Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - July 11 2016


● General: You''ll succeed in approaching a very influential person and securing their support.
● Love & Relationships: Your spirits will be somewhat flagging; when the heart goes well, everything goes well, but as soon as a small sentimental disappointment affects you, you feel utterly lost.
● Career: Take a trip down memory lane and look at how you get and spend your resources -- financial, emotional and spiritual.
● Lucky number : 1
● Best time of the day : 14h00


● General: It''s time to have a long session with your bank account.
● Love & Relationships: In love, try not to privilege logic at the expense of feelings; to try to be overly reasonable under all circumstances would be the worst mistake you could make.
● Career: Increased activity at work or school offers you welcomed relief from personal woes.
● Lucky number : 26
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: Over the Oracle at Delphi was inscribed, ''Know thyself.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll be subjected to a sentimental whirlpool: love at first sight, disputes, jealousies -- everything will be there! If you try to hatch out unrealistic projects, you''ll risk having important financial problems.
● Career: In your work you may come to deal with hitches of all kinds; instead of getting all worked up, make a pause and examine the situation.
● Lucky number : 24
● Best time of the day : 22h00


● General: It will be hard to miss!
● Love & Relationships: You''ll enjoy much cleverness in solving various problems and finding relationships liable to help you.
● Career: Don''t take risks on the financial plane, particularly by posting bail for friends or even members of your own family concerning important loans.
● Lucky number : 13
● Best time of the day : 13h00


● General: Emails and phone messages may overwhelm you, but everything can be resolved easily.
● Love & Relationships: Your own groundedness allows you to be a little freer with your heart than usual.
● Career: Get a sense of balance when it comes to work and play.
● Lucky number : 91
● Best time of the day : 11h00


● General: You can''t rush nature.
● Love & Relationships: Assured amorous success -- whatever your love situation, you''ll be satisfied today and you''ll be protected from want and bad financial surprises.
● Career: Are you stirring up a situation at work because you''re in a mischievous, fun-loving mood or because you''re so bored you could scream? If it''s the latter, it''s time to look at different job opportunities.
● Lucky number : 86
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: Sitting back and waiting for something to happen won''t get you where you need to go.
● Love & Relationships: It''s okay to act with your heart now.
● Career: Taking stock: it''s not just for financial advisors.
● Lucky number : 62
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: Surrounded by lots of masculine energy, you''ll act much bolder and braver today.
● Love & Relationships: In love, you''ll be less centered on sensuous pleasures and more inclined toward a communion of hearts and souls.
● Career: Work might get a little weird as your fellow wage earners start to act out.
● Lucky number : 58
● Best time of the day : 11h00


● General: It might be frustrating at first, but you''ll quickly come to like the new system.
● Love & Relationships: Speak kindly and from the heart.
● Career: Your intuition will be excellent and will help you to make very good business deals.
● Lucky number : 76
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: Suspect someone''s being selfish? Call them on it.
● Love & Relationships: Today is completely about improving relationships -- with work, love and friends.
● Career: Communication snafus have been everywhere, but all that''s due to change.
● Lucky number : 97
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Don''t run after riches, power or honors at the risk of jeopardizing your physical or mental health.
● Love & Relationships: Your sweetheart is full of surprises -- most of them delightful, some of them less so.
● Career: In a work environment, you''ll be given a chance to show your motivational skills.
● Lucky number : 98
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: Take a step back and several deep breaths, and then you''ll see what the easiest solution is to the whole matter.
● Love & Relationships: Relationships require give and take.
● Career: It''s an opportune moment to look at your finances.
● Lucky number : 58
● Best time of the day : 9h00 open?msgid=GXh_8cmObETcMNubLA1WhQ2