Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - July 25 2016


● General: Part of you says you make your luck through hard work.
● Love & Relationships: Face it, Cinderella -- everyone''s out boogying at the ball while you''re sweeping the ashes off the hearth.
● Career: Don''t give up your present stable job under the pretext that it doesn''t suit you.
● Lucky number : 54
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: Get a handle on what''s going on around you; don''t stop until you have total clarity.
● Love & Relationships: While major romantic developments aren''t too likely at the moment, you can still have a ton of fun.
● Career: Number-crunching is the way to go, especially if you have some big financial goals you''re determined to reach.
● Lucky number : 76
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: An unfavorable day for decisions concerning real estate.
● Love & Relationships: Getting stressed out about what''s going on (or not going on) in your love life doesn''t help matters.
● Career: Finances can really hang you up the most -- especially if there''s something you know you should be doing to set the matter straight.
● Lucky number : 12
● Best time of the day : 13h00


● General: What you''re doing today isn''t as important as what you could start doing tomorrow.
● Love & Relationships: Speak up to your sweetie or whomever you''ve been holding back on -- now is the time to get it all out.
● Career: A recent spate of relaxation may make it hard for you to slip back into work mode right away.
● Lucky number : 29
● Best time of the day : 11h00


● General: Open your eyes and stop hiding behind wishes.
● Love & Relationships: Make every effort to be compassionate and helpful with your sweetheart and, most importantly, with yourself.
● Career: Thinking about your financial future is all well and good, but what about the more ineffable stuff? Bank some figurative bucks into your emotional savings account by storing up some loving-good karma for later.
● Lucky number : 37
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: Now''s the time to play with castles in the air.
● Love & Relationships: Be sure to show affection to those you love.
● Career: Do some detective work today.
● Lucky number : 27
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: Intellectual stimulation is like air to you -- without it, you can feel vital life functions shutting down.
● Love & Relationships: Evaluate your situation and your sweetie with tons of compassion.
● Career: You will receive excellent news concerning your family life or your finances.
● Lucky number : 33
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: You''re opinionated -- what''s wrong with that? Don''t ever apologize for your ideas.
● Love & Relationships: Is your head in charge now? Or is it your heart? These two forces are equally strong, and you could be engaged in a bit of an internal struggle.
● Career: It''s important to feel your feelings, but you also need to keep them in line, especially if you and your darling are in the middle of some financial or business negotiations.
● Lucky number : 27
● Best time of the day : 8h00


● General: You and the party you''re feuding with actually have much more in common than you suspect.
● Love & Relationships: Your sentimental life will overflow with exceptional ardor.
● Career: Taking criticism is hard, but there are ways to deal with it so it actually benefits you and the work you''re presenting.
● Lucky number : 33
● Best time of the day : 18h00


● General: You''ve arrived at a more inward phase.
● Love & Relationships: The stars send you some intense feel-good vibes that help lighten your spirits and make you realize that life is worth living -- especially when love is on the horizon.
● Career: A tricky friendship matter means that you have to be more objective than usual if you want to work things out.
● Lucky number : 33
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: Let go of some old beliefs, and you''ll find yourself able to do something you haven''t done -- but have longed to do -- for years.
● Love & Relationships: A former love may try and convince you to change your mind about an old romance, and you''re seriously tempted to say yes.
● Career: Let the stars work out some tricky timing issues.
● Lucky number : 20
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: If you want to widen the field of your professional activities, you can make very interesting contacts today.
● Love & Relationships: You love the attention, and frankly, no one can handle it better than you.
● Career: Good luck will smile to you, so if you want to make financial investments, don''t hesitate -- you''ll make the most of them.
● Lucky number : 95
● Best time of the day : 14h00 open?msgid=tZBla2eOEwv4Chf2a1qoAw2