Free Daily Horoscope - June 30 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Well, you certainly put in your dues, and you have every right to expect some payback in the coming one. But unfortunately karma doesn't work that fast. Come up with a more realistic game plan.
● Finances: Your generosity starts out with enthusiasm, and slowly works its way past acceptance to annoyance. You may wonder if you're seeing the same outstretched arms and open palms again and again, but there's no real way to know for sure. Your only real choice is to keep on giving.
● Love: You're totally enthusiastic about the something new because you know the possibilities are endless. Choose a love goal that focuses on what you really want instead of what other people think you should want.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You're ready to take the plunge. The timing is just right, even if it is artificial. Take advantage of your amazing energy to jump off the high dive.
● Finances: You have no time left to shop around. Rush out there and buy what you need, while there's still anything left on store shelves. The last thing you want today is to be caught empty handed come nightfall.
● Love: Your attention span isn't your best asset, so instead of creating lots of small, random goals, figure out one specific objective you want to achieve. It's much better to channel your energy in one direction -- find love for once and for all.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Why waste time feeling frustrated? Why stop with dreaming about change? This is one of those days when you feel empowered to actually follow through -- or at least pledge to. Get creative.
● Finances: You spare no expense throwing a party for your favorite guests. Some appear as their most fervent hopes and wishes and others appear as your worst nightmare. But no matter how they look, you are a gracious host.
● Love: Make a pact with yourself: If you take the time to get someone's phone number, follow it up. Even if you were communing with pink elephants when you asked for it, call him or her back. Otherwise, you may end up missing out on an excellent opportunity.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Don't pay attention to anything with details involved. Stick to generalizations instead, especially about what you do or don't want in the future. And when deciding that, listen to your intuition.
● Finances: A robber appears at your door, but you are only somewhat suspicious. That's because you know exactly where your money is at all times. Besides, it takes more than a mask and a water gun to get an emotional reaction from the likes of you.
● Love: 'I don't care, whatever you want to do' -- strike these words from your vocabulary. Indecision will get the worst of you every time. When you're out on a date, take a stand and make a decision. If the other person doesn't like it, too bad. You know what you're all about.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: After waiting for a project to end, you may find yourself reacting emotionally to it all. Are you really sad to see it go or just crying with relief? Either way, look toward the future.
● Finances: Did someone say boo? Or was it boo-hoo-hoo? It doesn't really matter, because you're not particularly picky. You know how to have fun with whatever attitude you get from strangers at your door. Enjoy.
● Love: Time is on your side. Don't let the Siamese-twin Syndrome sabotage your blossoming love interests. The excitement of romance can adhere two people together like nothing else, so set limits. It's all about balance: too much time too soon is a killer.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Go ahead, move at a snail's pace. Not a lot will get done today, and for good reason. Unless you're in charge of party hats and hors d'oeuvres, enjoy being off the hook.
● Finances: It's the wrong day to not want to share. You'll only feel like crying as you part with the goods again and again and again. Your best hope for a fun evening is to figure out how to enjoy giving, early and often.
● Love: The bar scene? Not a great place to meet quality people. Instead, get some exercise -- take a walk. Choose a well-populated route and hoof it at the same time every day for the next month (after work preferably). You'll inevitably run into (and ultimately meet) all kinds of interesting prospects.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You can celebrate the end of a project with a bang, or you can sit back and count your smallest blessings. But however you choose to spend your time, you can count on your regular routine being nonexistent.
● Finances: You're never selfish, but you're the master of selflessness tonight. Project onto your generous face something evil and you'll have the perfect combination of features. You'll wish you could bottle the reactions you generate.
● Love: Your eye is wandering today. And? Let it wander! Remember, you're single -- not attached to anyone. Nobody's around to chide you about it either. So relish all the hotties rushing by. If you lock gazes with another eye drifter, ask for a number.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Use your imagination. Think about how you can make your wildest ambitions realities. If you want them to be made manifest, start tonight, with just an inkling of what could be. Then watch the possibilities grow.
● Finances: You're not out to gain anything today. In fact, it goes without saying you'll end the evening with less than what you started with. And if you have nothing left at all, consider your day a grand success.
● Love: You're not exactly a skeptic, but you've been burned in the past. Looking back, you saw the signs but did nothing about it. Instead of waiting for tragedy to befall you, come up with your own system of spotting red flags. When something makes you feel uncomfortable, duly note it.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Not sure what to make of a past experience? Listen to others reminisce. You could make sense of your own recent past by learning how others make sense of theirs. Then apply it to your own life.
● Finances: Looks matter, today more than most days. You're not the only one putting a lot of creativity into how you appear. You might be able to outspend children, but you just can't out do them. Sigh.
● Love: Pay attention to punctuality. Whether you know it or not, time management does count, especially in the dating world. When you're late, the message to the other person is 'Your time is not important.' Do what you say you're going to do. Be respectful; show up on time.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Your compassionate side may be drawn out, and not a moment too soon. Or too late? Whichever it is, the bigger your donation, the smaller your tax bill.
● Finances: Your ancestors will turn over in their graves. If you're lucky, that is. The effect would be priceless. But on the off chance they don't cooperate, find a few stand-ins instead. They'll be well worth the small fortune you have to spend.
● Love: Old resentments could bite and bite hard. Talking about feelings is one thing, lobbying a full-out assault on an ex during a date is another. Just don't do it. Keep the conversation present, current and light. Save your dirty laundry for your best friend.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Don't just write a simple list of resolutions. You need to go deeper than that. In fact, your entire value system could use a thorough evaluation. Make that your promise for the evening.
● Finances: Reacting with amazement gets old pretty quickly. But don't let your guard down and your boredom show. Keep up the act even when the electricity is long gone. In fact, keep it up until the lights go out altogether.
● Love: It's better to err on the side of conservative right now. Showing up to a date dressed too provocatively and talking like you just walked out of a bordello will not impress anyone. Express your prowess in subtle, less direct ways. Leave that sexy-time talk alone, until -- of course -- your date's game.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: A new project might not give you the opportunity to transform yourself, but it does give you an excuse to try. Put as much effort into it as you can.
● Finances: If you didn't manage to plan ahead and happen to be out of camouflage, you'll just have to call yourself an enigma. But whatever you decide to be, you can't get out of a certain social obligation for love or money. Don't even try.
● Love: The hit-and-miss dating game isn't for you, and really, neither is the bar scene. What you're looking for is quality (not so much quantity). So follow your passions. If you're into art, take an art class. You'll meet others who share your values and vigor.