Free Daily Horoscope - June 29 2016

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● General: Try not to commit yourself to anything significant today. It's best for you to stay loose and ready for any opportunity or invitation that comes your way. It's really not an ideal day for first dates or big exams. You're not in the mood to be under any kind of scrutiny. In fact, you'd prefer to do your thing and stay unencumbered by expectations. This is a powerful phase for you, and you're going to need all the elbow room you can get to make your next successful move.
● Work: If you've never given much thought to planning your future, then today's the day to start. You'll find not only that you do have some ambitions. When it comes down to it, you're practically a visionary.
● Finances: You feel a shift in culture coming on, and you're willing to spend a small fortune investing in it. It's not all about you, either. Your friends and neighbors will appreciate the effort.
● Love: The best way to help others today, is to allow them to make mistakes. When you take your friends and lovers off of the pedestal you placed them on, it's easier for them to be human. Everyone is capable of a blunder or two, even you. Cut them some slack.

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● General: Being alone may bring you a lot of comfort right now, but being among other people will feed your soul in an extremely rewarding way. So don't go solo right now if at all possible. Meet up with people, any people! Sometimes, you need to pop out of your shell whether you want to or not. After one or two hours out in the external world, you will be infused with a whole new kind of energy and positive feelings about others. You'll get the social bug eventually.
● Work: Don't be bothered by power struggles. That would only be a waste of energy, because they'll soon be history. So when you feel someone getting a rise out of you, tell yourself they're just being weird.
● Finances: Don't rush out and buy the first thing you see today. You need to shop around, even if what you're buying is bulk. Your visitors may be hidden from you, but the quality of what you'll be offering is in plain sight -- and it counts.
● Love: Someone you admire may share common goals. Join together to work on objectives as a team and you could accomplish more than just the task at hand. Having mutual interests may spark a romantic encounter.

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● General: You need to stop going for a gold medal in everything you do -- there is more to life than winning competitions! Today, you need to learn how to accept yourself the way you are. Acceptance leads to peace, which will help you have a better attitude about yourself and where you are going in life. Things could be better, but they could be a lot worse, too. Be grateful for what you have. Express your thanks to some of the people in your life who are always there when you need them.
● Work: Opinions are changeable. In fact, so is your worldview. Not to mention your entire personality. If you've been a bit bored, spend time getting ready for anything.
● Finances: Plenty of people are pinning their hopes and wishes on what you have to give them tomorrow. That means putting a bit of thought into it today. Money shouldn't be an issue. You can still please on a low budget.
● Love: Communicate another way and you might get your message across quicker. Hand-write a sexy message or text a suggestive idea. Leave an intriguing voice mail message or write out your intentions in jelly beans. Use your imagination to woo with words.

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● General: Someone you used to have strong feelings for comes back into your life today, either in the real world or via the digital one. The still have a hold over you, although you won't know for certain if you are ready to reconnect and get things stirred up again. Wait until you know more about how you feel before responding to them. Getting back in tune with other people at this point in your life could turn out to be much more complicated than you thought.
● Work: When trying to make sense of the past month, go for intellect rather than emotion. You might have felt terrible but had quite a few accomplishments. And if the opposite is true, that's good to know, too.
● Finances: You'll be helping build good memories in little minds, so be sure you put as much into it as you can afford. It's the wrong time to be cheap or thrifty. As long as it's not spending on guaranteed leftovers, go whole hog.
● Love: Your good energy inspires others today. Now is not the time to be a hermit. Get out there and share your positive vibes with those who need it best. Your smile and easy demeanor will cheer up friends who could use a dose of sunshine.

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● General: Keeping a tight lid on your emotions might not be possible today, but you do need to at least control your temper. Don't fly off the handle when someone says something annoying or accusatory -- take a deep breath, count to ten (or twenty if you have to), and be the bigger person. You need to find a way to let this person know how you feel that isn't combative or insulting. You have the manners of a diplomat -- when you give yourself time to dig them up.
● Work: It's time to let go of the past and everything closely tied to it. You'll have to be adaptable to navigate in the near future. But for now, enjoy a slight breather.
● Finances: It takes a bit more effort now to have a good time than it did when you were young. Okay, a lot more effort. But being on the other end is more fun than you ever dreamed it would be. It truly is better to give than to receive. Stock up now.
● Love: It's a good day to do research and listen to your instincts when making decisions of the heart. Treat a new romance like an important investment. Weigh the pros and con, assess the risks and go from there.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● General: If you want to take a slower pace in your life today, then do so -- especially if people are telling you to go faster! Others are moving at the pace they want, so why don't you have the right to do so too? Do things in a way that pleases you, not in a way that is fastest. Want to talk to someone? Then talk to them. Don't send a text or an email. Sure, it might be faster, but is it better? Misunderstandings are easier to clear up when you are looking in someone's eyes.
● Work: Your regular way of doing things will be turned on its head Try to practice being open-minded now. If you can't experiment or learn something new, you'll be lost.
● Finances: You're like a kid in a candy shop. If you want to keep all the candy to yourself, today's the day to do it. Tomorrow will be too late. Be stingy, count it up, put it into piles -- just be prepared to part with it.
● Love: Assess your relationship issues before you start dating. Take a hard look at all that emotional baggage you've been lugging around. Make a decision to let go of past betrayals, disappointments and heartbreaks. The next person in your life deserves a fresh start, and so do you.

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● General: Creating beauty and harmony in your home should be your number one priority right now. Whether you just get some fresh flowers and put them in a vase on a bookshelf or start on a major remodeling project, the time is right for taking your living environment and turning it into the ideal refuge from the outside world. You have some creative ideas, so share them with the rest of the people you live with. They are open to and excited about making a change.
● Work: Work is not exactly a good time. It takes some creativity just to stay at your desk. You have some fun to look forward to, but for today, get ready to work.
● Finances: You love sweets but you wouldn't break open your piggy bank just to buy them. You bring the same common sense approach to what you purchase today. Just don't forget that you are generating an image of yourself that others will remember forever.
● Love: Your daily routine could be disrupted by thoughts that keep making you smile -- in that naughty way. Fantasies are fun, but try to refrain from slipping off to your happy place too often during the day. Get your work done first, then daydream all you want.

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● General: Making an attempt at something new, even if you fail at it miserably, is very important for you right now. Trying is what teaches you the most -- far more than success would teach, actually. So don't get caught up in looking good. The sooner you get comfortable making a fool of yourself, the more you will learn throughout your life. So if your daily routine is all about winning recognition, then you need to make some adjustments. You won't grow if you never let yourself take a risk.
● Work: Get ready. Someone in charge is looking at cleaning the house. Whether you stay put or get swept out with the dust depends on just eight short hours of work. In other words, today, make every minute count.
● Finances: You'll be spending money on something you don't expect a return on, unless you count the happiness of others. And you do. Besides, call it an old fashioned concept, but if you're not willing to invest in the goods, things could get ugly.
● Love: Use your hidden talents for matchmaking to help bring two people together. While you're looking for love, you might be able to guide other singles find their soul mates. Offer to set up friends with people you think would make perfect matches. Keep their personalities and interests in mind.

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● General: It's only natural to want to listen to others reminisce about the past right now, but you should try to focus on the future. There is a world of opportunities out there for you, so how are you going to spend the next twelve months uncovering each and every one of them? Sit down in a quiet place for a few minutes today and write yourself a letter, to be read a year from now. List what you want the year to bring -- and don't forget to compliment yourself on the year that has passed.
● Work: Lines of communication have been a bit clogged. That's what happens during times of uncertainty. But if you try to keep an open mind, you can connect with others and exchange important ideas.
● Finances: Putting creativity into the preparations is as much fun as the big event itself. You can do a lot on the cheap, so don't worry about breaking the bank. You know exactly how to set the stage on a low budget.
● Love: Misplacing items seems to be a hidden talent for you today. Your forgetfulness could be attributed to being overwhelmed with projects. Solve that annoying disappearing act with everyday objects by limiting your time commitments. Give yourself time to think.

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● General: You'll be doing a lot of creative writing today, even if all you spend your time doing is returning emails and writing up business proposals! Creativity has its place in every aspect of your life, and it's much more fun to embrace it and utilize it than to ignore it. You'll connect with people with a lot more resonance if you use humor and witty quips to get your point across. Just make sure that your sarcasm is obvious -- digital communication can make a joke sound serious sometimes.
● Work: If you can't go in the front door, go in the side door. And if that doesn't work, go in the back door. Change your approach as many times as is necessary to get where you want to be.
● Finances: You're digging up your ancestors, both literally and figuratively. The bones are coming out of the closet and going on display for all to see. You have a devil-may-care attitude that just can't be bought and paid for.
● Love: Connect with others and you could end up closer to finding your next relationship. When you use your communication skills to get people to know people better you open a door to romantic possibilities.

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● General: You already have a fairly healthy respect for money, but right now you need to be extra cautious about how you treat it and spend it. Make sure all your credit cards are in the right place and haven't expired. Sort out your loose change from all your couch cushions and start using it buy things. When you organize your money and get it under control, you show the universe that you can handle the responsibility of having more money -- and it might just send some your way!
● Work: This period is looking more and more attractive, if only in comparison to the old one. Take advantage of the opportunity to be inspired. Instigate some long-overdue changes.
● Finances: There is an informal air all around you that makes it hard to focus on what really matters. Some think fun and games comes but once a year, but you don't go for such foolishness. You are playing your own devilish, misplaced version of Scrooge when you force others to stay focused on money matters.
● Love: Put yourself and your personal goals first today. Giving your needs top priority sends the message loud and clear that you won't sacrifice your happiness just to be with anyone. Be as picky with your time as you want.

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● General: You can't spend all of your energy making other people happy. Switch your focus to that person you see every morning in the mirror and start working harder to make yourself smile. Do at least one nice thing for yourself today -- cancel a meeting you've been dreading, take yourself out to dinner at your favorite spot, splurge on a nice gadget you've had your eye on. You have a right to doing something for yourself every once in a while, so don't feel guilty about it.
● Work: It's hard to focus, and you hardly feel you should have to. But if you get nothing else out of being at your desk, get some sense of what you want for the future. Let the thoughts crowd in.
● Finances: People are busy picking out camouflage and veils and all manner of illusions. Don't let money hold you back from the fun and games. Giving yourself enough time to shop wisely today will guarantee your fun tomorrow.
● Love: Treat yourself well today -- you deserve it! Indulge in an extra luscious dessert, or pick up your favorite take out dinner. Better yet, sign up for a relaxing massage or soothing spa visit. open?msgid=DWX1yUxzNds0mFP-MFvt6g2