Today's Free Daily Horoscope - May 22 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: It's finally time to put up your feet but you'd never know it by what's going on in your head. Not sure how to get your mind off of work? Put your mind to making the other person in your life happy and everything will be fine.
● Finances: Heed your intuition, no matter how subtle the hints are. When you're uncomfortable around someone, things can go sour quickly. Money tends to inflame anything it comes in contact with today.
● Love: Today you can use your charm to get what you want. Don't waste this superpower on the usual suspects. Turn your attentions toward the one person you want to get to know intimately.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Stop thinking about your coworkers for once! Start a health and fitness routine with somebody else, like your partner or a friend. Colleagues can wait until later.
● Finances: It's important to care, but caring too deeply just clouds your thinking. Being logical in this case is the best way to place a sure bet. Be sure not to carry the logic over to other arenas.
● Love: You're ready for a good time so what's the hold up? If you need someone worthy to share in your quest for fun, why not ask that cutie you've been eyeing if they're up for an adventure? Let what happens happen.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You wouldn't take a lot of personal calls at work, so don't let work intrude on your personal life, either. Stay focused on your partner -- the one at home, that is. In other words, screen your calls.
● Finances: The insights you're having now may be sudden, but they are right on the money. They're linked to the intelligence of the wider web you live on, unbeknownst to you. Consider them your windfalls.
● Love: Feeling overwhelmed by life? Sounds like you could use some rest! Head to the spa for a relaxing massage, or ask your friend with the hot tub if you could come over to try it out. Better yet, schedule a day off for nothing but lazing around the house.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Domestic bliss will be challenged soon enough. The last thing you need is to get the ball rolling by bringing work home. Preparing for a short week is no excuse.
● Finances: You're just not sure what to do and you're out of stalling tactics. The decision will be made for you if you don't decide one way or the other. You may find in retrospect that hemming and hawing was the best decision you could have made.
● Love: It's hard to show someone new your best side when all you want to do is yell at everyone around you. Bad days happen to the best of us. Acknowledge when your mood is sliding downhill and surround yourself with positive pals. You'll be your chipper self again soon.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Work won't make you feel good on a day off, so don't think about doing it for even a second. It's easy to find romance with old flames this time of year. So if you're single, find yourself a date.
● Finances: Whether you collect modern art or antiquities, your collection is growing. And if you don't have a collection, it simply means you're growing one you're not aware of. Find out where your money is going without your knowledge.
● Love: In order to prevent misunderstandings, you have to communicate. If your friend pulls the silent treatment, make an effort to keep talking. Once that door is shut, it's a lot harder to open with a simple apology.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Watch out for impulse buys -- or at least save them for the office. Buying a computer with work money is one thing, but when it's for personal use, the sale price isn't quite as easy to overlook.
● Finances: You acknowledge that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when it comes to where your money goes, yours is the only view that really matters. The rule of thumb for real estate also applies to your wallet: location, location, location.
● Love: Your love of beauty inspires others to see it everywhere. Show your friends the captivating allure of everything around you whether it be a grove of trees in the park, or the latest exhibit at the art museum.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You don't have to balance socializing with work, exactly, but you do have a lot of preparation ahead of you. Use what you've learned at the office, and don't put things off.
● Finances: When someone asks for money, they're asking for much more than small change. You'll either have to say no or dig into your deepest pocket. That puts both you and your conscience between a rock and hard place.
● Love: Socializing with new people is exactly what you should be doing today. Skip the usual soirees you spend with close pals and make an effort to hang out with a different crowd. The more you mix it up, the better your romance potential will be.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Giving in to the other side may be the easiest solution, but not necessarily the right one. How would you handle this if you were in the office? Some degree of professionalism should apply at home.
● Finances: Some days you feel dull but today your polish is intense. Whatever you do, you pull it off with class and style. You could put your panache in a bottle but that's not the only way to make a small fortune with it.
● Love: Your awareness of a blossoming romance could help speed up the relationship. Give advice on how to keep the passion strong. You'll be glad you played Cupid for the day.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: The office can wait. It's a great day for laughter, being loved by friends or just shooting the breeze. In other words, do anything but work, today.
● Finances: The world economy seems intimately connected to you. Do others feel this way or are you truly one step ahead of the curve? Either way, if you're feeling sluggish, it's time to hedge your bets.
● Love: Laughter soothes a cranky disposition, so go ahead and chuckle all you want. Watch a funny more or hit the local comedy club for a big dose of hardy har har.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Here's a cardinal rule: Don't start any new projects along with another major plan. That goes for the house as well as the office. It may seem like a great idea, but put it off.
● Finances: You don't consider yourself one of the sheep. But when all of your friends consider something a good bet, you're tempted by it, too. Think for yourself. Examine every last detail.
● Love: Pop culture is a great way to bond with someone new. Even if you've just met, chances are you'll both share a favorite TV show, movie, website or book. The more you chitchat, the more you'll discover common ground.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Not sure what to with your time off? Eat some food from a different culture. You'll be swimming in food from your own soon enough, so the more adventurous you are, the better.
● Finances: Like on a roller coaster, when things feel like they've slowed down, it means you're gaining altitude. Get ready for the wildest ride of your life. If you thought you'd already survived it, think again.
● Love: Today experience something different to jump-start your social life. Ditch the usual hang out spots, and travel to a different neighborhood. Take your pals along for an adventure. Meeting new people is easier than you think.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: It's a great time of year to help others, and the office drives shouldn't be your only choices. Start up a charity event or simply contribute to one, with time as well as money.
● Finances: You're feeling so warm and fuzzy you'd happily throw your coat down over a puddle. Heck, you're willing to be a doormat if Manolo Blanhiks are crossing the threshold. Your challenge is to end the day with more than a shred of dignity.
● Love: There's always room for improvement when it comes to understanding the ways of the heart. Learn from your past relationship mistakes and move forward without carrying excess emotional baggage. Give a new love a fresh start.