home? Or call your best friend from elementary school? You could use a grounding experience.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You won't have to fantasize about upgrades for long. An offer is coming your way. All the hard work you've put in is finally creating some gains for you, as well as your office. Enjoy.
● Finances: Business is business, even among the best of friends. You may love each other but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make good use of a lawyer. You need someone who is not influenced by fun and laughter, only money.
● Love: Clothing absolutely makes a huge impression right now. Sure, you're hot on the dating scene, but plunging necklines and short mini skirts are totally out. Instead, dress professionally. Avoid wearing pajamas in public. And even if you're overweight, find outfits that flatter your strengths.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Everyone is demanding. Unfortunately, you're viewed as a resource or a tool, at the disposal of colleagues. If that doesn't sound like your job description, then it's up to you to change their perception of you. Make it a priority.
● Finances: Don't sit around and wait for new projects to miraculously appear. You're the one who has to make them happen for yourself. If you need incentive, imagine what you'll do with the extra income they generate.
● Love: Why not spend a little time cleaning up today? That mess desk is taking up good space in your brain. Stop the junk mail. The same happens with feelings, you need to toss some away so new ones can come in.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Curbing impulses comes with maturity, but sometimes that also curbs creativity. You'll come up with something brand new by acting on a whim. Go ahead, do a few experiments.
● Finances: You may prefer to think in less personal terms, but the truth is that your own issues are keeping you from connecting with the wealth you desire. The global economy is not the real answer. If you need further proof, look to those who are getting ahead despite it.
● Love: Are you looking your best lately? Not so much. Start eating right: consume lots of blueberries and avocados (antioxidants!). And head back to the gym. It's a great place to meet other people trying to burn off the yuletide love handles.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Ah, fantasy. It's your favorite back door out of the office. But others are starting to notice that you're, well, not there. Showing up is not ninety percent of the job, at least not today. Be present in more ways than one.
● Finances: You've always had a good relationship with the universe as far as money is concerned. You feel more like a partner than a beneficiary. But that doesn't mean thanks isn't necessary. Take the entire day to be grateful.
● Love: Your time management skills have seen better days. As you're busy hooking up, the work piles up. Limit your time in cyberspace: designate two times a day to check your email, messages and social networking sites for new messages. You have plenty of time outside of work for personal business.