Free Daily Horoscope - May 30 2016

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● General: Your drive for success simply cannot steer you wrong right now, so let it introduce you to new and exciting circumstances today! Meeting new people and tackling difficult new challenges might not be the first things on your wish list. But once you get started in on something with this much possibility you won't be able to stop until you have reached your goal. Friends are seeing new strength in you, and it is time that you started seeing it in yourself, too!
● Work: You can try and stay grounded today, but it just won't happen. Your drive for success has your rockets firing, and it's not even time to get to work! Blast into the office, one day early.
● Finances: You know you have some serious financial problems, but you aren't clear what you should be doing about them. You're anxious to make changes, but don't be surprised if the experts tell you not to do anything different at all.
● Love: Being faster than a speeding bullet only works for superheroes. You've been so busy lately that your social life is nothing but a blur. Slow down so you can appreciate the things worth hitting the pause button for.

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● General: It's time to celebrate the fact that you are feeling more grounded than ever in your personal life -- the people you are spending time with totally get who you are, accept you who you are, and love who you are! A group outing is a great way to celebrate the harmony that you all create together. If you can, try to organize a weekend road trip. Or maybe just regress to your childhood by having a fun sleep-over! Your friends are up for anything you want to do.
● Work: You're tempted to go in for a peek, but your plans will be firm. This is a personal day, and nothing at the office can make or break you, unless you let it. Don't.
● Finances: You hate talking about money, but today you'll break down and spill the beans. Makes sure you do it with a trusted friend and not someone with a vested interest in your financial health.
● Love: You have a deep understanding for those who like to keep things as they are. Changing yourself isn't always necessary when you search for love. Find like-minded people who appreciate your predictable nature.

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● General: You might be having a hard time getting along with someone you usually adore today. But it's not going to last very long, so don't worry. There is a lot of tension between the two of you through no fault of your own, and there is nothing you can do to mitigate it. Just wait this out. If you need to get some distance from each other, that doesn't mean that you'll never speak again! Trust that your relationship can withstand the ups and downs that normal life brings you.
● Work: How can your partner turn into an authority? It's mysterious. But when they put their foot down, it means you're not going anywhere. Besides, the office can wait until another day.
● Finances: When numbers are blurry, you know something is wrong. They should be crystal clear. Don't let anyone convince you that they can't help but be vague. Demand an explanation.
● Love: Someone you care about could be keeping secrets closer to their hearts than you think. Be careful of contradictory actions and a possible hidden agenda. Practice your own poker face to make sure your own feelings are protected.

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● General: You are always great at not letting problems at work bleed over into your personal life, but not everyone in your life is quite so good at it. Be on the lookout for moodiness and grumpiness to blossom with one of the most important people in your life. They might bite your head off for no reason, but it's probably because things are not going so great in their career life. Try not to get defensive. Do not turn this into a big thing between the two of you.
● Work: The office is calling, and you may need to deal with something extreme. That's legitimate, but anything short of acute or severe should be completely ignored.
● Finances: You have plenty of good energy to tackle whatever the day throws at you. And if it doesn't happen to throw anything your way, then kicking back and daydreaming is fine with you, too.
● Love: Today can go really well or really bad depending on your current mood. You are the only one with the power to make a positive change. By taking a more constructive approach toward the day, you give success a chance to become a reality.

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● General: You are going to get some good news today. In fact, it sends you over the moon! You need to be careful not to let your enthusiasm distract you too much from the business at hand, but when you get the chance you should spread the great news to the people in your life who love to celebrate with you. Send out some emails and let everyone know why you're so happy right now -- you will make them happy, too. They won't think you are bragging, they'll think you're sharing.
● Work: Your enthusiasm can be charming, but today it's misdirected. There's no need to go in a day early. Try to help someone with what they need around the house instead.
● Finances: You don't want to think about money for even a second today. Transport your mind back to a less complicated time, when everything that really mattered was free and the most valuable things to you were those that sparkled in the sun.
● Love: Drinking more water and eating all your veggies is great. Hitting the gym is impressive. Getting 8 hours sleep is downright mythic. But just because you're excited about this brand new heath regime, doesn't mean your pals want to hear about it all day. Inspire with actions, not words.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● General: A person from your past may make a surprise appearance today, and you have no reason not to welcome them with open arms. No matter how weird things got between the two of you, right now this person is on your side and eager to help you get stuff done. Their ideas could push your already healthy ambition to a new level of robustness. You are ready for action and they have a plan -- so listen to it! This might be harder than it sounds, so take your time and move cautiously.
● Work: You could go in a day early with no shame, or you could come up with a fun way to stretch your free time out. You can still have fun just killing time, but why not go for romance?
● Finances: It's hard to respect other people's opinions when they are so radically different from your own, but when your hard earned money is at stake, it's a good idea to trust the experts. Even in today's crazy economy, you owe it to yourself to at least listen.
● Love: Ambition doesn't just apply to work. When you put the same energy into finding a lover as you do in solving a problem in the office, you might be happily surprised by the results.

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● General: The next time you speak with an older relative, ask them a few questions about the family's past. They have an awful lot to teach you about history, perseverance and maintaining hope when there may not be much of a reason to do so. Learning something new about your past is a great way to feel more positive about your future. It will also readjust your attitude toward the people you call family. There is always more to the story, and it's a great experience to learn the details.
● Work: Things at home are not balanced. That's what happens when you spend so much time there. At least your illusions of financial independence can finally be shattered.
● Finances: One day you're rich and the next you're poor, and that isn't even counting money. You're on one end of the spectrum or the other, never the middle. All that duality is getting to you. It's up to you to stop the madness.
● Love: Watch out for negative thoughts to ruin your day. A recent rejection has left you feeling defeated. Keep the situation in perspective. Just because someone didn't have a mutual attraction doesn't mean you shouldn't try with another person. Pick yourself up and move on.

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● General: There are some amazing new people in your life right now -- and you should set aside some time to get to know them a lot better. They will welcome your increased attention and reward your curiosity with juicy gossip and tips on how to get ahead. You are entering a phase where your ambition is going to take a back seat to your desire to understand the people in your life who challenge you and make you feel like you're only scratching the surface of what is possible.
● Work: Some days it takes sheer willpower to get out of bed and into the shower, but today it's all you can do to keep from going in to the office. The clock is ticking, so let it count down the hours, minutes, and seconds for you.
● Finances: You've heard that if you have no vision, you have no future, and it's true. Make an investment of your time. Daydreaming about a financially flush future is your best way to achieve it.
● Love: You and the current object of your affections work well together, but what happens when conflict arises? Be wary of starting up office romances. While the circumstances may be convenient no one will be happy when you're hiding in the supply closet instead of talking problems out in privacy.

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● General: Music will bring you a lot of joy today, so put one of your favorite CDs in the stereo and give it a listen while you are getting ready in the morning. Take it with you during your day if you can and groove to the tunes while you're running errands, cooking, cleaning, or doing some other type of semi-mindless activity. And singing at the top of you lungs is not only advised, it might just be required to keep a smile on your face -- and on the faces of onlookers!
● Work: Getting ready for tomorrow will make you sad or excited, depending on how your weekend went. But whichever it is, don't forget to pack yourself some comfort food. Make your own bag lunch.
● Finances: The day may start slow, but that won't make it a total loss. If you don't expect a rally, you won't have one. Spend a bit of time late in the morning stoking the fires.
● Love: Today be conservative when revealing personal information about yourself. While it's tempting to bond with someone new by showing your more vulnerable side, you could end up more emotionally exposed than you bargained for. Wait until trust is established.

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● General: Today, the big question for you will be whether or not you go with your latest whim or stick to your previously-made plans. This indecision might bring you right to the edge of frustration, especially when so many of your friends are pressuring you to make a decision faster than you feel ready to. If push comes to shove, you will probably be better off if you stick with the plans you made. You'll get points for not flaking out, and you will have no unpleasant surprises during the day.
● Work: All in all, the time off was a success. That high energy will spill into your workweek, giving you extra stamina. Get a good night's sleep to prepare for good results tomorrow.
● Finances: You're like your own private Pac Man and you can hardly stop gobbling things up. But someone will stop you in your tracks. If you never thought you had a compassionate cell in your body, you'll learn otherwise today. Congrats.
● Love: Today your energy levels are skyrocketing. Now is the perfect time to cross off items from your to-do list. Tackle each task one-by-one until everything is finished. Reward yourself with a night out with friends, or a special date with someone new.

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● General: If things are getting tense between you and a friend or co-worker, don't try and fight it. Sure, conflict is never fun to deal with, but sometimes it is necessary to solve a problem or move in a better direction. Plus, your already-skilled communications skills are better than ever, so you can trust yourself to navigate any tension with grace and ease. Do not be afraid to disagree today -- especially when you know you are right and they are wrong or misguided.
● Work: The workday morning will come, like it or not. Don't try and fight it. Focus on easing yourself back into life at the office. In the meantime, have a last, leisurely day.
● Finances: Everyone has their weakness. Not spending on yourself is easy. It's not spending on others that's your big problem. Don't tie your compassionate side to your wallet.
● Love: Are you tired of seeing the same old group of people when you go out? Maybe it's time to seek romance and adventure in a different neighborhood. Skip your usual bars and cafes, and head towards uncharted territory. You may cross paths with a new lover sooner than you think.

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● General: A kind word from you could help a struggling co-worker immensely right now, so swallow your pride and give credit where credit is due -- even if the person who deserves the praise isn't exactly your favorite person in the whole word. But by rising above it all and being the bigger person, you will give them an example of how to behave. And with a little luck (which you'll soon have in spades), they will take instruction and start being more pleasant to be around.
● Work: Not sure how to face the morning? Your coworkers can be of assistance. Conjure up your favorites if you want to generate some excitement about getting back to the office.
● Finances: You love spending money on yourself, but do you know why? Lavishing yourself isn't a sign of your inner value. Here's a new idea: Take a good look at what really matters. You'll like what you see.
● Love: Someone easy on the eyes is starting to look at you in a new light. Flirt with abandon and see what happens next. You don't have to have a complete plan when it comes to romance. Go with the flow and let Cupid do the rest.